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News of Ralph Klein’s grave condition prompts outpouring of affection


Former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein speaks at the opening of the Ralph Klein Centre in Olds on Monday Jan 25, 2010. - Photograph by: Gavin Young , Calgary Herald

News that Ralph Klein is gravely ill has prompted an outpouring of affection for the former premier.

Friends, colleagues and political allies and opponents offered their best wishes and thoughts for Klein, who was Alberta’s premier between 1992 and 2006 and mayor of Calgary from 1980 to 1989.

Premier Alison Redford told reporters in Edmonton she has been thinking of Klein and his wife Colleen.

“It’s a terrible time for any family,” she said Wednesday.

“He is a great man and he redefined this province and his legacy is important and I know he will be missed. This is the time to talk about that legacy but right now not too much, right now we have to I think respect the fact that the family is going through very difficult times and that our thoughts and prayers are with them.”

In a statement released Tuesday night, Liberal Leader Raj Sherman called Klein “a force to be reckoned with” during his time in the legislature.

“He was animated and fiery, and his passion for politics and Alberta serves as an inspiration to me and my colleagues,” said Sherman.

Klein has been suffering from frontal lobe dementia and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

He was hospitalized in September of 2011 and moved into a continuing care facility in October of that year. Klein remains in palliative care in that facility.

Rod Love, Klein’s former chief of staff who is serving as a spokesperson for the family, would not comment on Klein’s condition Tuesday but said he was resting comfortably.

Many of the tributes to Klein came through social media.

“Hopes and prayers go out to former Premier Ralph Klein and his family,” Jim McCormick, president of the Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, posted on Twitter.

Former aide Derek Coke-Kerr, wrote that he would take five minutes for a silent prayer for Klein “who had a major impact on my life professionally, but more importantly, personally.”

“One of the good guys, did everything he could for Albertans,” tweeted former Klein campaign worker Alan Hallman.

Tory Culture Minister Heather Klimchuk tweeted that her “thoughts and hugs” were with Klein and his family while Conservative MP Joan Crockatt called him an “icon.”

Former Herald columnist Don Martin, author of the book “King Ralph,” told CTV News that “you don’t want to write Ralph Klein off.”

“But the grim scenarios are being advanced to the people who need to know, the prime minister’s office, the premier’s office,” said Martin, who now hosts CTV’s Power Play.

“It is definitely a sad state of affairs.”

While Klein was at times a controversial figure, he oversaw sweeping changes to the province, notably the elimination of the province’s debt and deficit. He had a remarkable string of success in electoral politics, leading the Progressive Conservatives to four majority government victories.

Klein was named an officer of the Order of Canada last year, with his wife Colleen presented the insignia of office in an unprecedented ceremony in Calgary.

With files from Darcy Henton, Calgary Herald

Replies sorted oldest to newest

An unfortunate situation for Mr. Ralph Klein.


I worked for Mr. Klein as one the executives in the department and have had a wonderful time, both work wise and knowing him personally.


Ralph Klein gravely ill; Alberta politicians send words of support

, Source


Former premier Ralph Klein, at the unveiling of his official portrait at the Alberta Legislature Rotunda in Edmonton, Alta. on Thursday, August 30, 2007. - (John Ulan/The Canadian Press)


Alberta Premier Alison Redford says her thoughts are with Ralph Klein and his family amid reports the former premier’s battle with illness has taken a turn for the worse.


“He is a great man, and he redefined this province. And his legacy is important,” Redford told reporters following a luncheon speech Wednesday.


“This is the time to talk about that legacy, but right now not too much.


“Right now we have to respect the fact that the family is going through very difficult times.”


Klein, 70, is in a care home in Calgary battling a form of dementia and a lung disorder.


Klein was the Progressive Conservative premier from 1992 to 2006 and was the mayor of Calgary before that.


On his watch, Alberta became debt free by paying off $23-billion. But Klein was criticized for focusing too much on the debt and not building enough roads, schools and hospitals for the hundreds of thousands of newcomers who arrived during the oil boom last decade.


Calgary’s current mayor, Naheed Nenshi, said Tuesday that Klein and his family are in his thoughts and prayers.


“To me he’ll always be the mayor who is best identified with this city,” Nenshi told Global Calgary.


NDP Leader Brian Mason, a longtime question period foe of Klein’s, also wished the former premier well.


Mason said the two didn’t agree on much, but Klein has such a disarming personality, you can’t help but like him.


“He was a hard guy not to like. He was charming,” said Mason. “I described him one time as (kind of like) a cute little puppy right next to a pile of poop on the rug – you didn’t know what to do with him.”


Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith said she remains optimistic.


“He has had tough times before and he’s recovered from them, so our hopes and prayers are with him that he does make a recovery and he is able to have a few more months with his family,” said Smith.


Liberal Leader Raj Sherman called Klein “a force to be reckoned with.”


“He was animated and fiery, and his passion for politics and Alberta serves as an inspiration to me and my colleagues,” said Sherman in a news release.


Even seven years after he left office, Klein remains a popular and polarizing figure.


Both right-centre parties in Alberta’s legislature lay claim to being his philosophical standard bearers.


Redford’s Progressive Conservatives point out Klein is a fellow PC.


Smith’s Wildrose, however, say Klein’s trademark debt reduction beliefs dovetail with their political philosophy and not with that of a Redford government that is borrowing billions of dollars to build roads, schools, and hospitals.


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