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Newt Gingrich: Pelosi should be kicked out of office for her 'petty, childish' behavior

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., proved how divided the state of the union is by the "petty childish behavior" she exhibited after President Trump's address Tuesday night, former House speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade, Gingrich said he understands where the president is coming from when he snubs Pelosi.

"Speaker Pelosi has attacked him for four solid months. She has called him the most vile names possible," he said.


"You know, I introduced Bill Clinton four times when I was speaker of the House," Gingrich remarked, referring to his time in office. "One time it was in the middle of the scandal. Every time, because of the dignity of the House and the Constitution, I used the right phrase. She didn't."

Gingrich said that the idea Pelosi would tear up her copy of the State of the Union address was "childish" and "so beneath the dignity of the House."

"I agree with Jonathan Turley -- who is a Democrat -- who wrote this morning that she really should be kicked out of office for demeaning the entire nature of both the Constitution and the House of Representatives," he added.

"Remember," Gingrich continued, "he is delivering a constitutionally required address so in a sense she is ripping up a document that exists under the Constitution."

On Wednesday House Judiciary Committee member Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said he will be filing ethics charges against Pelosi over what he called her "temper tantrum" following the address.

Gaetz told Fox News host Laura Ingraham on "The Ingraham Angle" that he will join two other Republicans and file the charges with the House Ethics Committee on Thursday. Reps. Lee Zeldin of New York and Kay Granger of Texas will join him, he said.


"[Pelosi] disgraced the House of Representatives, she embarrassed our country and she destroyed official records. The law does not allow the speaker of the House to destroy the records of the House and the rules of the House do not permit some little temper tantrum just because you don't like what the president of the United States says," he said.

Gingrich said he doesn't know why Pelosi made that decision, but he doesn't care.

"And, she just divided the state of the union the kind of petty, childish behavior that she personally exhibited," he stated. "It displayed to the entire country how vicious and petty the Democrats have become."

Fox News' Charles Creitz contributed to this report.

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Nancy is clearly unhinged. As stated before, Democrats politicians are like a bunch of mentally ill people who are too sick to recognize that they have a mental health issue and refuse to seek treatment. 

She is taking the entire Democratic Party and their supporters to the political slaughterhouse at the polls. Very sad because a democracy needs sensible and intelligent opposition. 

It is only a matter of time before there is a revolt against her. She is under tremendous pressure from the far left of her party. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Newt Gingrich: Pelosi should be kicked out of office for her 'petty, childish' behavior

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., proved how divided the state of the union is by the "petty childish behavior" she exhibited after President Trump's address Tuesday night, former House speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday.

Appearing on "Fox & Friends" with hosts Steve Doocy, Ainsley Earhardt, and Brian Kilmeade, Gingrich said he understands where the president is coming from when he snubs Pelosi.

Fox News' Charles Creitz contributed to this report.

Regardless of differences in views, opinions and activities, the current president must be respectful to both representatives at the session, as was done by all previous presidents.

The current president's action to Nancy Pelosi is highly unacceptable.

Few information on Newt Gingrich ...

Newt Gingrich Fast Facts

, Updated 5:47 PM ET, Wed June 5, 2019, Source -- CNN,

December 31, 1994 - Announces he will return a $4.5 million book advance after its appropriateness is questioned.

December 21, 1996 - A House investigative subcommittee finds Gingrich violated House rules when he wrongly used tax-exempt funds to teach a college course between 1993 and 1995, which involved GOPAC, a political action committee with which he was once involved.
January 7, 1997 - Narrowly wins re-election as speaker by a vote of 216-209.
January 17, 1997 - After a six-hour hearing where special counsel James M. Cole argues that Gingrich had shown "a disregard and lack of respect for the standards of conduct" of the House, the ethics committee votes 7-1 to send the full House a recommendation that Gingrich be reprimanded and fined $300,000. By being reprimanded, rather than facing the more serious sanction of a censure, Gingrich would be able to remain in the role of House speaker.
January 21, 1997 - Gingrich is assessed costs of $300,000 and formally reprimanded as a result of his using tax-exempt funds to promote Republican causes and lying about it to the House Committee on Ethics. He originally has 84 charges brought against him, but is exonerated of 83 of them.

Source and rest of the article --

Sean posted:

Bai DG, It would be best for her to just step down to save the USA from embarrassment and insult to political institutions. Nehru Bhai seh dat Talib should become speaker. I prefer Omar, she does not use the F word.

Sean, the thing good about politics in Washington, D.C. is they have politicians to represent people who would otherwise be neglected. Omar and Talib are two most hated person on the hill but they were elected in office by their constituents. The same way you are rooting for Mahatma Trump,  people are rooting for Biden. You must put some honesty in your argument. Btw, I voted for Trump in 2016. 

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

So you voted for a Jackass 

Sean posted:

No Bai, Democrats have a Jackass as their logo. Everyone who votes democrat is voting for a Jackass.

hey hey hey 

Democrats have a long standing political party symbol.

However, the Republicans have been wandering all over the place to select a colour. Eventually in 2000, the Republicans finally decided to select red as its party colour.

While the mascot was an elephant, Republicans in many states of the US_of_A had various mascots. 


Skoanthole Gingrich is the last frigging politician to comment on Nancy Pelosi. The bastard divorced his wife after she found out she had cancer. He dumped the lady and their two daughters fearing he would have to pay the medical bills. He was also having an affair with his secretary Callista(now his wife). What an ungrateful bastard.


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