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Dave posted:

Anyhow PPP has room for everyone except the racist. 

The Coalition says the same thing too and can name loads of Indians among them.  So they think that you are a black hating racists merely because you refuse to support them.

Every argument that you raise can be equally offset by them. What neither you nor they will ever admit is that the Indians in the PNC and the blacks in the PPP are all tokens.  Jagdeo is ranting about who will replace him. NO BLACKS on the list. 

And dont scream that the PNC is as bad because I am here to tell you that indeed they are.   I will talk about black abuse of Indians. You scream that blacks are ungrateful because they complain of abuse by Indians.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

And THAT is why I am anxious. Two years ago a major businessman, who is neither black nor Indian, mentioned to a group of us that he fears that a tribal war in Guyana can break out.

His reasons;

1. He said that Indians object to Guyana being governed by a black people.

2. He said that blacks know this and so have decided that an Indo dominated gov't can never be fair to them.



For 31.5 years Blacks govern Indians and there was no tribal war, suddenly it will be a tribal war. Haul you racist backside so. 

Guyanese are smarter now, they have no time for bull shitters like you.  Ayo stop fan the flames of division. 

Ayo enjoy the good living in the white man country, so if the Guyanese Indian leader can provide good living fo Ayo.. take it with a warm heart cause Ayo Mattie black leader don’t give a crap about Ayo, them openly telling Ayo to change Ayo bad habits.. Ayo  worst of in the last 3 years. 

Guyana has no place for people like you. Everyone is a big family. 

yuji22 posted:


Bottom line is elections in 90 days as per the speakers ruling that the NC stands.




The speaker did NOT say that the NC stands. He said that the courts will determine this, based on evidence presented to them.

I will also tell you that the PPP can ensure that violence doesnt occur by going into working class black neighborhoods with plans and proof that they will not treat blacks the way that they did especially after 2000, should they win.

Your reaction to my comment is precisely why there is a possibility that yes there may well be a violent reaction from people who are terrified that they will once again face the abuse that they did under Jagdeo/Ramotar.

And if you scream that the PPP wasn't racist then you show that you dont want a resolution of the problem.  Dialogue will resolve it when the PPP goes out to people like David Hinds, Lincoln Lewis, Nigel Hughes, and others who are respected by blacks, and then asks them how can the PPP improve its image among blacks/

Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

And THAT is why I am anxious. Two years ago a major businessman, who is neither black nor Indian, mentioned to a group of us that he fears that a tribal war in Guyana can break out.

His reasons;

1. He said that Indians object to Guyana being governed by a black people.

2. He said that blacks know this and so have decided that an Indo dominated gov't can never be fair to them.



For 31.5 years Blacks govern Indians and there was no tribal war, suddenly it will be a tribal war. Haul you racist backside so. 

Guyanese are smarter now, they have no time for bull shitters like you.  Ayo stop fan the flames of division. 

Ayo enjoy the good living in the white man country, so if the Guyanese Indian leader can provide good living fo Ayo.. take it with a warm heart cause Ayo Mattie black leader don’t give a crap about Ayo, them openly telling Ayo to change Ayo bad habits.. Ayo  worst of in the last 3 years. 

Guyana has no place for people like you. Everyone is a big family. 

Bellow as you wish.  Blacks think that the PPP is racist.  You dont think so but they do. If you dont want them to panic then reassure them that their assessment is wrong. And do so by indicating that the next era of PPP rule will not be like the previous 30 years.

Call them dumb, stupid and lazy and you might not like how they react to you.

Ball is in your court. And you live in Guyana so this should concern you.

If Guyana has no place for people like me why are you panicked about the PNC.  You think that I run the PNC. Listen I stay as far away from anything to do with the PNC as I can.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:


Bottom line is elections in 90 days as per the speakers ruling that the NC stands.




The speaker did NOT say that the NC stands. He said that the courts will determine this, based on evidence presented to them.

I will also tell you that the PPP can ensure that violence doesnt occur by going into working class black neighborhoods with plans and proof that they will not treat blacks the way that they did especially after 2000, should they win.

Your reaction to my comment is precisely why there is a possibility that yes there may well be a violent reaction from people who are terrified that they will once again face the abuse that they did under Jagdeo/Ramotar.

And if you scream that the PPP wasn't racist then you show that you dont want a resolution of the problem.  Dialogue will resolve it when the PPP goes out to people like David Hinds, Lincoln Lewis, Nigel Hughes, and others who are respected by blacks, and then asks them how can the PPP improve its image among blacks/

The speaker stands by the NCM, that’s why he refused to overturn it.. still bitter to accept. 

caribny posted:
Dave posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

And THAT is why I am anxious. Two years ago a major businessman, who is neither black nor Indian, mentioned to a group of us that he fears that a tribal war in Guyana can break out.

His reasons;

1. He said that Indians object to Guyana being governed by a black people.

2. He said that blacks know this and so have decided that an Indo dominated gov't can never be fair to them.



For 31.5 years Blacks govern Indians and there was no tribal war, suddenly it will be a tribal war. Haul you racist backside so. 

Guyanese are smarter now, they have no time for bull shitters like you.  Ayo stop fan the flames of division. 

Ayo enjoy the good living in the white man country, so if the Guyanese Indian leader can provide good living fo Ayo.. take it with a warm heart cause Ayo Mattie black leader don’t give a crap about Ayo, them openly telling Ayo to change Ayo bad habits.. Ayo  worst of in the last 3 years. 

Guyana has no place for people like you. Everyone is a big family. 

Bellow as you wish.  Blacks think that the PPP is racist.  You dont think so but they do. If you dont want them to panic then reassure them that their assessment is wrong. And do so by indicating that the next era of PPP rule will not be like the previous 30 years.

Call them dumb, stupid and lazy and you might not like how they react to you.

Ball is in your court. And you live in Guyana so this should concern you.

If Guyana has no place for people like me why are you panicked about the PNC.  You think that I run the PNC. Listen I stay as far away from anything to do with the PNC as I can.

Dude I respect your calmness, god bless you. 

Wonder if you have some Indians in you

Dave posted:

The speaker stands by the NCM, that’s why he refused to overturn it.. still bitter to accept. 

Please go and listen to the tape. Now I know like most PPP supporters you are ignorant, semi literate and have poor cognitive skills but the speaker himself said that it is up to the courts to resolve this. That he would have no part in determining whether claims by the Coalition are valid or not.

Dave posted:

Dude I respect your calmness, god bless you. 

Wonder if you have some Indians in you

You know when I was a little boy in the early 60s the Indian stereotype was of being hot tempered, prone to drunkenness, and vicious when rum and a cutlass were in close proximity.

Not sure that calmness is an Indo Guyanese trait. Maybe Amerindian or Chinese Guyanese.

caribny posted:
Dave posted:

The speaker stands by the NCM, that’s why he refused to overturn it.. still bitter to accept. 

Please go and listen to the tape. Now I know like most PPP supporters you are ignorant, semi literate and have poor cognitive skills but the speaker himself said that it is up to the courts to resolve this. That he would have no part in determining whether claims by the Coalition are valid or not.

The man just praise your calmness and now you turn around and insult him. Stm

kp posted:
caribny posted:
Dave posted:

The speaker stands by the NCM, that’s why he refused to overturn it.. still bitter to accept. 

Please go and listen to the tape. Now I know like most PPP supporters you are ignorant, semi literate and have poor cognitive skills but the speaker himself said that it is up to the courts to resolve this. That he would have no part in determining whether claims by the Coalition are valid or not.

The man just praise your calmness and now you turn around and insult him. Stm

If these are the traits that he displays what do you expect me to say.  Evidence is that blacks resent the PPP. He screams about Joe Hamilton, Lumumba and a few other black PPP tokens. Clearly this doesnt imply intelligence or someone capable of deep analysis.

If I ran around screaming that Indians love the APNU/AFC and then cited Amna and a few other Indian tokens as evidence you would describe me as mad, stupid or dishonest, and you would be right. So what do you expect me to say?

caribny posted:
Ray posted: 

dude chill...not everything has to be interpreted as one race against another

Is like me saying some coolies are like crabs in a barrel

This forum and every Guyanese forum has views that can be predicted based on the race of the person rendering the opinion.

Indians love the NC. Blacks dont. Indians love the PPP. Blacks dont.

Now please give me evidence that this isnt the case.

And this is a problem? Do you go on predominantly black Guyanese forum and chastise them about their biases too or you just have a problem with GNI?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Carib, why are you getting so anxious ? This election will not be a cake walk for the PPP.

And THAT is why I am anxious. Two years ago a major businessman, who is neither black nor Indian, mentioned to a group of us that he fears that a tribal war in Guyana can break out.

His reasons;

1. He said that Indians object to Guyana being governed by a black people.

2. He said that blacks know this and so have decided that an Indo dominated gov't can never be fair to them.

The NC was carried out in a bad way.  This because all Jagdeo wants is power by winning. He governs by oppression so doesnt think that his aim should be to be inclusive. Even his choices are indicative of this. Is he promoting Anthony or Ramson who blacks might think aren't fundamentally racist and so can be dialogued with?  No he goes for two racists, Anil and Irfaan, both almost as hated by blacks as he is.

If every election is a tribal census Guyana has no where to go because Guyana isnt like Suriname where so many tribes cancel each other out.   Suriname has 4 tribes, none more than 25%. Guyana is a zero sum tribal society and zero sum tribal societies always carry a potential for conflict.  This because it has two tribes with one only slightly larger than the other.

Look at Ireland.  Their tribalism, based on religion, still exists and now there is the fair that Brexit might bring it all back again.

I suggest that you and the rest of your Indo Nazi brethren start by respecting the fact that in Guyana no group is so powerful that they can ignore the other large group. 

Your attitude being that of "why dont blacks just shut up and accept that they lost?"  That isnt a productive attitude.   No group should be made to feel that they lost, and should just accept the results.  In fact Granger said as much when he heard complaints that some exuberant blacks were threatening revenge on Indians for what they perceived that the suffered under the PPP.

I guess this major businessman doesn't know about all the instances where Indians were marginalized by blacks during PNC rule. Why are you so certain that blacks have to resort to violence whenever they don't get what they want?

ksazma posted:.

And this is a problem? Do you go on predominantly black Guyanese forum and chastise them about their biases too or you just have a problem with GNI?

I used to do so right here on GNI when there were still PNC supporters around. Got cussed up and accused of smelling of curry and crawling up to Indians too.   This while the Indo Nazis were calling me a racist. 

You see one isnt supposed to point out that racism is on BOTH sides. Both sides prefer a narrative that paints them as saintly and the other side as the devil.

Now do you similarly attack the Indo Nazis here? No! So you cannot opine on what I do!  In fact you all chased most blacks (both the moderates and the extremists) away from GNI so there aren't a diversity of black opinions here.

NO ONE here claims to be a PNC supporter!  NO ONE here denies that there was anti Indian racism in the Burnham era.  In fact no one here even claims that the Coalition doesnt have some element of ethnic exclusion.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
 PPP supporters don't. 

Tell that to all the blacks who Jagdeo and his phantoms killed. Tell that to all of the blacks who lost or were denied jobs during the PPP period. BOTH the gov't and Indo owned companies.

PPP supporters can also be quite open with their contempt for blacks as well.  But one cannot be 40% of a population and think that engaging in this tribalism is a good thing, even for YOU!  It leads to reactions.  yes people who know that the Coalition is plain wrong now collapsing into ethnic panic and fearing what a return to Indian domination brings.

But you say that you dont care about Guyana so dont care if it becomes another Bosnia.

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

   .I guess this major businessman doesn't know about all the instances where Indians were marginalized by blacks during PNC rule. Why are you so certain that blacks have to resort to violence whenever they don't get what they want?

It is in your head about the violence.  Blacks can use all sorts of methods to react to Indian domination. How they do will be seen if this happens.  Certainly in the early 60s both engaged in tons of violence against each other, despite the lies that you were told.  Many, including him, fear that these days could return.

As a man who is neither black nor Indian he is fully aware of the damage that each do to the other, and being a minority there isnt much that he can do about it.

Other than hedge his bets by not putting all his eggs in a Guyana bag in case the two big elephants, the blacks and the Indians crush the country.

You scream that its only about Indians, Indians, Indians. Who the hell cares about Africans. Well two male elephants live in Guyana, stomping the grass and scaring all the little animals away.  And inflicting serious injuries on each other.

Look at how so many Indians endorse a murderous drug trafficker and gun runner who was an integral part of one of the Colombian drug cartels.  Do you think that this helped Guyana with all of the extrajudicial killings and intimidation that happened. KN (owned by an Indian) is now in panic fearing a return of those days as they suffered.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:.

And this is a problem? Do you go on predominantly black Guyanese forum and chastise them about their biases too or you just have a problem with GNI?

I used to do so right here on GNI when there were still PNC supporters around. Got cussed up and accused of smelling of curry and crawling up to Indians too.   This while the Indo Nazis were calling me a racist. 

You see one isnt supposed to point out that racism is on BOTH sides. Both sides prefer a narrative that paints them as saintly and the other side as the devil.

Now do you similarly attack the Indo Nazis here? No! So you cannot opine on what I do!  In fact you all chased most blacks (both the moderates and the extremists) away from GNI so there aren't a diversity of black opinions here.

NO ONE here claims to be a PNC supporter!  NO ONE here denies that there was anti Indian racism in the Burnham era.  In fact no one here even claims that the Coalition doesnt have some element of ethnic exclusion.

The question was whether you go on predominantly black Guyanese forum and chastise them about their biases not if you did so here.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
 PPP supporters don't. 

Tell that to all the blacks who Jagdeo and his phantoms killed. Tell that to all of the blacks who lost or were denied jobs during the PPP period. BOTH the gov't and Indo owned companies.

PPP supporters can also be quite open with their contempt for blacks as well.  But one cannot be 40% of a population and think that engaging in this tribalism is a good thing, even for YOU!  It leads to reactions.  yes people who know that the Coalition is plain wrong now collapsing into ethnic panic and fearing what a return to Indian domination brings.

But you say that you dont care about Guyana so dont care if it becomes another Bosnia.

My truncated comment above was about PNC supporters resorting to violence while PPP supporters don't.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

   .I guess this major businessman doesn't know about all the instances where Indians were marginalized by blacks during PNC rule. Why are you so certain that blacks have to resort to violence whenever they don't get what they want?

It is in your head about the violence.  Blacks can use all sorts of methods to react to Indian domination. How they do will be seen if this happens.  Certainly in the early 60s both engaged in tons of violence against each other, despite the lies that you were told.  Many, including him, fear that these days could return.

As a man who is neither black nor Indian he is fully aware of the damage that each do to the other, and being a minority there isnt much that he can do about it.

Other than hedge his bets by not putting all his eggs in a Guyana bag in case the two big elephants, the blacks and the Indians crush the country.

You scream that its only about Indians, Indians, Indians. Who the hell cares about Africans. Well two male elephants live in Guyana, stomping the grass and scaring all the little animals away.  And inflicting serious injuries on each other.

Look at how so many Indians endorse a murderous drug trafficker and gun runner who was an integral part of one of the Colombian drug cartels.  Do you think that this helped Guyana with all of the extrajudicial killings and intimidation that happened. KN (owned by an Indian) is now in panic fearing a return of those days as they suffered.

Aren't you the one who has been saying that black people will resort to violence? You are dishonest with you comment that I scream that its only about Indians, Indiana, Indiana. I am not obsessed with race. You will find that I comment on lots of things on GNI while all you comment about is black man this, coolie man that. 

Last edited by Former Member

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