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New poll has Trump approval rating at 37%, Obama at 55%

, USA TODAY Published 1:23 p.m. ET, Jan. 10, 2017 | Updated 8 hours ago,

At this point at least, many voters don't have much confidence in Donald Trump's presidential abilities, a new poll says.

Trump "will be a worse president than Barack Obama, 45% of voters say, while 34% he will be a better president and 15% percent say he will be about the same, according to the Quinnipiac University Poll released Tuesday.

Trump enters office on Jan. 20 with a favorable rating of 37%, the poll said; Obama exits the White House with an approval rating of 55%.

"President Barack Obama leaves the White House a lot more popular than Donald Trump is as he crosses the threshold and saddles up for the most important job in the world," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

He added: "President-elect Trump gets points for strength and intelligence, but voters' feelings about his personality traits, empathy, leadership and level-headedness, are headed south."

The national poll of 899 voters was conducted Jan. 5-9 and had a 3.3-point margin of error.

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Obama is a likable guy thus the high ratings.  However, he has had a mixed record but we have to see.  History will be the judge.  Trump is abrasive but if he delivers, his ratings will go up. The positives for Trump will be driven by very different factors than Obama.  In any case, Obama's positives did not really help Hillary!


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