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New Year’s Messages

January 1, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

The People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C)

The PPP/C extends best wishes to all Guyanese at the dawn of the New Year, 2012.

As we usher in 2012, let us look forward with great hope to the year ahead and the abundance of opportunities it brings us for a more peaceful, prosperous and productive society.

Over the past year, Guyana made important strides as it continues to demonstrate that the common will of Guyanese can be a positive example to the rest of the world. No doubt this would have been underlined by our nation recording one of the highest GDP growth rate in this part of the world, while other economies around us falter.

The record breaking growth in several sectors including rice, mining and the construction sector has resulted in the creation of hundreds of additional jobs across our country.

No doubt this will be accelerated in the coming year where the construction of several major projects will commence in various sectors such as health, social, riverain, land and air transportation, tourism, entertainment, housing, mining etc.

2011 was also a significant year for our labour force as they benefited from significant wage increases while workers in many other nations took wage cuts or lost their jobs.

The past year was also one where Guyanese increasingly began to add to their assets indicating a steady growth of wealth and an improvement in the standard of living for our people. Thousands more Guyanese for the first time owned their own homes and vehicles among other personal assets.

The improvement in our people’s spending power is also evidenced in the rapid establishment of businesses across our nation underlying the increasing demand for more goods and services.

This indeed has complemented the hard work of the PPP/C Government in gradually improving our nation’s infrastructure, improving access of health care countrywide, expanding our road, electricity and water networks, increasing benefits to disadvantaged groups such as single parent families and the elderly.

Our nation’s sport infrastructure was also expanded in 2011 with the commencement of the all weather athletics synthetic track on the West Coast of Demerara, the construction of an all weather tarmac at the Guyana National Stadium, the resurfacing of the National Park Cycling Track and the completion of an Olympic size swimming pool on the East Coast of Demerara among many other initiatives.

No doubt, there were also significant challenges such as production levels in our sugar industry which despite surpassing the levels attained in 2010 by 10,000 tonnes was still below its target.

It is however heartening that the prospects for this most important industry looks brighter in 2012.

The past year was also significant as it demonstrated the maturity of our people during the November 28 General and Regional Elections where the PPP/C was returned to office for a 5th consecutive term and where our elections process was recgonized by overseas observers as in keeping with international democratic standards.

It marked the first time a sitting Head of State stepped down after serving two terms in office which further served to underline our democratic process which was made into law after legislation was piloted through our National Assembly by the PPP/C.

This paved the way for no other than our beloved General Secretary Mr. Donald Ramotar to be elected to serve our nation in the highest office, an achievement for which the party is extremely proud in keeping with its consistency in producing exceptional leaders to take our nation forward.

As we enter 2012 it is most instructive that our growth as a nation which has been predicted by international experts to exceed that of 2011 be realized by all our people working together in the spirit of unity.

A Happy and Prosperous New Year to each and every one.


A Partnership For National Unity (APNU)

Brigadier David Granger – Presidential Candidate of A Partnership for National Unity – has announced in his New Year message that 2012 can be a ‘year of hope’ for Guyanese.

Mr. Granger, declaring that ‘175,000 persons can’t be wrong,’ said that the people voted for change in the 28th November General and Regional elections. The year 2011 sounded the death knell of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic-style ‘winner-takes-all’ political culture that had poisoned ethnic relations, divided the nation, fostered massive corruption and hampered economic development over the years.

A Partnership for National Unity and the Alliance for Change, collectively, have been given a ‘mandate from the majority.’ Their vision is clear and their voices must now be heard. The parties’ task will be to advance change through the legislative process in the National Assembly.

The New Year must be made one of hope for the population at large. It must become a year in which our children can look forward to better schools, our youths can expect employment, our workers can feel more secure in their jobs and our women and girls can be safe in their homes and villages.

Everyday life in this country must be different from the past 19 years of PPP/C one-party rule. That’s what the people voted for because that’s what they want!

Mr. Granger said that 2011 had been a ‘year of discontent’ for the majority of the population. Numerous factors – including the high rate of unemployment among the young; the high rate of dropouts from primary and secondary schools; the high rate of migration of educated graduates; the high cost-of-living aggravated by low salaries for government employees and a burdensome Value-Added Tax and the high rate of crime, especially piracy in our coastal waters, banditry in the hinterland and domestic violence in our villages – combined to make life miserable for the majority citizens.

Mr. Granger called on the PPP/C to stop pretending that it could run a one-party Government and not to continue to ignore the public will as the old PPP/C Administration did in previous years. It failed spectacularly failed to address the people’s day-to-day problems then and it will fail again unless there is change. The electorate, as a result, had sent a clear message that it was fed up with the old politics.

Mr. Granger encouraged the population, especially young people, to remain hopeful. At last, a real start can be made in fulfilling A.P.N.U’s electoral promise of providing “a good life for all Guyanese.” He said, summing up A.P.N.U’s approach, “Determination must defeat desperation and the politics of cooperation must overcome confrontational relations in 2012.”

Happy New Year to all!


People’s National Congress Reform

The People’s National Congress Reform extends greetings for a Happy New Year to all Guyanese at home and in the Diaspora. It does so against the background of justified optimism.

The Year 2011 fades into history along with the abnormalities inflicted on the people of Guyana by the Jagdeo Administration, such as poor governance, mismanagement, corruption, a rampant drug trade, a rise in poverty, increased violence against women, escalated crime, executive lawlessness, high unemployment especially among young people, and an insensitivity to the needs and care of our senior citizens.

It may be true to say that the past year brought forth all of the possible ills that can overwhelm our society. Yet, and not for the first time in its history, the Guyanese people overcame.

Beginning in 2010, the PNCR deepened the culture of democracy within the Party by initiating a process, which allowed the general membership to select its Presidential Candidate.

When this was done the Party proceeded to seek the unity of all the opposition parties under the umbrella of the Joint Opposition Political Parties (JOPP). The critical search for unity ended in an alliance of ten political parties, which came together as A Partnership for National Unity (A.P.N.U) to contest the 2011 General and Regional Elections. Armed with a powerful message for a Government of National Unity, A.P.N.U vigorously and purposefully contested the national elections in a campaign in which the PNCR played a significant role. The historic result was that A.P.N.U, along with the Alliance for Change (AFC), won a majority of the seats in the National Assembly, an unprecedented development in the post-independence history of Guyana. In other words, the Guyanese people voted for a mandate for change.

That is why the PNCR can embrace the New Year with a sense of confidence, pride and determination.

One of the central features of our national politics will, therefore, be a National Assembly, which can play a creative role in our political, economic and social transformation and not one dominated and diminished by executive lawlessness.

Guided by the Manifesto of A.P.N.U, and the political experience of the PNCR, the leading Party in the partnership, programmes will be pursued to improve the lives of the Guyanese people, end the regime of executive lawlessness, find political solutions by consensus rather than diktat, free the media from excessive state control, ensure respect for women, offer quality education for the Guyanese people, reduce criminality and discrimination, and improve the standard of living of all the people of Guyana.

In particular, the PNCR expects that A.P.N.U will ensure that the economic policies of the nation are fair and transparent and all of the people benefit from the exploitation of the nation’s resources.

It is the hope of the Party that our internal policies will match the determination to make Guyana respected again regionally and internationally. The agenda for change will be the active determinant in the policies and activities of the PNCR and its partners.

The PNCR calls on all of our peoples, regardless of race, ethnicity, political affiliation or religion, to join the PNCR and A.P.N.U in bringing about the transformation of our country so that Guyana’s vast resources may, at last, be made to serve the imperative for development and social advancement.

This objective can be achieved with the opposition forces working harmoniously in the National Assembly.

The PNCR, therefore, looks forward to participating, as it has successfully done in the past, in the continuing drive for the peaceful development of this dear land of ours. The Party wishes all Guyanese a very Happy New Year and looks forward to the New Year with optimism and hope.

May God Bless our Nation as we strive to provide a Good life for all Guyanese!

Happy New Year!


Alliance For Change

The Alliance For Change (AFC) looks forward with anticipation to the New Year for it promises a Guyana which will be unlike any other year Guyana has ever experienced. The country has been thrust in a new and exciting political dimension. The year 2012 will be a year that will test the maturity of Guyana’s political leadership. The leaders have received a mandate from the people to put partisan differences aside and work together for the benefit of the nation in the New Year and years to follow.

2012 will expose those who use their position in political leadership for the purposes of genuinely serving the people and those who use such positions for the purposes of personal and organizational benefit.

The Party wishes peace and brotherhood upon and for all Guyanese as it commits itself and energies to serving all the people of Guyana so that all Guyanese can benefit from an improved life.

Guyanese deserve respect, decency and being the beneficiaries of equal rights and justice in 2012 and all times.


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