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@seignet posted:

sounds good.

like a commentator can speak his views instead of writing and he is seen.

it could be a problem.

we guyanese duzz cuzz to make for the lack  of reasonable rebutalls.

Or if outraged by some rectum!

But then again, it will be.a good way to get at the PPP and its puppeteer, Jagde Great Deceiver!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I'm never clear on who is sumatoo man! TK I know, but who is REV?

The sumatoo man is a legend in GNI. De man is an expert in:

1. Frequenting Garmount

2. Henny and poke cuttahs...

3. Guyana gov visa cyard

4. Sweeter dan sumatoo, sweeter dan buxton spice...Guyana going to de moon...all the way to the moon...

5. All caps...

@Former Member posted:

The sumatoo man is a legend in GNI. De man is an expert in:

1. Frequenting Garmount

2. Henny and poke cuttahs...

3. Guyana gov visa cyard

4. Sweeter dan sumatoo, sweeter dan buxton spice...Guyana going to de moon...all the way to the moon...

5. All caps...

Dem chaps were celebrating last weekend in Little Guyana, that they have political clout now, legal representation now to clear the Gilbakka at JFK Customs, etc. 

@Former Member posted:

The sumatoo man is a legend in GNI. De man is an expert in:

1. Frequenting Garmount

2. Henny and poke cuttahs...

3. Guyana gov visa cyard

4. Sweeter dan sumatoo, sweeter dan buxton spice...Guyana going to de moon...all the way to the moon...

5. All caps...

In your delirium, you've told me nothing enlightening, Wooden head!

Last edited by Former Member

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