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New GPC still to supply drugs four years after collecting money—AG Report

January 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under News

—    $80M spent since 2008 still to be cleared

By Abena Rockcliffe


The Ministry of Health (MOH) was in 2010 unable to provide receipts to prove that it collected $30M worth of drugs and medical supplies from New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation Inc. (New GPC).

APNU MP Jaipaul Sharma


Also, in 2010, the outstanding balance of 222.526M for 2008 and 2009 was still to be reconciled by the Ministry. These issues were all stated in the Auditor General (AG)’s report and are set to be brought up before the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) come Monday. Auditor General, Deodat Sharma, stated in his 2010 annual report, “The Ministry failed to provide evidence of receipt of drugs and medical supplies to the value of $30.909M purchased from New GPC in 2010. Also, the outstanding balance for the years 2008 to 2009 of 222.526M is still to be reconciled by the Ministry.” The Ministry’s written response to the auditor’s findings, dated June 29, 2012, stated that “To date the Materials Management Unit has reconciled all contracts with the New GPC for the year 2010. The Ministry is currently working with the supplier (New GPC) to reconcile its records for 2008 and 2009, and to have all the outstanding deliveries cleared.” However, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament (MP), Jaipaul Sharma, who also sits on the PAC, has signaled his intent to thoroughly question Ministry of Health officials who appear before the committee next Monday. The Member of Parliament, who is also an accountant, told Kaieteur News that he did prior investigations as to why drugs are being delivered four years after it was paid for. Sharma said, “I questioned why drugs were delivered four years later because I wanted to know if it is that the company (New GPC) was incapable of supplying the drugs at the time, which would have meant that it should have been disqualified from tendering, but I was given an excuse just to throw me off.” According to Jaipaul Sharma, he learnt, from the Auditor General, that the drugs were to be delivered to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and the hospital, at the time, hadn’t the storage capacity. “Now, even if that is the case there is still a big problem, because GPHC would have received or will receive the same drugs that the supplier would have supplied four years ago; the supplier will not go and buy new drugs.” Further, Sharma stated that the drugs, once expired, will have to be destroyed or disposed of, which in turn results in a “total waste of state funds.” Sharma also stated that the international limit for drugs to be destroyed because of expiration is five per cent. “So what they will do is only destroy some of the expired drugs so that they won’t embarrass themselves, which leads to another problem.” The MP stated that better can be done within the system “and this needs a lot of answers.” The AG, when contacted yesterday confirmed that GPHC “hadn’t storage capacity” to collect the drugs at the time. He also noted that the same drugs that were to be supplied in 2008 were supplied last year, 2012, and will be supplied for the money to be cleared. However, asked whether the drugs are likely to be expired, he replied “not really.” The AG also told this newspaper that $222.5M to be reconciled has since been reduced to “about $80M” and that those deliveries for 2008 are presently being audited. Ministry of Health officials are set to tell the PAC next week, what steps have been taken to ensure all drugs and medical supplies purchased are promptly received and accounted for.


"According to Jaipaul Sharma, he learnt, from the Auditor General, that the drugs were to be delivered to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) and the hospital, at the time, hadn’t the storage capacity. “Now, even if that is the case there is still a big problem, because GPHC would have received or will receive the same drugs that the supplier would have supplied four years ago; the supplier will not go and buy new drugs.” Further, Sharma stated that the drugs, once expired, will have to be destroyed or disposed of, which in turn results in a “total waste of state funds.""


hmmm . . . so exactly wha happen with the US$5Mil spent hay?:


Health Ministry to construct US$5M warehouse

April 30, 2009 | By | Filed Under News
A health staff at work at the warehouse in Farm, EBD.

A health staff at work at the warehouse in Farm, EBD.


The Ministry of Health will soon commence construction of a state of the art health bond (warehouse) in Eccles, East Bank Demerara at a cost of some US$5 million. This is according to Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, who indicated that in the coming days the tender board will announce the award of the contract, which is scheduled to be completed within ten months. Dr. Ramsammy said that the new warehouse, which will be used to store all drugs imported into the country, will be similar to one in the United States. The construction of the facility will commence within weeks of signing of the contract, and the storage facility will be able to cover all the needs of the Ministry. Currently, the Health Ministry is renting a warehouse in Farm on the East Bank of Demerara. This warehouse, he said, is computerised to increase accountability in the system. Instead of health facilities sending their request for medical supplies on paper, they can now be sent via a hand held device, which stores it directly in the computer system. Minister Ramsammy said that one of the problems that the Ministry encounters on a regular basis is the fact that health facilities in remote areas do not get their supplies on time, but with the new system, this would not happen. “When it comes via paper form, it means that somebody has to type it into the system and the possibility of mistakes exists. So it is a modern state of the art warehouse,” the Health Minister said.  Systems at the new warehouse will be able to detect drugs that are close to expiry date, and if a request is made for drugs, then the computer would direct the health officials to the drugs that will soon expire. “In the past, once you find the drugs, you just send it out…You don’t have time to check the expiry dates and so on, but now these things are packed in such a way, the computer will tell you ‘pick from here’.” However, the system is designed in such a way that if there is a request for drugs for remote areas, it would indicate that the drugs be taken from the section where the drugs have a long shelf life. On a yearly basis, Minister Ramsammy said that close to $2.5 billion is spent on acquiring drugs for the health sector.

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