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Former Member

By Kiana Wilburg
After working two jobs for almost 20 years in Queens, New York, a 44-year-old male Guyanese

 Inshan Ally holds his American passport

Inshan Ally holds his American passport

decided to return to his country on June 21, last, to start a business.
But his plans to do so were immediately set back when he was taken into custody at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport for allegedly murdering his wife. Ironically, Inshan Ally, now a US citizen, has never been married.

Ally explained that he had been in the United States for several years working as a painter and a delivery man. He enjoyed what he called “a humble and comfortable life” but he always yearned to return to his homeland to eventually set up a business.
The New York-based Guyanese returned to Guyana, and when he reached immigration at the Airport about 11:30 pm, it was there his troubles began.

In recounting the event, the bachelor said, “When I showed my passport to the lady at the Immigration she punched in something on her computer and then said to me that something is wrong. So I asked her what happened and she told me how something is wrong and I can’t get back my passport.

“So I got upset and asked why but she would not tell me. Her name is Simons. Then all of a sudden an Immigration Officer came and he told me he is here to escort me to a room for questioning. I beg them for a call to the American Embassy but they said I can’t have it.

“Tell you the truth I became very scared. I started getting bad feelings because I know they have the wrong person. I was upset that I was denied just a single call because I think that is my right if I am an American citizen and I find myself in that sort of situation. “

He continued, “So they took me into the room, asked a lot of questions and they held me there until the next morning which was Sunday. Then some of them come and take me out of the room and took me to the Criminal Investigation Department at Eve Leary.”
After being grilled by several detectives, Ally was told that he was being held for “the murder of his wife.”

He added, “Man I tell you, this situation was really scary. I swear that these people were going to make me go down for something I don’t even know. They kept asking me questions about a wife that I don’t have. I was beginning to think that this was a set up.

“I pleaded to just listen to me but they continued to be very rude. My sister and other relatives came to the CID and a senior officer chased them out the compound. He didn’t care about anything I had to say.
“I overheard some other officers saying that I am the wrong man and they told that to the senior officer but he didn’t listen. They then locked me up at a Police Station. I spent Sunday night in the Turkeyen station.”
The 44-year-old then said that the following day, (Monday, June 23), he was taken back to CID where detectives continued to question him about the alleged murder.

Eventually detectives admitted that Ally was the wrong person. But even at this point, he was not released from police custody.
The hardworking man was then told that he was on the USA wanted list and that further investigations need to be conducted.
“They said that after they made some checks, I was on the US wanted list. The Crime Chief, Leslie James, however, was kind and more understanding. He allowed me to be released Monday night and a friend had to sign for me.

“But the police at CID told me that they will hold on to my passport and I will have to come back on Friday to collect it because of new discovery. I found the wanted list allegation to be even more ridiculous because the people at JFK airport would have been signaled when I turned up there and presented my passport.”

Ally said that on Tuesday, he visited the US Embassy and informed them of the situation and the fact that his passport is being held by the police. The Embassy, he said, was very instrumental in ensuring that he got his passport that same day.

The man said that the entire experience, was “horrible and shows how broken the police force is.Just imagine I came back to invest in my country and with the treatment I get you think I still want to be here? No way. They broke my spirit.”

Ally said that he will be making moves to sue the Guyana Police Force, but nevertheless expressed thanks for the efforts made by those at the Embassy and the Crime Chief.

When asked to confirm some of the claims made by Ally, Superintendent James told this publication yesterday that, “Ally was not accused of murder. When he turned up at the airport and a check was made he was recognized as a person of interest and as such he was taken into custody.
“I made some enquiries and he was subsequently released. I don’t know about his other claims like his passport being seized. I have no knowledge of his other allegations. But the matter was resolved and he was released.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Immigration officials have the right to stop and hold anyone on entry.  If he hopes to sue them he could end up on even more trouble. A travelling blacklist would quickly see him even barred from getting back into the US.

Vish M posted:

Still needs the services of an attorney.

What is the statute of limitation in Guyana? 

Don't know.  But it looks like another PPP scam to blame the PNC. In any case he can't sue. He is a foreign national who was wanted for murder. So immigration acted correctly.


Mr.T posted:
Vish M posted:

Still needs the services of an attorney.

What is the statute of limitation in Guyana? 

Don't know.  But it looks like another PPP scam to blame the PNC. In any case he can't sue. He is a foreign national who was wanted for murder. So immigration acted correctly.


Why I have the feeling you are walking around headless????

Prince posted:

Just imagine I came back to invest in my country and with the treatment I get you think I still want to be here? No way. They broke my spirit.”

Yes Dummy, your beloved PPP broke his spirit in 2014. Trying to pass this off as if it's current. 

Drugb posted:

Let this be a warning to all Indians who want to heed Granger's pleas and invest in Guyana. The Blacks don't want you there and will find excuses to railroad you. 


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