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Anti-Trump sentiment is still making waves by Muslims to falsify their stories to blame Trumps for their aches and pains of living in America.

This (fact) was taken from the highest investigative body in the United States that everything is possible and must be looked under the microscope, even when it doesn't look believable. 

Let's take it a step further. In a court of law, every defendant raised their right hand to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and still get convicted for telling lies. 

I believe someone is telling lies to the media to get five minutes of fame. People strike when the iron is hot. What's your thoughts!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Hillary will be the next President of the US as certified by the Electoral College.

According to the news, Joe (the plumber) Biden will join 2020 circus for the presidency after he get ditched by Obama and Hillary. God knows who will give who a chance when Michelle Obama could be a challenger to be the chief clown. 

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Michelle Obama would make a good president...she has more balls than her husband

Which is why she isn't going to do this.  Too many people like the GNI Indo KKK crew will try to kill her.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Michelle Obama would make a good president...she has more balls than her husband

Which is why she isn't going to do this.  Too many people like the GNI Indo KKK crew will try to kill her.

I stated before that Michelle Obama makes a good candidate for president if she won the heart and minds of the American voters, but the likelihood of that depends on Trump's performance in his first term in office.




Prince what skont you starting about Muslims?

Do you have the stats about crimes committed by Muslims in comparison to crime committed by people of other faiths?

Donald Trump purposely targeted Muslims and HIspanics to drive fear into white aamerica. And you know what , it worked.

SO now Muslims has every right to be concerned , look look at all the Mosques that is being attacked all across America. Our women folks are subjected to physical attacks all be cause of the tone set by MR. Trump.

Today's daily news also mentioned that attack against our Jewish brothers and sisters also skyrocketed here in NYC since Nov 8th.

You better pray that your daughter or a family member is not mistakenly attacked by a racist white mob. Some of these people do not know the difference of who is who, everyone is brown and black in their eyes . 

YOU keep up with your nonsense about Muslims should be targeted, the chicken will come home to roost.

Last edited by Chief
Prince posted:
, but the likelihood of that depends on Trump's performance in his first term in office.



Trump will create a boom for comedians. His beginnings aren't good.  He has no idea that being president of the USA is serious and that he needs to give up his tweeting and stop being a used car salesman.  And that he should think before he speaks.

As of now even Bush is looking highly competent.  Let us hope that China isn't the new global power in 2020.

Prince posted:

Chief, I am not attacking Muslims, i am stating the facts of what must be taking into account in these anti-Muslim reports. There are three sides to every story, your, mine and the truth. Samjee?

FACT.  Many law enforcement entities are reporting an upsurge in violence directed, not only against Muslims but against other people of color and against women.

We see the KKK and other monstrous groups celebrating.

I suggest that some one like you who doesn't look like your folks came from Ireland needs to start being serious and stop being used as a stooge.

Chief posted:

Prince what skont you starting about Muslims?

Do you have the stats about crimes committed by Muslims in comparison to crime committed by people of other faiths?


Crime among Muslims in the USA will be low. Not because of the religion but because the population consists disproportionately of professionals, executives and business owners.

In Europe, where there is more of an unskilled population Muslims have very high rates of crime.  This especially true in France and Belgium.

Cease implying that your religion is better than that of others.  Right now it has a huge image problem.

Prince posted:

Chief, I am not attacking Muslims, i am stating the facts of what must be taking into account in these anti-Muslim reports. There are three sides to every story, your, mine and the truth. Samjee?

Psychology of Lying

The psychology of lying can be a complicated concept because people lie for different reasons. While some people lie in an attempt to avoid punishment or to avoid hurting someone else's feelings, others lie out of impulse or because they want to present themselves as someone they are not.

The Reason for Lies

There are many explanations for why people lie. Everyone tells lies once in a while, although the number and severity of the lies varies from one person to another.

Why do people lie? When looking at the psychology of lying, there are several reasons why people tell lies. Small "white lies" are told to avoid embarrassment or avoid hurting someone else's feelings, and these lies are generally considered insignificant.

The Psychology of Lying

On the other spectrum, however, are people who tell lies pathologically. They feel a compulsion to tell lies and may lie for no apparent benefit whatsoever. People in this category often qualify for a diagnosis of a mental health disorder as designated by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Common diagnoses associated with patients who consistently lie include:

  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder
  • Factitious Disorders

Other mental disorders exist that may result in patients telling lies, but not realizing that what they are saying is not true. Examples include Paranoid Personality Disorder or some of the Dissociative Disorders.

Furthermore, some people are led to lie as a result of their disorder even though the disorder itself does not directly cause the lying. For example, a person diagnosed with an eating disorder may lie about caloric intake in an attempt to avoid eating another meal, or a compulsive gambler may lie about how much money was spent at a trip to the casino. On the other hand, some people who lie have no mental disorder at all.

The Neurology of Lying

Neuropsychologists know that there is a distinct difference in brain activity when a person tells the truth as opposed to when a person tells a lie. Different parts of the brain are used to deliberately tell a falsehood than are used to speak the truth, so from a neuropsychological viewpoint, there is a distinct difference between the two.This is the reason why there is a physical reaction to the act of telling a lie. There is much more to telling a lie than meets the eye.

Everyday Lying

Lies are common. People studying the psychology of lying will soon find that telling lies does not automatically indicate any type of mental disorder. Even if there is an instance where a person tells a lie without first considering the reasoning behind it or the consequences resulting from the lie, this is not considered a symptom of psychopathology. It would only be considered a symptom if the person does this often and it has negative effects on his or her life.

Lying takes many forms, whether it is mere exaggeration or blatant untruths. It is the severity of the lies, the frequency of the lies and the reasoning behind the lies that points to a psychological problem.


People who have psychological problems that result in perpetual lying can seek treatment with a competent behavioral professional. Treatment may include counseling, behavior modification or contracts between the patient and therapist that include negative consequences for lying and positive reinforcements when the patient consistently tells the truth.

If you have trouble with a compulsion to lie despite efforts to stop, consider seeking out professional assistance from a specialist who has experience in helping people who cannot seem to stop lying. Lying is well researched in the field of psychology, and for this reason there is hope for people who have a problem with compulsively telling lies for whatever reason.

caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Michelle Obama would make a good president...she has more balls than her husband

Which is why she isn't going to do this.  Too many people like the GNI Indo KKK crew will try to kill her.

The Black KKK will kill her, Blacks don't like to see their mattie get up, remember the white majority that voted for Obama and gave him TWO terms.

caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Prince what skont you starting about Muslims?

Do you have the stats about crimes committed by Muslims in comparison to crime committed by people of other faiths?



Cease implying that your religion is better than that of others.  Right now it has a huge image problem.


From its inception Islam had an image problem by those who felt threathened by its simple and peaceful  message.


kp posted:

The Black KKK will kill her, Blacks don't like to see their mattie get up, remember the white majority that voted for Obama and gave him TWO terms.

In fact Obama got over 95% of the black vote TWICE.  Not only that but in 2008 and 2012 a HIGHER % of blacks voted than whites.

Your entitled to believe in your lies, but not to peddle it as truth.

Chief posted:
caribny posted:
Chief posted:

Prince what skont you starting about Muslims?

Do you have the stats about crimes committed by Muslims in comparison to crime committed by people of other faiths?



Cease implying that your religion is better than that of others.  Right now it has a huge image problem.


From its inception Islam had an image problem by those who felt threathened by its simple and peaceful  message.


Chief your fellow Muslims in Yemen are starving due to the behavior of that chief Muslim nation called Saudi Arabia.  You know that country which considers itself as holier than holy because it is the place where you all hold your annual pilgrimage.

Please tell me why Yemenis are appealing to the "evil" Christians of the West instead of to their fellow Muslims?

While you are at it tell us why the relatively poor Kenya has assumed the burden of absorbing hundreds of thousands of Somalis, even though it is a majority Christian land?  And of course its the "evil" West which has fed and clothed these Somalis, with precious little help from their own Muslims.

In fact Somalis are very upset by how badly they have been treated by their own fellow Muslims.

And why so many black African Muslims who are Muslims migrate to Israel, and Europe, and not to Muslim lands?  In fact they feel better treated by the Christians of Europe than by their fellow Muslims in Morocco, Libya, and Egypt.

After all your religion is the "best" is the world, yet Muslims don't seem to trust their fellow Muslims.

I judge a religion, not  by what is in a book, but by how its adherence behave. Chief it is really hard to argue that Muslims are more virtuous than others.


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