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If you buy Lipitor, you may see a new warning label.

Here's a proven fact: Cholesterol-lowering drugs – also known as statins – slash your levels of CoQ10. In fact, studies found that statin drugs lower CoQ10 levels by as much as 40 percent.1

Now, officials in Canada are finally blowing the whistle.

The Canadian government is now requiring all statin drugs to put a warning label on their box. And for good reason... The loss of CoQ10 can impact your heart health.

I couldn’t say it better than well-known CoQ10 researcher Dr. Peter Langsjoen:

“The depletion of the essential nutrient CoQ10 by the increasingly popular cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) has grown from a level of concern to one of alarm...”

I added the underline for emphasis.

While Canada has come to their senses … it seems that the U.S. is hell-bent on pushing statins on everyone.

Not long ago, the JUPITER study (funded by AstraZeneca, the makers of Crestor) was presented at an AMA conference.

The claim: Statin drugs save lives when given to people who show no signs of high cholesterol. There was even talk of putting statins in the water supply, so everyone could get their share – as if we’re all born with a Crestor deficiency.

I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t want to be fed statins… or any other drug… without consent.

For my part, I’m going to continue doing what I’ve been doing for many years - warning anyone who will listen to avoid statin drugs.

If you do take them, a CoQ10 supplement is vital to your heart, your strength and your vitality. It’s one of the most important nutrients in the world today, because it fuels your cells with energy.

Don't put your health at risk.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

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