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A majority of persons believe that the motion of no-confidence set to be introduced to the House by the Alliance for Change is in fact a publicity stunt.


This was highlighted in a poll conducted over several days on the NewGuyMedia website in which persons were given several choices as to the reason behind the move. A whopping 51.9% of persons polled believe it’s a publicity stunt while 30.8% said its aimed at regaining the party’s fledgling support.

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Stabroek News’ ‘independent’ pretensions are being unraveled daily as one examines the newspaper’s advocacy on behalf of the Alliance for Change. The newspaper spared no efforts in championing that party’s no-confidence motion and why it should be supported, especially by the PNC’s APNU.     


It then led the way in highlighting all the negatives of the just concluded PNC congress, outdoing the Mirror, Guyana Chronicle and Guyana Times which in normal circumstances would have a vested interest in doing the same.


Now to top it off in today’s edition the AFC is being presented as an alternative to the PPP and PNC. The Stabroek says the PPP/C is under pressure on various fronts and there’s disarray within the ranks of the PNCR but makes no mention of dwindling AFC membership. It makes no mention of all the defections from the AFC’s leadership, the various criticisms of Ramjattan’s leadership and feelings of betrayal by those who supported that party in 2011.         


The truth of the matter is that despite the attempts of Stabroek News and some others there’s lots of dissatisfaction with the politics of both the PNC/APNU and the AFC and no amount of white-washing and window dressing can change that.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

A majority of persons believe that the motion of no-confidence set to be introduced to the House by the Alliance for Change is in fact a publicity stunt.


This was highlighted in a poll conducted over several days on the NewGuyMedia website in which persons were given several choices as to the reason behind the move. A whopping 51.9% of persons polled believe it’s a publicity stunt while 30.8% said its aimed at regaining the party’s fledgling support.

The PPP had a "poll" in 2011 which said that they would get 60% of the total votes, and drive the PNC out of Region 10.


So much for PPP  "polls".

Originally Posted by Cobra:

A majority of persons believe that the motion of no-confidence set to be introduced to the House by the Alliance for Change is in fact a publicity stunt.


This was highlighted in a poll conducted over several days on the NewGuyMedia website in which persons were given several choices as to the reason behind the move. A whopping 51.9% of persons polled believe it’s a publicity stunt while 30.8% said its aimed at regaining the party’s fledgling support.

cobra the only true poll you know about is kwame poll

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

A majority of persons believe that the motion of no-confidence set to be introduced to the House by the Alliance for Change is in fact a publicity stunt.


This was highlighted in a poll conducted over several days on the NewGuyMedia website in which persons were given several choices as to the reason behind the move. A whopping 51.9% of persons polled believe it’s a publicity stunt while 30.8% said its aimed at regaining the party’s fledgling support.

cobra the only true poll you know about is kwame poll

Kwame poll must be the longest poll at the OP.

How come the PPP don't use it for predicting election results ?


Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

New Guy media site heheheheh poll hhahahahahahahahaahha ahahahahahahahahaha aye you can't make up this kinda shyte.

This poll is an expression of the PPP desperation.


53 people they trying to spin?


SHAME on them.  You will get such a licking come January 2015, they will not be able to catch themselves.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


New Guy media site heheheheh poll hhahahahahahahahaahha ahahahahahahahahaha aye you can't make up this kinda shyte.

newguymedia is the PPP's version of Baghdad Bob.
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

53 people polled.  LOL.  That is 0.000001% of the population.  LOL  Well done PPP.

Where is the BISRUM poll.  The man who mek up numbers at the JFK departure terminal on his way to Freddom House.


I noticed Mr Bisrum writing nuff letter trying to resurrect the PPP.


OH Nandalala will get erection before they get a political a majority and you all know Nandalal story, Mr. DEAD CACK and BLANK BULLET.


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