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Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


those sugar estates will never be re-opened, spare parts too expensive. jagdeo knows that too. if charandass only voted yes because of the sugar workers then he had false perceptions. 

Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


The PPP is NOT going to be inclusive because they do not have to be. So stop chatting nonsense.

The tribal lines are once again reinforced with the image of an Indian selling out a majority black party to allow an Indian dictator to assume power. 

Please explain why you think that the PPP thinks this important.

seignet posted:
Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


those sugar estates will never be re-opened, spare parts too expensive. jagdeo knows that too. if charandass only voted yes because of the sugar workers then he had false perceptions. 

Jagdeo was planning to close estates and in fact long ago said that the Demerara estates would be closed and production in Berbice would gave been centered around Skeldon.  That he didn't actually implement this allows him to run around squealing "black man a starve ahbe".

There will be NO plan for Linden as he doesnt like the people who live there.

And  I didn't see Charrandass out there protesting the closures of the estates. The Minister of Agriculture is an AFC person and I bet that he cannot tell us what he did to prevent closures.

Judas money good because they say Canada expensive!

yuji22 posted:

GT would be on fire if that happens. Time to usher in a new era. He rass will kick the bucket since he is an old dinasour. Leave him alone.

You with your usual imagery of black savages. Listen most people dont even know or care who Hammie Green is. He was absent as a mayor and his GGG party collapsed.

You screamed that if the NC worked GT would have been on fire and hundreds of Indians would be dead.  Did that happen? No!

Blacks are looking to see what the PPP plans to do if, as is most likely, they win the election.  If Jagdeo doesnt have a plan to improve their lot and if he once again Indianizes top leadership then they will act.  And this will likely see a new generation of blacks emerging who will tie up the PPP in the courts.

Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

The salary increase needs to be revisited 

You are naïve. You really want this PPP MPs to riot in parliament. Did they refuse to take their salary increases which they got under the Coalition?

We will see reinforcement of all that was ugly under the PPP.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

GT would be on fire if that happens. Time to usher in a new era. He rass will kick the bucket since he is an old dinasour. Leave him alone.

You with your usual imagery of black savages. Listen most people dont even know or care who Hammie Green is. He was absent as a mayor and his GGG party collapsed.

You screamed that if the NC worked GT would have been on fire and hundreds of Indians would be dead.  Did that happen? No!

Blacks are looking to see what the PPP plans to do if, as is most likely, they win the election.  If Jagdeo doesnt have a plan to improve their lot and if he once again Indianizes top leadership then they will act.  And this will likely see a new generation of blacks emerging who will tie up the PPP in the courts.

Shut you rass. I was saying to leave the thug and murderer Hamilton Greene alone and move the country forward. 

Your racism and hate will destroy your mental health. Better go and take your meds. 



caribny posted:
seignet posted:
Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


those sugar estates will never be re-opened, spare parts too expensive. jagdeo knows that too. if charandass only voted yes because of the sugar workers then he had false perceptions. 

Jagdeo was planning to close estates and in fact long ago said that the Demerara estates would be closed and production in Berbice would gave been centered around Skeldon.  That he didn't actually implement this allows him to run around squealing "black man a starve ahbe".

There will be NO plan for Linden as he doesnt like the people who live there.

And  I didn't see Charrandass out there protesting the closures of the estates. The Minister of Agriculture is an AFC person and I bet that he cannot tell us what he did to prevent closures.

Judas money good because they say Canada expensive!

judas money is like son of chapman incident. i think your sources in Guyana told you that Persaud got paid off. Another big lie.


All you na worry wid Carib. He gone mad since his PNC was toppled. Pray that he does not end up in a mental asylum. 

Base just buss his balls and asked him if Vulgar Volda will lead the PNC and he ducked for cover. 


Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


Sensible people do not want to amend that constitution. The idea is to throw it out and start over from the ground up The rationale is you cannot turn a Romanesque cathedral into the supreme elegance of a Gothic cathedral. All you end up with is a horrible monstrosity of concrete and plaster. The form and structure of this constitution has to go.  This means scrapping the constitution and building it ground up with a consensus of the people.


@Vish M Agree with 4(ish) out of the 5 sugar is dead in its current form reopening the estates would be symbolic but achieve nothing, inclusive 100% but not just a shuffling of the these dinosaurs, pension them off and let's bring in new blood in all levels of government

Stormborn posted:
Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering

Sensible people do not want to amend that constitution.

The idea is to throw it out and start over from the ground up

A plausible approach.

yuji22 posted:

Shut you rass. I was saying to leave the thug and murderer Hamilton Greene alone and move the country forward. 




And now the PPP has ensured pension benefits for some of Hammie's thugs like Lumumba and Joe Hamilton. Yes men who boasted about cracking PPP and WPA bones.

Imagine how you endorse these men.

Sheik101 posted:

Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

Well said Sheik, voice of reason.

On this board, both sides are going mad, not only CaribJ.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

GT would be on fire if that happens. Time to usher in a new era. He rass will kick the bucket since he is an old dinasour. Leave him alone.

You with your usual imagery of black savages. Listen most people dont even know or care who Hammie Green is. He was absent as a mayor and his GGG party collapsed.

You screamed that if the NC worked GT would have been on fire and hundreds of Indians would be dead.  Did that happen? No!


This Yugi character with homo erotic fantasies of being beaten by black men has been screaming on every thread about GT burning and other violence if the NC goes thru. Nothing of the sort happened, but he's continuing his chants for it along with Baseman and Haniffa.

Iguana posted:

This Yugi character with homo erotic fantasies of being beaten by black men has been screaming on every thread about GT burning and other violence if the NC goes thru. Nothing of the sort happened, but he's continuing his chants for it along with Baseman and Haniffa.

It seems like BH uses the nicks of Drugb, Yugi, KP and some others to post crappy and erotic stuff, especially at nights the posts from Drugb are her writing. Maybe Drugb left and gave her his nick.

Last edited by Former Member

Lenora, please desist with your nonsense.  Admin has our IP addresses can can confirm that you are also becoming delusional since the PNC fell.

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
Iguana posted:

This Yugi character with homo erotic fantasies of being beaten by black men has been screaming on every thread about GT burning and other violence if the NC goes thru. Nothing of the sort happened, but he's continuing his chants for it along with Baseman and Haniffa.

It seems like BH uses the nicks of Drugb, Yugi, KP and some others to post crappy and erotic stuff, especially at nights the posts from Drugb are her writing. Maybe Drugb left and gave her his nick.

Nah, that's him writing. Vintage cow shit wimpy screaming about how black man gon bun down GT etc. Several threads he did this on, just hoping it would happen suh he could further he racist agenda against blacks in Guyana.

Haniffa and Baseman hoping that it happens so Rat man can bring out he phantoms again and show who is boss. Different agenda. Baseman and cousin "Dave" gat de "link" in GT waiting for instructions. Ask dem who dat is. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sheik101 posted:

Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

banna, this was not an act of "conscience" . . . an act of conscience would have been his resignation as an AFC MP and everything that naturally flows from such action

this was a calculated, deceitful, "political" act to help the PPP win power

whether any money changed/will change hands is between him and his God . . . there are many ways to skin a cat

none of us will likely ever know for sure, so i have no idea what you mean by "contrary" under these circumstances . . . you just conveniently kicking that can down the road

in fact, his motivation may be even worse if bribe was not a factor . . . under these dutty circumstances

we only know what we know . . . and what we know is UGLY

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

banna, this was not an act of "conscience" . . . an act of conscience would have been his resignation as an AFC MP and everything that naturally flows from such action

Resigning his position as AFC MP is worthless in sparing the people of Guyana any further damage. Obviously those who wish others to toe the line would advocate for this as it allows the government to install a new rubber stamp to replace Charandas who did not wish to be a rubber stamp anymore. The government would go back to their hapless running of the country and everyone will continue to be adversely affected. He did the right thing to the chagrin of the Coalition government and its supporters.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

banna, this was not an act of "conscience" . . . an act of conscience would have been his resignation as an AFC MP and everything that naturally flows from such action

Resigning his position as AFC MP is worthless in sparing the people of Guyana any further damage. Obviously those who wish others to toe the line would advocate for this as it allows the government to install a new rubber stamp to replace Charandas who did not wish to be a rubber stamp anymore. The government would go back to their hapless running of the country and everyone will continue to be adversely affected. He did the right thing to the chagrin of the Coalition government and its supporters.

the exculpatory hyperbole about "sparing the people of Guyana any further damage" is noted and your intent is not opaque

what the banna did is allowed

just don't pretend that this was about "conscience" arite?

that costume don't fit you too well . . . in fact, you look downright silly

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
Sheik101 posted:

Charrandas made it clear speaking outside parliament that he cannot be bought nor was he interested in joining or being a member of any political party. He further stated that as a successful lawyer he's doing quite well. Yet Carib et al continue to harp on the belief that the man was paid off. To hear him say it, one would think he was at the table when this alleged paid off took place. Charrrandas will be held to his word. If he does anything contrary to what he said, then he would be deemed a liar and his reputation as a public figure destroyed. I don't think he's willing to take such risks. But let's see.

banna, this was not an act of "conscience" . . . an act of conscience would have been his resignation as an AFC MP and everything that naturally flows from such action

Resigning his position as AFC MP is worthless in sparing the people of Guyana any further damage. Obviously those who wish others to toe the line would advocate for this as it allows the government to install a new rubber stamp to replace Charandas who did not wish to be a rubber stamp anymore. The government would go back to their hapless running of the country and everyone will continue to be adversely affected. He did the right thing to the chagrin of the Coalition government and its supporters.

the exculpatory hyperbole about "sparing the people of Guyana any further damage" is noted and your intent is not opaque

what the banna did is allowed

just don't pretend that this was about "conscience" arite?

that costume don't fit you too well . . . in fact, you look downright silly

Charandas stated that he did it for conscience. That is his claim. Regardless, I am pleased that he did because I think that this Coalition government is hapless. His action is good for Guyana. The PNC does not know how to govern. They tried it back in the 60s, 70s and 80s and they failed miserably. They were given a new opportunity in 2015 and in less than 4 years, they have been deemed ineffective. If you think I am making this up, go ask all those PNC supporters why they did not come out to support the PNC in the LGE last month.

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Charandas stated that he did it for conscience. That is his claim.

sure he did

he is a DECEITFUL FRAUD! . . .that's all

It is your word against his. And given from your pitiful performance after Lawrence made her racist comments, I am not sure that you are in a position to judge Persaud.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Charandas stated that he did it for conscience. That is his claim.

sure he did

he is a DECEITFUL FRAUD! . . .that's all

It is your word against his.

what exactly is your point estupido?

your ego apparently is under permanent siege

ronan posted:

what exactly is your point estupido?

your ego apparently is under permanent siege

Right. Like I go around labeling others. You need to label others because it apparently brings you comfort to accept yourself. If that is so, take a long time out. Go out into the outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and other forms of life. It may do a great deal for your mental state.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

what exactly is your point estupido?

your ego apparently is under permanent siege

Right. Like I go around labeling others. You need to label others because it apparently brings you comfort to accept yourself. If that is so, take a long time out. Go out into the outdoors and enjoy the fresh air and other forms of life. It may do a great deal for your mental state.

i doubt that i need recommendations on life choices from a mediocrity like you

go do yourself a favor and read a book

seignet posted:
Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


those sugar estates will never be re-opened, spare parts too expensive. jagdeo knows that too. if charandass only voted yes because of the sugar workers then he had false perceptions. 


Mostly false hopes there:

Unlikely estates will be reopened 

Out of the question on ExxonMobil.  Ain’t happening 

Not sure what it means on linden.  

The other two, it’s in local control, let’s see!  Guyana remains as divided as ever, if not more so now!

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Charandas stated that he did it for conscience. That is his claim.

sure he did

he is a DECEITFUL FRAUD! . . .that's all

You are one bitter PNC supporter who thinks that Guyana is only to be ruled by PNC, the likes of Joe Harmon, Basil Williams, Vulga Lawrence...
Get a grip and accept DEFEAT. It has already happened and you must live with it. No amount of bitterness and hate towards Patriot Charandas will cause the reversal of the NC. Sleep tight.

Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

It must be inclusive

Must amend the constitution

Re-negotiate the Exxon Deal

Re Open the Closed Sugar Estates

Bring Linden on the front burner as it is suffering


You cannot get inclusive government with our constitution and patterns of voting coerced by it. 

The constitution needs to be discarded and  remade from the ground up on a republican model

Exxon is locked. There is little that Guyana can do. Between the PPP and the PNC they already give away the store.

Sugar is dead. They should keep one productive one on line for local consumption, ethanol production, molasses for DHL etc. 

Linden is a beautiful place in reach by large vessels. It definitely will be a big port town when the Brazil road opens. It also has lots of room to expand. Its time will come. 


Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

The Sovereign Wealth Fund should be independently established 

it must not be under any government control

If it follows the Santiago protocol which is the baseline for these funds it will be fine. The problem here is that the government ultimately gets to make demands on it and has the authority to spend it if the so desire. You cannot place such a fund solely in civilian hands. They will promptly begin to live the high life. 


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