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The Guyana-born American man, whose head was battered by a mad man last week, died early Saturday morning at the Woodlands Hospital.


Relatives said 69-year old Walter Sankar died around 4:10 AM without regaining consciousness since he was lashed several times by the man armed with a piece of galvanized pipe.


Sankar lived in the United States for 30 years and returned to Guyana on Boxing Day 2011 for the first time in 15 years to visit his sons.


The man, who had lived in Brooklyn, was a retired chef.


The incident occurred last Wednesday around 5:30 PM at a shop opposite his home on Fort Street, Kingston.


One of his sons, Intakhab Sankar, has said that Walter had just gone across to the shop to buy cigarettes when the man, widely believed to be of unsound mind, struck him several blows. The assailant would often go to the shop to buy food items and return to the seawall.


The man only stopped lashing Walter  when a man threw a brick at him. Neighbours detained and handed him over to the police.


Police sources say the attacker, who remains in custody, has to be taken for a psychiatric assessment and then charged and arraigned before city magistrate. Intakhab is appealing for β€œsome kind of justice” and β€œWe need to get these people off the road.”

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