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New Year’s Messages

January 1, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, News, Source - Kaieteur News Online


People’s Progressive Party (PPP)


The dawn of a new year always brings with it a renewed sense of hope and optimism for a better and more prosperous Guyana. The PPP shares this optimism and feels proud of the role it has played as the ruling party in influencing and shaping the several programmes and policies which cumulatively have impacted positively on the living and working conditions of the Guyanese people.

The PPP is confident that the best days in our individual and collective lives are still ahead of us. There can be no doubt that the foundations for a strong and secure Guyana has been firmly laid, thanks to the visionary leadership of the PPP and the PPP/C administration.

Regrettably, the full potential of our development has been stymied by a reckless and unsupportive opposition which have used their combined one-seat majority to deny the people of Guyana a better quality of life. And, as if that were not enough, they have now joined forces in their attempts to remove the popular, democratic and duly elected PPP/C Government led by President Donald Ramotar by way of a no-confidence motion.

One consequence of such reckless action by the opposition, was the decision by President Ramotar to prorogue Parliament to allow for political stability and normalcy in the administration of the affairs of the state.

There can be no doubt that despite the setbacks, we have achieved much. The hard work of our President and his administration has paid dividends and the tidal wave of prosperity has lifted all boats.

All Guyanese look forward for a continuation of this momentum of growth and development in the coming period ahead.

The New Year of 2015 from all indications will be an exciting one which hopefully, will see an end to political gridlock, greater political maturity on the part of our political opposition and a continuation of the peace, progressive and prosperity which has now characterized our national life.

The PPP takes this opportunity to thank all its members, supporters and friends for standing by the Party over the years and looks forward to their continued support, especially at this critical time in our history when dark clouds are hovering the land. The PPP is confident that the Guyanese people will make the correct political choices when called upon to so do so that the dreams and aspirations of our citizens can be realized.

Once again, a Happy and Productive  New Year to one and all!


Alliance For Change
The Alliance For Change extends best wishes to all Guyanese as we enter a new year.

2014 was a year of many challenges and it brought to the fore the indomitable spirit of the Guyanese people as we sought to overcome these challenges. We saw an increase in serious crime that more often than not, resulted in the gruesome murder of our citizens. This was compounded by the failure in many instances of the Police to bring the perpetrators to justice. Many families will go in to 2015 without a loved one due to speeding on our roads. On the last day of 2014, we learnt of yet another young mother dying in child’s birth. For so many families, 2014 was a devastating year where murder, suicide or other fatal incidents brought grief and pain.

For many more, the past year was one of stagnation where hoped for promotions and advancements were not realised as personal economic growth did not materialise despite additional efforts.

In the business sector, the hardships and trials continued as many of our local businesses struggled to compete in an uneven playing field.

On the political front, we saw the worst form of governance as the minority PPP government suspended the National Assembly rather than defend its record in a debate of a No Confidence Motion. We saw illegal spending of the people’s money by the very minority Government and who would forget the debasement of the office of Attorney General by its present holder or the feral blasÉ unleashed on the American Ambassador by the Education Minister. Indeed, the chronicles of 2014 would show that it was not a year of which we could be proud.

But, 2014 was not without its successes. Our CSEC student did our country proud as they excelled at the National and Regional levels. Our sportsmen and women also kept our flag flying high, especially our Rugby players. Throughout the year, the unconquerable spirit of the Guyanese people shone through and allowed us to rise to every challenge that we faced.

2015 will no doubt, have its share of challenges but it also presents that periodic opportunity to free ourselves of the shackles of bad governance. It expected that early in the New Year, we will have the opportunity to go to the polls to elect a new government. Let us use this opportunity wisely to rid ourselves of those who squander our money while filling their own pockets, giveaway our patrimony and keep us divided. Let 2015 be the year when we take back our country.

Long live the unconquerable spirit of the Guyanese people and a just and rewarding 2015 to all of us!

A Partnership For National Unity
Guyana’s ‘Year of democratic renewal’ dawns on 1st January 2015.

Guyanese in 2015 will have an opportunity to choose a new government in the forthcoming general and regional elections. The choices facing the nation are clear.

Our choice will be between the inauguration of a ‘government of national unity’ proposed by A Partnership for National Unity on the one hand or a continuation of the ‘winner-takes-all’ approach adopted by the People’s Progressive Party Civic administration on the other hand.

Our choice will be between electing APNU’s multi-party partnership and perpetuating the PPP’s one-party dictatorship.

Our choice will be between inclusionary democracy and one-party dictatorship. Our choice will be between electing new councillors in fresh municipal and local government elections or enduring further incapacitating central government control of our towns and neighbourhoods.

Guyanese, far too frequently in 2014, have had to protest against the People’s Progressive Party Civic administration’s dictatorial prorogation of Parliament and its refusal to hold local government elections. We have had to demand investigations into police torture. We have had to demand regular and reliable electricity supply in hinterland centres such as Bartica, Lethem and Mahdia. We have had to demand the payment of ‘living’ wages for our working people, improved schools for our children, enhanced social protection for senior citizens and safer roads for everyone.

We have had to bear the brunt of the high rate of crime including armed robberies, arson, inter-personal violence, murder, piracy, rapes, fatal road accidents and trafficking in persons. We have suffered most from the high cost of living, high level of unemployment and high rate of migration. These have all taken a toll on our families and our quality of life.

We deserve a society in which we could look forward to living in safety, to working for ‘living wages’ to cope with the cost of living and to enjoying adequate social protection in our old age.

2015 must be a ‘Year of democratic renewal.’ APNU is prepared to participate with political and social partners in a government of national unity to make this a reality. Such a government will aim at improving educational standards for our children, providing jobs for our young people, protecting our women and girl children from criminal violence and ensuring the country is safe for all.
Let us vote to remove the PPP from office, install a government of national unity and work together towards providing “a good life for all Guyanese.”
My best wishes for a happy new year to everyone!

People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)

Happy New Year! To every home, family and community across the far-flung regions of our country.

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) extends greetings for a Happy New Year to all Guyanese at home and in the Diaspora. As the Year 2014 fades into history along with the abnormalities inflicted on the people of Guyana by the Donald Ramotar led People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration, such as poor governance, mismanagement, corruption, a rampant drug trade, a rise in poverty, increased violence against women, escalated crime, executive lawlessness, high unemployment especially among young people, and an insensitivity to the needs and care of our senior citizens. It may be true to say, that the past year brought forth all of the possible ills that can overwhelm our society. Yet, and not for the first time in its history, the Guyanese people overcame.

As the New Year dawns, the PNCR calls on all of our peoples, regardless of race, ethnicity, political affiliation or religion, to join A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) in bringing about the transformation of our country so that Guyana’s vast resources may, at last, be made to serve the imperative for development and social advancement of all the people of Guyana.

Guyanese in 2015 will have an opportunity to choose a new Government in the forthcoming general and regional elections. The Opportunity to correct the many ills facing our beloved country; Opportunity to remove many of the fundamental obstacles that have halted the development of our country and ourselves; and, Opportunity to place Guyana on the path to national harmony and real progress by electing APNU’s multi-party partnership and ushering in a Government of National Unity.

On this the first day of the New Year, it is our hope that all of us will realize a measure of prosperity in our personal lives and that each of us, wherever we may be, will endeavour to make some contribution, however small, to the development of our country.

The PNCR, therefore, looks forward to participating, as it has successfully done in the past, in the continuing drive for the peaceful development of this dear land of ours. The Party wishes all Guyanese a very Happy New Year and looks forward to the New Year with optimism and hope.

May God Bless our Nation as we strive to provide a Good life for all Guyanese!


Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green
Our tradition is to wish for a New Year prosperity and goodness.  I do so for Georgetown and Guyana.  For us expressions for the better need be for substantial change during 2015.

Change from the daily dose of fatal accidents (up by 25 %) so far murders and suicides, change from a slow and sluggish justice system; that seem not just.
Up until recently I was a great admirer of our DPP, but alas, she seem to have fallen prey to the pro temp mighty Guyana Empire.  Yes a society where justice and security have become alien, we wish for change.

Our Police seem blind to certain high profile criminality. The case of GINA – President Ramotar promised action – the Attorney General outage – Roger Khan criminal establishment and other narco-traders operated here unhindered.  No Police action –  CANU is yet to bring in the big fish. And a Government that jail a petty thief for years in a stinking prison cell.  But friends have a special hanger at Timehri, that allow them to bypass Customs and Immigration.
Fact is our Police Force leadership seem compromised and ranks are now in the mode to follow the Leaders, even though the system has put them in the greatest danger in its history.

Facts for the last 100 years of the Guyana Police Force existence over 60 Police ranks were killed.  Up to the time the PPP took office, only twenty-one Police ranks were killed (80 odd years) Colonial and PNC rule. This included five killed in the externally sponsored Rupununi Uprising of 1969 – so for all intent and purposes sixteen Police were killed in the ordinary course of duty up till 1992, this is one Police killed every five years.  Since the PPP Government took office the average is more than two every year, an increase of 1000% under the present regime, facts and figures don’t lie.  One thousand percent increase of Police deaths under this Government.

Next, we wish to stop the heist of Guyana led by Messrs. Jagdeo, Ramotar, Dr. Ramroop and Brassington – just follow the independent
media  –  The NICIL rape of our resources, Manipulation of NIS funds. Guyana is the only independent country where a group of Asian plunderers are allowed to extract raw logs, including precious species, for export leaving behind swamps for reptiles, vermin, and leaving behind an environmental hazard for this and succeeding generation of Guyanese to ‘inherit’.  While this inexcusable destruction of our patrimony is taking place, a Guyanese, the Bulkans, whose fore-parents sweat, tears and blood helped build this country, cannot obtain a meager 10 acre to do a business that, unlike the Asians, will develop skills and a secondary industry locally.

Our former President ordained himself ‘Champion of the Earth’ more like the seller of our earth, a good story for Ripley’s, ‘Believe it or not’ column, or a National joke.

Yes, let us wish for change where an insidious decline of morals is taking place, eating away at the tender minds of our children and the social fabric of our society.  The generation being consumed by the highest level of injustice and criminality ever in this country we need a change.

All of the above is worsened by a Government which has no respect for the majority who rejected them at the polls by this latest subterfuge of inviting the Courts, to USURP the powers, role and duties of the Parliament, the highest forum in the land, where all the people are represented.  Of course, we have the abomination of the unprovoked prorogation of the Parliament.

Yes, let us pray for a change for the New Year.

An area where change is needed is the way the Capital City continues to be micro and mismanaged by the Government.  This message of hope is for a change in 2015 predicated on the fact that citizens on all sides are aware of the sorcery surrounding consistent efforts to destroy Georgetown. But the sad, sordid story of our Capital City highlights the need for change.
Flooding – drainage of Georgetown.

Since 1994 – 1995 the Mayor promised to rid the City of flooding, the Government is determined to punish citizens and those who come into the City for no good reason.

Set aside a Motion passed in the National Assembly for the restoration of Georgetown – They come up with a Billion dollar band aid operation that fools no one, digging canals starting from the wrong spot and digging foolishly using the wrong equipment and, as is the case of Sussex Street Canal, likely to cause the collapse of that roadway.

Briefly to avoid ‘flooding’ in the City requires the following:
1.    A good administration we have the worst possible, today.
2.    A well organized public education programme, involving schools, civic groups, Religious Organisations, and the media.
3.    Cleaning all of our blocked drains, culverts and alleyways.
4.    Expand opening hours of Haags Bosch so that waste can be deposited for a longer period.
5.    Have all of our main canals desilted, starting with the Downer Canal.
6.    Ensure that all of our out fall channels are cleared regularly.
7.    Persons not to be allowed to concrete lands in the City, unless given permission based on criteria to be established.
8.    Impose the laws/regulations related to the importation and use of plastic Styrofoam and other non-bio degradable material.
9.    Allow the plan approved by both the M&CC related to parking regulations in the City to be put in place.
10.    Stabilize the whole question of zoning and allow the Local Authority (GT M&CC) a greater say in this important area.

Yes my wish for 2015 is for change – to save our City and State.

After all change, may I remind those afraid or reluctant to push for change, that change designates perhaps the most conspicuous and pervasive aspect of our human experience.

Denial or fear of change is almost unnatural in our present environment, where corruption, crime and cronyism is at its highest level even in our history.
For that reason my final wish is for our Religious, Business, Professional, Media, Youth and Women Bodies to speak up now before it is too late.

A cowardly silence will do our children and their children a great injustice – the poem by the late celebrated Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller (1892 – 1984) is instructive.

“In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist.  They next came for the Jews.  And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Trade Unionist, then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant, then they came for me  and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Another Martin more familiar to us Martin Luther King Jr said “Our lives begin to end the day we became silent about things that matter.

The US 16th President Abraham Lincoln put these solid words “to sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men”

My wish for 2015 is no cowards, for that is what Satan loves.


Guyana Public Service Union    
New Year’s Message 2015 from the President, Mr. Patrick Yarde
We have commenced the year 2015, a new year, where after reviewing our experiences in 2014 resolved to change positively the challenges we, as a Union, have encountered, challenges directed to our very survival. In so doing, let us be realistic about what prevails, what we desire and what must be done to have the situation corrected.  Let us not be in denial. There is an authoritarian regime in Guyana, which is anti-working class and has exhibited an insane grudge and bitterness for public service workers, especially members of the Guyana Public Service Union. This conduct manifested itself because public service workers dared to stand up for their rights and the privileges championed by their forefathers.  The intention of the Government is to seek ways and means to undermine the Union. They have exhibited undemocratic principles, acting in conflict with the Constitution and Laws of Guyana, to such an extent that decisions of Parliament and orders of the Court are being flouted, fundamental rights of citizens are abused as well as the discriminatory actions and conduct displayed to sections of our society.

Together, we must ask ourselves the question, why have we tolerated this abuse and condone such lawlessness? It is time to draw the line at this juncture declaring enough is enough. 2015 must be the year for positive  change. Let us stand firm in defense of the Constitution and Laws of Guyana; we must stand firm for trade unionism  in Guyana; we must stand firm for equal rights and justice; we must advance unity for our national brothers and sisters, and for the general good and development of our homeland in a fair and evenhanded manner.

As members of the premier Union in Guyana, the Guyana Public Service Union, we must set the example in our nation where leadership has been lacking for decades. This task we shall not fail to carry out in the interest of our country.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a happy, prosperous and fulfilling New Year, in so doing, committing ourselves to bring about positive change in Guyana.

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