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Former Member

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This is the most anticipating moment in America's history where a businessman will be sworn in as president of the United States of America. Donald J. Trump is the modern-day Ronald Reagan when it comes to trade deals. He is first and foremost for America and Americans. He will not take humiliation from foreign powers. He knows where illegal aliens and terrorists belong (in their own country). With his leadership, people who want to a part of the American dream will have to respect the American culture and its laws. Make no mistake, I shit you not.

Donald J. Trump

PS. Please grab Nehru old women them.  


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Trump's plans could double US GDP growth by 2018, Deutsche Bank says

Trump era ushers in new market strategy: Mark Grant

President-elect Donald Trump's policies have the potential to trigger a new age in U.S. economic growth that could serve as a global template, according to a Deutsche Bank forecast.

Gross domestic product growth would be double its current level under an agenda that cuts regulations across a broad swath of critical sectors, enacts tax reform that slashes personal and corporate taxes, and calls for at least $1 trillion in improvements for bridges, roads and other public projects.


It is something else when a former CIA officer can say on cnn a public television station that the intelligence chiefs will go along with what Trump says but the people lower down the ranks will be looking for payback.  Trump has to do what the CIA says or they will just release an islamic terror on him and family. That is real power talking there.

Last edited by Prashad

I will be taking that entire day off to witness the crowning of the Mahatma Trump. 

Long Live Maharaja Mahatma Trump ! 

Hillary will have a box of Kleenex close by. She blew the biggest chance in her lifetime. Her pride was her downfall. Her campaign strategy was deeply flawed. (Just like how Dumbo Rammo failed to get off the blocks at the last campaign and behaved as he was the crowned Maharaj)

The lesson for Hillary and everyone else is that no one should surround themselves with Yes Men, I live and die by that principle.

Poor Kari is suffering from depression since that massive defeat. I will never forget as he and D2 were clinging to straws on Election Night.

Last edited by Former Member

A Trump presidency will represent a paradigm shift globally which will be with us for 25-40 years.  We are moving back to a new center of gravity.  However, this too will run its course and a new "S" curve will be sought!

Business optimism is at the highest levels since 2004.  This has all to do with Trump.  The biggest challenge for Trump will be to meet these expectations.

yuji22 posted:

I will be taking that entire day off to witness the crowning of the Mahatma Trump. 

Long Live Maharaja Mahatma Trump ! 

Hillary will have a box of Kleenex close by. She blew the biggest chance in her lifetime. Her pride was her downfall. Her campaign strategy was deeply flawed. (Just like how Dumbo Rammo failed to get off the blocks at the last campaign and behaved as he was the crowned Maharaj)

The lesson for Hillary and everyone else is that no one should surround themselves with Yes Men, I live and die by that principle.

Poor Kari is suffering from depression since that massive defeat. I will never forget as he and D2 were clinging to straws on Election Night.

Yuji bhai, you rass wicked.

RiffRaff posted:

Senate will be in Dems hands in 2 years...Presidency back in Dems hands in 4 years

Business owners happy because they will have more money in their pockets, but that extra money will not trickle down...thus middle class will rebel and vote him out

Sure, that's ok if he does not deliver!  But let's first see!  The GOP might block some overtures to Russia but I don't see them blocking his domestic stimulus initiatives.  If Trump's policies could ramp up and sustain growth to 3%-4%, he will be re-elected!

ba$eman posted:

A Trump presidency will represent a paradigm shift globally which will be with us for 25-40 years.  We are moving back to a new center of gravity.  However, this too will run its course and a new "S" curve will be sought!

Business optimism is at the highest levels since 2004.  This has all to do with Trump.  The biggest challenge for Trump will be to meet these expectations.

Boom times are ahead.

America needed that rush of business confidence which was very lacking while the golfer/community organizer was in office. The stock market is the first indicator and it has responded very positively to President Trump.

Americans will now witness how a true blooded businessman will grow an economy and protect American business interest.

Kudos to President Trump.

yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:

A Trump presidency will represent a paradigm shift globally which will be with us for 25-40 years.  We are moving back to a new center of gravity.  However, this too will run its course and a new "S" curve will be sought!

Business optimism is at the highest levels since 2004.  This has all to do with Trump.  The biggest challenge for Trump will be to meet these expectations.

Boom times are ahead.

America needed that rush of business confidence which was very lacking while the golfer/community organizer was in office. The stock market is the first indicator and it has responded very positively to President Trump.

Americans will now witness how a true blooded businessman will grow an economy and protect American business interest.

Kudos to President Trump.

We are entering a period where the elitist technocrats will take a back-seat to a nuts and bolts business approach to running the nation and the economy.


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