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Former Member

The move increased the investigative muscle looking into the former president and his family business.

Danny Hakim, William K. Rashbaum and office of Letitia James, the New York State attorney general, has been conducting a civil investigation into Donald J. Trump and his family business. Credit...Kathy Willens/Associated Press

Donald J. Trump and his family came under increasing pressure from New York investigators after the attorney general’s office said Tuesday it was working alongside the Manhattan district attorney in an ongoing criminal fraud investigation.

The two offices have been conducting parallel investigations for more than a year, though the inquiry by the office of New York’s attorney general, Letitia James, has been a civil one, meaning it could result in a lawsuit or fines. The Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., has been conducting a criminal investigation, which could result in charges.

The new development, first reported by CNN, was disclosed after the attorney general’s office wrote to the Trump Organization in recent days notifying it that information collected as part of the civil inquiry could now be used as part of a criminal investigation.

“We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature,” Fabien Levy, a spokesman for Ms. James, said in a statement. “We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan D.A. We have no additional comment at this time.”

In a statement released Wednesday, Mr. Trump called the efforts an “investigation that is in desperate search of a crime.” As he has in the past, Mr. Trump, a Republican, attacked both investigations as politically motivated fishing expeditions. Mr. Vance and Ms. James are both Democrats.

“I have built a great company, employed thousands of people, and all I do is get unfairly attacked and abused by a corrupt political system,” Mr. Trump said.

The long-running criminal investigation by the Manhattan district attorney has focused on an array of potential financial crimes at the Trump Organization, including tax and bank-related fraud. In particular, the prosecutors are examining whether Mr. Trump’s company inflated the value of his properties to obtain favorable loans and lowered the values to reduce taxes.

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For months, the district attorney’s office has focused on Mr. Trump’s long-serving chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, mounting an aggressive effort to gain his cooperation against Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization, according to people with knowledge of the matter. As part of that effort, the district attorney has subpoenaed records from Mr. Weisselberg’s bank and the private school in Manhattan that his grandchildren have attended.

It is unclear what role Ms. James’s office will play in that aspect of the investigation. In the collaboration, two assistant attorneys general from Ms. James’s office are joining the district attorney’s team, people with knowledge of the matter said.

But her office will not be conducting its own independent criminal investigation. She is continuing her civil inquiry, which focuses on some of the same strands as the district attorney’s sweeping criminal inquiry. Both offices have been investigating some of the same Trump properties, including his Seven Springs Estate in Westchester County.

As part of its inquiry, Mr. Vance’s office obtained eight years’ worth of Mr. Trump’s tax returns, among other financial records, but only after Mr. Trump aggressively fought the effort, resulting in a long-running legal battle that twice reached the U.S. Supreme Court.

A spokesman for the district attorney’s office declined to comment.

Mr. Trump is also facing a criminal investigation in Georgia, where the district attorney in Fulton County is looking into his attempts to reverse the outcome of the presidential election in the state.

Maggie Haberman contributed reporting.

Danny Hakim is an investigative reporter for the business section. He has been a European economics correspondent and bureau chief in Albany and Detroit. He was also a lead reporter on the team awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News. @dannyhakim Facebook

William K. Rashbaum is a senior writer on the Metro desk, where he covers political and municipal corruption, courts, terrorism and broader law enforcement topics. He was a part of the team awarded the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news. @WRashbaum Facebook

Ben Protess is an investigative reporter covering the federal government, law enforcement and various criminal investigations into former President Trump and his allies. @benprotess

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Say much more Shallyv ... much more on the matter.

DG, I've become skeptical about courts ever since SCOTUS threw its weight in the Gore v. Bush election decision. More so, after my own 3 experiences in Superior Court here! I've NEVER told a lie in any court (not even in Guyana when I was charged for assault by the guy I had paralysed with a karate chop to his neck! The magistrate found me guilty but only fined me because of some rule on civil servants) but I have looked for errors in Traffic tickets and argued on these because, from experience, so many policemen have.been hired for brawn, not.brains! In the 3 Statements of Claim I instituted, 2 have been appealed by me but they are left to.languish in limbo, despite the appeal judge having the power to waive requirements for certain documents to be filed by a self-represented litigant, me! The third, despite the judge making a fuss about whether an Affidavit of Service had been filed by me, that, too, seems to lie somewhere along the trail of broken dreams, since December, 2020! It seems to me they are frightened to give a decision in my favour because they are.waiting to hear that I'm dead and no longer a threat to the status quo! They can be killed by remote, unseen means as others have been killed, without knowing how! I know how! I grow weaker but ever more determined to see this through! Death is NEVER the end! The experience I've had with someone, unseen, squeezing my previously broken left fibula, convinced me of this! It could only have been that man who was crucified and 'died' nearly 2,000 years ago. Although I had doubted then, subsequent events caused me to stop doubting and believe what I had only posited! We, energies, NEVER die! So, to answer your challenge, I have nothing more to add!

Fing token n AG! Know your fing place! Who the fk do you think you are? Who the fk do you think runs Amerika? ML fing K? You had better.give us the kind of decision we want so that S.O.B. has no chance of running in 2024! He's upset things enough already!

But Trump has good lawyers and friends in high places, too!


DG, think! Wouldn't Trump have been investigated before being allowed to run for the Presidency of the US? These Democrats are truly DemonRATS, as someone I know calls them! I admire and listen to Candace Owens! Perhaps, you admire, what I call, the Black.and White of Ugly. Maxine "broken" Waters and Nancy de Lousee!

Last edited by Former Member

Shallyv ...

The RePOOPlicans will be struggling for a very long time under Dodo_Doonaldovsky Plumpskov rear-end on the golf courses.

President poopy pants [@nottell36954212) | Twitter

Last edited by Former Member

How knowledgable of you, DG! As I lie in bed, my glandular secretions are being depleted 24/7 rendering me truly voidless! But now I can truly boast I'm NO SHIT,  can you? Or are you a bigger shit than just a POOPing Dutty Guy?

Last edited by Former Member

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