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New MP also has dual citizenship – sources


Charrandas citizenship controversy

Barbara Patricia Pilgrim, the new Member of Parliament who replaced Charrandas Persaud after his expulsion from his Alliance For Change (AFC) parliamentary seat due to his December 21, 2018, conscience vote, is reportedly a holder of dual citizenship.

Former AFC MP Charrandas Persaud

This is according to well-placed sources, who affirmed that the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian is a United States (US) citizen. This comes at a time when Government has argued that Persaud’s dual citizenship status invalidated his vote in support of the No-confidence Motion that brought the Government down.
Pilgrim took the oath as a MP during the 112th sitting of the 11th Parliament on Thursday. Repeated efforts by Guyana Times to contact Pilgrim were futile.
When contracted, Government Chief Whip Amna Ally said she is unaware of Pilgrim’s citizenship status. “I wouldn’t know, I am not working for the US Embassy,” Ally told this publication.
The MP is a former teacher, co-op officer and a community development officer. In the National Assembly, she represents Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) on the basis of geographical representation.
On December 21, the No-confidence Motion brought by the parliamentary Opposition People’s Progressive Party against the Government succeeded when Persaud, who has since left the jurisdiction, broke rank and made a conscience vote in favour of the motion.
With the Government’s defeat, the next steps are spelt out in the Constitution of Guyana. Article 106 (6) of the Constitution states: “The Cabinet including the President shall resign if the Government is defeated by the vote of a majority of all the elected members of the National Assembly on a vote of confidence.”
Meanwhile, clause 7 goes on to state that “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”
Since the passage of the motion, however, persons aligned with the coalition party have sought to question the motion’s validity even as the vote has already been certified. Attorney General Basil Williams has also argued that Persaud, as a dual citizen of Canada, was disqualified from voting.
This argument formed part of the opinions presented to Speaker of the National Assembly Dr Barton Scotland in the hopes that he would reverse the ruling. On Thursday, the Speaker refused to do so.
With the Speaker refusing to reverse his ruling, a court case was filed on Friday, in which an order is being sought to, among other things to delay the elections until the court rules on the matter.
In a section of the affidavit, submitted to the High Court, it is stated that an application is being made for a declaration from the court that Persaud is not qualified as a member of the National Assembly.
According to the document filed, Persaud “…by virtue of his own act and acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience and adherence to a foreign power to wit, the Sovereign State of Canada, in contravention of Article 155 (1) (a) of the Constitution of Guyana”.
Compton Herbert Reid, the private citizen who filed the legal challenge is arguing that the former MP’s vote was null and void.
Attorney Rex McKay filed the challenge on behalf of Reid while the respondents are listed as Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Barton Scotland, Charrandas Persaud and Attorney General Basil Williams.

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The world is different place today than when it took months to reach destinations. Within twenty four hours one can be any place on the planet.

Migrants, world wide claims of the unnnecessary use for Visa and Passport is making the world universal citizenry. They prefer to scale walls.

Why the PNC moving backwads.


I was listening to a recording made yesterday by Charandass about this dual status. He admitted that he is a dual citizen. He also stated that he applied and was granted migrant status in Guyana, he was accepted by the GBA, paid his NIS, went to UG etc. The man said that APNU should resign and still be running the government.

Last edited by Former Member

I am a born Guyanese and have never held citizenship for any other country” -New MP rubbishes Guyana Times story

Asked by News Source if she holds citizenship for any other country than Guyana, the Member of Parliament was clear in her response, by stating that "I am a born Guyanese citizen and the holder of a Guyana passport. I have never been a citizen of any other country and have never held a passport of any other country."

“I am a born Guyanese and have never held citizenship for any other country” -New MP rubbishes Guyana Times story

Recently sworn in Member of Parliament for the coalition government, Barbara Pilgrim, has dispatched a letter from her Attorneys to the Guyana Times, demanding a retraction and apology from the newspaper for its Sunday report which sought to indicate that she is the holder of dual citizenship.

Speaking to News Source this afternoon from Berbice, Ms. Pilgrim said the Guyana Times article is “totally misleading and false and aims to discredit me as a Member of Parliament with the current situation and issues before the Court.”

Asked by News Source if she holds citizenship for any country other than Guyana, the Member of Parliament was clear in her response, and stated that “I am a born Guyanese citizen and the holder of a Guyana passport. I have never been a citizen of any other country and have never held a passport of any other country.”

Ms. Pilgrim said the article in the Guyana Times has embarrassed her and she wants a full apology even as her Attorneys contemplate legal proceedings against the privately owned newspaper.

“They never contacted me. No one contacted me for anything from the newspaper, but they are quoting unnamed sources. They never made contact to find out anything from me and I need a full apology, a full retraction and a full correction”, she demanded.

Ms. Pilgrim provided her Guyana passport number to News Source and said that while she did live legally in the United States for a period, she never applied for and was therefore never granted any American citizenship, as the Guyana Times article implied.

The Guyana Times is owned by a close friend of the Opposition Leader.

Pilgrim was sworn in as a Member of Parliament last Thursday, replacing Charrandass Persaud, who was recalled by the coalition following his no-confidence vote.

Just last Friday, a matter was filed in the High Court, challenging the no confidence motion and vote because of the Canadian Citizenship of former Government MP, Charrandass Persaud, who voted along with the opposition to move the no confidence motion against the Government.

Guyana’s constitution prohibits anyone who has pledged allegiance to another state from serving as a Member of Parliament.

yuji22 posted:

She Rass lie. She hid her passport but this will eventually be uncovered. She thinks that people stupid like the AFC. 

De lady hid she farrin passport and only declare Guyana passport.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

She Rass lie. She hid her passport but this will eventually be uncovered. She thinks that people stupid like the AFC. 

De lady hid she farrin passport and only declare Guyana passport.

Bai, Noticed how she is wearing a wig. One citizenship is with a wig and one without. Typical PNC crook.


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