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New slogan: “I am a candidate for the PPP. F-off!”

Apr 22, 2015

(Imran Khan photo) 

The Times is such a disgraceful little newspaper. It publishes the apology by Bheri Ramsaran but not what one word of what he said and writes he was “provoked, interrupted”. Even KN gets it wrong: “the activist felt the wrath of the Minister because she, from all indications, touched a nerve as she questioned him about his presence on a protest front.”

It does not matter one bit what Sherlina Nageer said or did. It could never justify Ramsaran, a minister of the government saying “I would slap her ass, you know, just for the, just for the fun, no, no, no just for the fun. No, I can have some of my women strip her here.”

We would even take issue with SN for headlining the non-apology and strap lining the quote but SN is certainly getting very daring by spelling out S****. Some of its older readers might lose their dentures this morning.  Meanwhile Minister Manickchand first condemned her colleague on FB then blamed everyone else for his behaviour by creating an environment for such language as if Ramsaran were some five-year-old. One of our readers demolishes her sophistry.

Real Guyana went to a PPP/C public meeting in South Ruimveldt which attracted about ten people last night and he asked Manickchand, Luncheon and candidate Clinton Urling about Ramsarran. They all refused to comment.

There’s a rally outside the Ministry of Health at 11.30 this morning where you can go express your displeasure at the minister

Let’s just get some hand sanitiser….ok feeling cleaner now…

Ashi Singh is milking the alleged pelting of a PPP/C convoy coming from Albion as if it 911 and making absurd and alarmist comparisons. “This incident at Number 51 Village is so reminiscent of the Ballot Box Martyrs. Mr Granger’s army took the lives of two young Guyanese, two young Berbicians, who were engaged in defending the democratic process, who were engaged in protecting the ballot boxes.” Singh was not even born in 1973.

More hand sanitiser….

In brief…

Trotman says the alliance won’t respond to Jagdeo, “We’re staying on message”. (and drinking lots of Lipton tea)

The PSC’s Ramesh Persaud is “furious over Opposition’s scuttling of presidential debate” headlines the Times but then you read the story and not one direct quote backing that up.

The Chronicle stokes racial division with this letter “My confusion comes when I recognise that though I love my neighbour, I must at election time and generally at all times live in fear of that neighbour; that neighbour who sees me not as a person with dignity, entitled to my own views and opinions, but as a “coolie” only good to be kicked around and taken advantage of.”

And take a read of this story of the Pomeroon 13-year-old who had twins. The whole community knew she had been raped and did nothing.  And there is no child care officer in the Region?!

More sanitiser..shoot we’re all out.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Indra chandarpal lost her tongue if anyone sees it please give her a call. 655-dumb or 655-deaf


Kaieteur News contacted Chairperson of the Women and General Equality Commission, Indra Chandrapal for a comment on the issue, but Chandrapal said that she was incapable of responding at the time. She promised to send out a release before the end of the day (yesterday). Up to press time Kaieteur News was unable to get that response.
However, Red Thread sent out a statement condemning the actions of the Minister as they called him “dishonourable.” The women’s rights organization said that the Minister portrayed “lawlessness and the utter contempt for the Guyanese.”
Red Thread added that while the PPP has been purporting to be a Party that upholds the rights of women and is sincerely interested in women empowerment, evidence suggests otherwise.


The problem with the PPP regime is that they have been so long in power, they believe that they are the masters of the population. These people have forgotten that they were elected, and can just as easily be ejected from office.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

he look like them scamp that come in collie picture

The got some traits like the characters in the political

storied indian movies they are quite good at strip,use

acid and bump you off.


Bheri is not usually that bad.  However, there is arrogance after 23 years, and he fell for the bait.


They should play his footage, the Chat-3's footage and Ramotar's footage on their vulgar outbursts on TV.


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