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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

Eh eh Bib’s you are back from the honeymoon... I heard the oil was overflowing gal... 😊

Dave posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

Eh eh Bib’s you are back from the honeymoon... I heard the oil was overflowing gal... 😊

Johnson Baby Oil flowing like fuss time.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

Lady shut your ignorant behind. Many of these migrants came in to work in the fields at low paying jobs to keep the corporate farms going and they were forced at times to seek insurance for their american kids and perhaps wick. They are the most hard working people who do what others would not do and keep food prices down do big mouths like you can breeze through whole foods and live pleasantly. 

 Also, this is where you ought to have used the Keynesian multiplier effect than stupidly as you did ( previously insisting it is a means to maximize your portfolio) as these poor people have resurrected farming towns with their aggregate capital infusion of cash into their economies. It is only economic dumb ass people like you thinking because you sit behind a computer doing grunt investigating you  will by osmosis l acquire the economic acumen of the people there.

 Further, most of the people there accrue income on the backs of grunts like these and hedge their losses by packaging and reselling their risk. I detest pretentious nits like you who appropriate the parasitic cultural outlook of the 1 percenter and lose sight of your pedestrian origins from the subaltern sudras who sat at the literal backside of the subcontinent for 60 centuries.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

please...stop talking poop

Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

please...stop talking poop

There is a stipulation in the immigration law that says you are responsible for the person you sponsor for a certain period of time.  That is why people who sponsor relatives are required to show tax returns and bank statements.  But as soon as they find their basement apartments many of them start collecting instead of looking for a job.

Bibi Haniffa
Nehru posted:

As a green card holder you CANNOT collect benefits except for medical benefits!

You should not.  But many of them find creative ways to beat the system.  Others choose to be low income in order to qualify for freebies.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

please...stop talking poop

There is a stipulation in the immigration law that says you are responsible for the person you sponsor for a certain period of time.  That is why people who sponsor relatives are required to show tax returns and bank statements.  But as soon as they find their basement apartments many of them start collecting instead of looking for a job.

That is piddling nonsense. This is a bigot who is employing all available means and ruse to terminate and to lessen the influx on non whites into the US. It is and has been an alt right project that he has taken up and began to marshall to his re election campaign. Meanwhile, the world is teetering to cascade into the abyss for lack of any coherent and moral input from the US which was always the north star for the planet. The petty vindictive and self serving habits of this creature will take a long time to over come. Meanwhile, it is support for his petty nonsense like the above that makes him think he is winning. Alas, we are all losing what was the post war United States that was able to rein in the worse inclinations of humanity. Now it leads. 

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

please...stop talking poop

There is a stipulation in the immigration law that says you are responsible for the person you sponsor for a certain period of time.  That is why people who sponsor relatives are required to show tax returns and bank statements.  But as soon as they find their basement apartments many of them start collecting instead of looking for a job.

That is piddling nonsense. This is a bigot who is employing all available means and ruse to terminate and to lessen the influx on non whites into the US. It is and has been an alt right project that he has taken up and began to marshall to his re election campaign. Meanwhile, the world is teetering to cascade into the abyss for lack of any coherent and moral input from the US which was always the north star for the planet. The petty vindictive and self serving habits of this creature will take a long time to over come. Meanwhile, it is support for his petty nonsense like the above that makes him think he is winning. Alas, we are all losing what was the post war United States that was able to rein in the worse inclinations of humanity. Now it leads. 

Looks like you got a quick sale for the “in laws” house.  Maybe real estate is your calling because politics definitely isn’t.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

As a green card holder you CANNOT collect benefits except for medical benefits!

You should not.  But many of them find creative ways to beat the system.  Others choose to be low income in order to qualify for freebies.

 "Them"? You were one of them! Look at how many of our people in RH are working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet and need wick to supplement income. I presume you can check the mean income of the area to verify their tremendous sacrifice to live there and how many of them needs a social safety net.  I visited the area in 78 when it was a dump. I was coming from pristine Toronto and was aghast at how our people lived and survived.  Their hard work in the sweatshops on Broadway and living like sardines that rehabilitate what was a dump made it habitable for you. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Ray posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

please...stop talking poop

There is a stipulation in the immigration law that says you are responsible for the person you sponsor for a certain period of time.  That is why people who sponsor relatives are required to show tax returns and bank statements.  But as soon as they find their basement apartments many of them start collecting instead of looking for a job.

That is piddling nonsense. This is a bigot who is employing all available means and ruse to terminate and to lessen the influx on non whites into the US. It is and has been an alt right project that he has taken up and began to marshall to his re election campaign. Meanwhile, the world is teetering to cascade into the abyss for lack of any coherent and moral input from the US which was always the north star for the planet. The petty vindictive and self serving habits of this creature will take a long time to over come. Meanwhile, it is support for his petty nonsense like the above that makes him think he is winning. Alas, we are all losing what was the post war United States that was able to rein in the worse inclinations of humanity. Now it leads. 

Looks like you got a quick sale for the “in laws” house.  Maybe real estate is your calling because politics definitely isn’t.

No, we decide to keep it.  I am the worse ever at real estate and only bought 3 properties ever in my life and they were all because someone else ( and wisely) said it was better than paying rent. I am good at designing and and rebuilding them and wished I had taken architecture as a calling.  I would also beg to differ with respect to politics since you do not know I live like a fish in it....not by choice. 

Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

Give the Donald four more years, and the next bill will be to deport all who are not White. One Racist Mfr.

In Canada you are not allowed to collect for 10 years I believe unless illness or some unforeseen life event.

So, leave Trump alone!

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

As a green card holder you CANNOT collect benefits except for medical benefits!

You should not.  But many of them find creative ways to beat the system.  Others choose to be low income in order to qualify for freebies.

 "Them"? You were one of them! Look at how many of our people in RH are working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet and need wick to supplement income. I presume you can check the mean income of the area to verify their tremendous sacrifice to live there and how many of them needs a social safety net.  I visited the area in 78 when it was a dump. I was coming from pristine Toronto and was aghast at how our people lived and survived.  Their hard work in the sweatshops on Broadway and living like sardines that rehabilitate what was a dump made it habitable for you. 

I was never one of them.  Since age 18 I have been working legally to put my own food on the table.  My parents taught me the value of hard work and how to become independent.  Public assistance should be reserved for the elderly and disabled.  Able bodied people should be working.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I was never one of them.  Since age 18 I have been working legally to put my own food on the table.  My parents taught me the value of hard work and how to become independent.  

Public assistance should be reserved for the elderly and disabled.  

Able bodied people should be working.  

Correct; with addition to those who have been definitely identified in need for assistance due to specific/special circumstances.


They say 80% of the people on welfare in the U.S. are white people.  If this is the case then Trump's policy would have a great impact on Whites on welfare and not just people of color and immigrants.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Nehru posted:


But they need their Stamps though/

Stamps to mail letters, parcels, etc..

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Nehru posted:

As a green card holder you CANNOT collect benefits except for medical benefits!

You should not.  But many of them find creative ways to beat the system.  Others choose to be low income in order to qualify for freebies.

 "Them"? You were one of them! Look at how many of our people in RH are working 2 and 3 jobs to make ends meet and need wick to supplement income. I presume you can check the mean income of the area to verify their tremendous sacrifice to live there and how many of them needs a social safety net.  I visited the area in 78 when it was a dump. I was coming from pristine Toronto and was aghast at how our people lived and survived.  Their hard work in the sweatshops on Broadway and living like sardines that rehabilitate what was a dump made it habitable for you. 

I was never one of them.  Since age 18 I have been working legally to put my own food on the table.  My parents taught me the value of hard work and how to become independent.  Public assistance should be reserved for the elderly and disabled.  Able bodied people should be working.  

It matters not. Everyone were not as prepared, had backup or could easily assimilate into the US culture. I went into the garment district on broadway looking for a friend and saw hundreds of our grandmothers and young women huddled behind sewing machines in cramped dimly lighted settings working for about 20 dollars a day. 

Your parents should have taught you empathy and humility to identify with and have compassion for the lesser among us who included our own canecutters, fishwives and others of the "huddled masses" who flocked to these shores to seek a better life and who work tens of times harder than you or I and for tens of times less. 

You are being that alienated never see come to see pretentious nit wit who swallow whole cloth the bourgeois crap that hard work and dedication is all that is needed to make it here. That is bunk. This is a hostile racist place to the poor, the uneducated and the unskilled. Note some 60 million of Genuine US white citizens are finding it difficult to make it even without prejudices acting against them. 

Making it means an ingredient of luck most of the time to avoid being taken advantage of predatory practices in the society and access to  the ready and back up of family and friends. Is that not why RH has so many poor Guyanese huddled together for comfort and support?

Those who reach out for what is afforded them did no wrong. This orange fellow is making it a crime and all because he is a patrician who gamed the system himself all his life to be where he is.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

So then what is Trump making more difficult?

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

So then what is Trump making more difficult?

The Public Charge Rule, Explained

The new public charge rule could ultimately expand the ability of DHS to deport some immigrants who already have green cards (“lawful permanent residents”).

Congress states that a permanent resident can only be deported on public-charge grounds within the first five years of obtaining their green card — and only if they became a public charge based on circumstances that existed before they obtained their green card. (For example, a healthy person who obtains a green card, gets in an accident, and then needs government assistance would not be deportable on public-charge grounds.)

In practice, given the constraints set by Congress and court precedents, plus the fact that recent green card holders are typically ineligible for welfare, very few green card holders have been deported on public-charge grounds.

By expanding the definition of “public charge,” however, the administration could create new uncertainty for millions of immigrants.

Last edited by Django
Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Good on Trump for taking charge of those millions who are milking the system for freebies while the working class taxpayers have to fund their food, healthcare, and housing bill.

Lady shut your ignorant behind. Many of these migrants came in to work in the fields at low paying jobs to keep the corporate farms going and they were forced at times to seek insurance for their american kids and perhaps wick. They are the most hard working people who do what others would not do and keep food prices down do big mouths like you can breeze through whole foods and live pleasantly. 

 Also, this is where you ought to have used the Keynesian multiplier effect than stupidly as you did ( previously insisting it is a means to maximize your portfolio) as these poor people have resurrected farming towns with their aggregate capital infusion of cash into their economies. It is only economic dumb ass people like you thinking because you sit behind a computer doing grunt investigating you  will by osmosis l acquire the economic acumen of the people there.

 Further, most of the people there accrue income on the backs of grunts like these and hedge their losses by packaging and reselling their risk. I detest pretentious nits like you who appropriate the parasitic cultural outlook of the 1 percenter and lose sight of your pedestrian origins from the subaltern sudras who sat at the literal backside of the subcontinent for 60 centuries.

These people are being hopelessly abused and are the new slaves.  The work under conditions  that few people legally resident in this country, or their kids, will accept. 

If we care about them then we should ensure that they have the legal right to protect themselves from exploitation.  As it is who knows if their employers just call ICE when they either don't feel like paying them, or if the employees get restive.

The chicken farm in Mississippi is an example of this. About 20 years ago the American workers, tired of being exploited, tried to set up a trade union.  They were undercut when they lost their jobs and eventually illegal migrants were used.  People who have no legal rights in this country because their presence in this country is against the immigration laws of this nation, so is illegal.

If there are jobs that Americans don't want and US employers have to bring in immigrants then there needs to be an expanded guest worker program.  The rights and obligations of both the employer/ee should be outlined giving people legal redress if they are exploited.

The only difference between slavery and this is that no whips are used and sometimes these workers get paid. 

BTW it is notable that employers are also breaking the law by hiring illegal immigrants and yet are never punished.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

So then what is Trump making more difficult?

The Public Charge Rule, Explained

The new public charge rule could ultimately expand the ability of DHS to deport some immigrants who already have green cards (“lawful permanent residents”).

Congress states that a permanent resident can only be deported on public-charge grounds within the first five years of obtaining their green card — and only if they became a public charge based on circumstances that existed before they obtained their green card. (For example, a healthy person who obtains a green card, gets in an accident, and then needs government assistance would not be deportable on public-charge grounds.)

In practice, given the constraints set by Congress and court precedents, plus the fact that recent green card holders are typically ineligible for welfare, very few green card holders have been deported on public-charge grounds.

By expanding the definition of “public charge,” however, the administration could create new uncertainty for millions of immigrants.

This is all a hoax designed by Trump to portray immigrants as impoverished moochers who live off taxpayers.

If a legal resident goes on welfare within 5 years the person/s who sponsored them will then have to reimburse the Federal gov't.  Part of the process of getting a green card is proving that one will not be a "charge to the state".  In the case of elderly parents who aren't expected to be self supporting the sponsor/s have the obligation to show that they will take care of them within this initial period.

I am confident that the bulk of the food stamp recipients and other forms of welfare are the US born children of these immigrants, who are in fact entitled to these benefits.

30 years ago the scape goat for the GOP were US blacks.  Now Hispanic immigrants have replaced them as being the "demons" who live off "hard working (white) Americans.  This as Trump dares not directly attack black Americans.  In fact he screams how popular he is with this group, based on his 5 black friends (including Al Sharpton, Lynette Patton, and until recently, Omarosa).

No doubt there are immigrant frauds who get benefits that they don't deserve but that is a small number. Certainly not large enough to justify the hysterical screams coming from the xenophobes, many of whom are on food stamps and disability.

A non resident (inclusive of undocumented migrant) do NOT qualify for social supports at this point in time.  Recent migrants only get emergency Medicaid to cover out patient costs.

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

Please tell Donald Trump and the lefty immigrant advocates this.  Both scream as if its a new rule when in actual fact all they do is repeat what has been immigrant law, at least since the mid 80s when I got my green card.   I had to prove that I was self sustaining.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

I thought these laws existed where you could not collect aid for a number of years!   I guess states may have their own rules.

Your sponsor is responsible for all your expenses for the first 5 years. However, if you have a child who is an American citizen, he or she is entitled to public assistance. The same goes for illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants cannot collect benefits, but their American born children are entitled to all benefits.

Please tell Donald Trump and the lefty immigrant advocates this.  Both scream as if its a new rule when in actual fact all they do is repeat what has been immigrant law, at least since the mid 80s when I got my green card.   I had to prove that I was self sustaining.

There are many laws that were on the books for years and never enforced. Previous US Presidents were afraid of immigrants.  That travel ban order that Trump had executed to the seven countries is one of them.

Bibi Haniffa

Just a few questions on this topic. If Green Card holders are serving in the US armed forces are suffering from PTSD and are on disability and food stamps, would they also be deported to the country from which they came?

Do you not think that Trump doesn’t want Blacks and Browns to vote in the next elections?

Do you not think that this will bring out the  Black and Brown votes in 2020 who did not turn up to vote for the DEM Candidate?

Dondadda posted:

Just a few questions on this topic. If Green Card holders are serving in the US armed forces are suffering from PTSD and are on disability and food stamps, would they also be deported to the country from which they came?

Do you not think that Trump doesn’t want Blacks and Browns to vote in the next elections?

Do you not think that this will bring out the  Black and Brown votes in 2020 who did not turn up to vote for the DEM Candidate?

I doubt these are high on the Blacks and Brown agenda!  This is an appeal to the base...with a lower-case "B"!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:

There are many laws that were on the books for years and never enforced. Previous US Presidents were afraid of immigrants.  That travel ban order that Trump had executed to the seven countries is one of them.

Let me help you out here.  Previous regimes were controlled people like the Koch brothers who love their slaves (I mean illegal immigrants) as they can do as they wish knowing that these people will be too afraid to complain.

And in fact Trump is no different.  Despite his stunts Obama deported more people in every year than Trump did last year, except for his last 2.  Bush actually built a wall and Obama might have even expanded it.  Trump is still waiting for Mexico to complete it.

All a stunt as even Trump hires illegal immigrants as he can abuse them in ways that he cannot legal immigrants or citizens.

Dondadda posted:

Just a few questions on this topic. If Green Card holders are serving in the US armed forces are suffering from PTSD and are on disability and food stamps, would they also be deported to the country from which they came?

Do you not think that Trump doesn’t want Blacks and Browns to vote in the next elections?

Do you not think that this will bring out the  Black and Brown votes in 2020 who did not turn up to vote for the DEM Candidate?

Trump will deport no one. He will just ensure that illegals remain illegal and green carder holders don't become voters.  He will continue to hire illegals at his golf courses.

Drugb posted:

Ohh shucks, people like cribby and slop can boy out of luck. No more section 8 and food stamps, dem chaps getting send back. 

So said the poor man who spends all his time gobbling up black vegetables paid for by his disability check.


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