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Bringing Guyana into The 21st Century

Dear Editor,
In light of the consistent failures of the PNC, the PNC-led coalition and the PPP administrations, I have in the past strongly advocated for the formation of at least one new political party as a vehicle through which to channel better and more effective government for Guyanese.
I am pleased to announce the formation of the Democratic National Congress (DNC), which will contest the 2020 national elections to form a full government under the theme ‘Bringing Guyana Into the 21st Century.’ As a preliminary estimate, we only require twenty persons to assume ministerial portfolios for a resounding victory at the polls.
The Party’s official launch and public discussion forum is due to be held soon. The draft constitution of the DNC is as follows:
The Democratic National Congress will be committed to the following principles:
1. Guyana be governed as a Democratic Republic, where the authority of the state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people through their elected representatives;
2. Preservation of a sound, effective political system for choosing and replacing governments through free and fair elections;
3. Encouraging and facilitating the active participation of the people as citizens, in politics and civic life;
4. Recognize the income levels of our citizens and the address of unemployment as central to our efforts in advancing welfare growth;
5. Delivering effective government which recognizes private industry, innovation and workers, as central to the attainment of our country’s goals of a standard of living where we can enjoy the fruits of our labor, achieve of our goals, be healthy and happy;
6. Protection of the human rights of all citizens;
7. Enforcement of the Rule of Law, where the laws and procedures of Guyana apply equally to all of our citizens;
8. Freedom of Expression – Everyone is guaranteed the right to communicate with each other and express ideas freely in an open and fair society.
The core objectives of the party, which I propose as the DNC’s contract with Guyana, are as follows:
The DNC’s Contract with Guyana
1. Maintain the Constitution of Guyana so that it reflects the will and wishes of the People.
2. Promote economic prosperity for all by creating an enabling environment which provides the legal, regulatory and physical infrastructure to support innovation and industry within the private sector.
3. Ensure that the income levels and unemployment are central to the DNC’s policy framework.
4. Provide the physical and social infrastructure to ensure a mobile, healthy, educated work force.
5. Guarantee social, cultural and religious freedoms to all ethnic groups.
6. Guarantee equal rights of citizens under the law.
7. Guarantee freedom of expression and freedom to associate.
8. Develop and maintain Guyana’s national security to safeguard against both internal and external threats.
9. Work with the United Nations Commissions on Human Rights to facilitate the adoption of its universally established rights, to the extent that these rights reflect our country’s values, customs and traditions.
The Democratic National Congress rejects all forms of racism and race-based politics and policies. Our constitution has been shaped to reflect the wishes and aspirations of all Guyanese. Individuals both at home and abroad may consider the above policies as something to which they can commit.
The success of the DNC at the 2020 national elections hinges on Guyanese themselves responding to the challenge of leadership, and security of our democracy and way of life as a people. It also involves the allocation of tremendous resources and effort to create the political machinery to create a solid administrative framework which will deliver on the needs of Guyanese.
This is a call to all Guyanese to take their stand against what obtains under the coalition and PPP, to establish their future for themselves, to reclaim the Guyana that was stolen from us for the last 51 years. A successful democracy depends on the policies and leadership of its people. Let the politics the PNC-led coalition and PPP be the politics of the past. Our future is now. Examine our proposals. Join us today so that together we can Bring Guyana Into the 21st Century.
Yours Faithfully,
Craig Sylvester,
Party Leader, DNC

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Who is this Craig Sylvester? What 's his background? Who are the names of other members? This could be another party created by the PNC to disrupt the PPP, remember the AFC served that purpose now they are no use, this DNC might be they to pull votes from the Duglas and Amerindians.

kp posted:

Who is this Craig Sylvester? What 's his background? Who are the names of other members? This could be another party created by the PNC to disrupt the PPP, remember the AFC served that purpose now they are no use, this DNC might be they to pull votes from the Duglas and Amerindians.

I’m sure Bibi or Django will publish his bio soon. 

Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Who is this Craig Sylvester? What 's his background? Who are the names of other members? This could be another party created by the PNC to disrupt the PPP, remember the AFC served that purpose now they are no use, this DNC might be they to pull votes from the Duglas and Amerindians.

I’m sure Bibi or Django will publish his bio soon.

here is what i found,he also wrote a book selling on Amazon.

Labba may know Craig.

kp posted:

AFC=DNC=PNC. You can fool some of the people some of the time ,but you can fool Guyanese All The Time.

True dat (to borrow a patented phrase from Cain)

Guyanese do not have an appetite for another third party at this time, AFC killed the chances of a third party making an impact for a very long time to come.

I hope that they are based out of the PNC stronghold though. If so, are they seeking financial assistance ? I encourage people to donate generously to this party if they are based out of PNC strongholds. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

AFC=DNC=PNC. You can fool some of the people some of the time ,but you can fool Guyanese All The Time.

True dat (to borrow a patented phrase from Cain)

Guyanese do not have an appetite for another third party at this time, AFC killed the chances of a third party making an impact for a very long time to come.

I hope that they are based out of the PNC stronghold though. If so, are they seeking financial assistance ? I encourage people to donate generously to this party if they are based out of PNC strongholds. 

This is a PNC fix.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

AFC=DNC=PNC. You can fool some of the people some of the time ,but you can fool Guyanese All The Time.

True dat (to borrow a patented phrase from Cain)

Guyanese do not have an appetite for another third party at this time, AFC killed the chances of a third party making an impact for a very long time to come.

I hope that they are based out of the PNC stronghold though. If so, are they seeking financial assistance ? I encourage people to donate generously to this party if they are based out of PNC strongholds. 

Keep on hoping !!

 hey,hey ,yuh does think others are stupid.

yuji22 posted:

You are playing a smart man and know a lot about this party.


 Bhai,Craig does write a lot in the letter columns of the Newspapers,saw a video on Sharma Tv station with him.

Will see if i can dig it up.

kp posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

AFC=DNC=PNC. You can fool some of the people some of the time ,but you can fool Guyanese All The Time.

True dat (to borrow a patented phrase from Cain)

Guyanese do not have an appetite for another third party at this time, AFC killed the chances of a third party making an impact for a very long time to come.

I hope that they are based out of the PNC stronghold though. If so, are they seeking financial assistance ? I encourage people to donate generously to this party if they are based out of PNC strongholds. 

This is a PNC fix.

A party formed that will siphon off PNC voters and this is a PNC fix? 


May 2017 and dem bais still campaigning against Bharat who is not even President ? Dem eyes na see PNC dirty business and PNC thieving.

Anyway, based on what I listened, Sylvester will get 200 votes in 2020. He ain't ready yet.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:

Who is this Craig Sylvester? What 's his background? Who are the names of other members? This could be another party created by the PNC to disrupt the PPP, remember the AFC served that purpose now they are no use, this DNC might be they to pull votes from the Duglas and Amerindians.

I’m sure Bibi or Django will publish his bio soon.

here is what i found,he also wrote a book selling on Amazon.

Labba may know Craig.

Hey hey hey...


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