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caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PNC and their constituency screwed over Guyana big time.  They want to rule but don't have the means or where-with-all to do it. 

Last May 15k people visited Guyana.  This May a RECORD 27k did.

The normally empty G/T hotels were FULL.

Now go weep that your prediction that the Jubilee would fail didn't come true.  The plan was for the Jubilee to attract large numbers of visitors, and this is certainly did.

This was a one off.  Will the Blacks return?  Do they have the same disposable income as Indians who have been driven out of Guyana by the criminal activities against Indos under the Granger administration?

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
redux posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like TK got lots of time on his hands as university is over for the summer.  As I told this bottom feeder many times, those who fail in the real world teach. 

and those failures like you who can't "teach" do what?

Who says I am a failure? I survive in the real world while you errrr I mean TK hide behind a university desk, shielded from the realities of the world. 

 Why don't you shut up with your ignorant prattle. Do you think the great economists were making assumptions about a fake world and pontificating on illusions? You are the ultimate of the world of facsimile. You code! What TK deduces and summarizes about reality you codify to mirror it.

The opinion of a dollar store clerk does not hold a lot of credence. The greatest so called economists are abject failures in the real world. They are advisers but are seldom paid any mind by world leaders. 

TK is a unique case, a failure in the real world, the man turned to teaching. Even the Granger administration kicked him to the curb, not even offering a pittance for his "expertise", even thought he was the 1st to jump ship from the AFC to the PNC.


Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
redux posted:
Drugb posted:

Looks like TK got lots of time on his hands as university is over for the summer.  As I told this bottom feeder many times, those who fail in the real world teach. 

and those failures like you who can't "teach" do what?

Who says I am a failure? I survive in the real world while you errrr I mean TK hide behind a university desk, shielded from the realities of the world. 

 Why don't you shut up with your ignorant prattle. Do you think the great economists were making assumptions about a fake world and pontificating on illusions? You are the ultimate of the world of facsimile. You code! What TK deduces and summarizes about reality you codify to mirror it.

The opinion of a dollar store clerk does not hold a lot of credence. The greatest so called economists are abject failures in the real world. They are advisers but are seldom paid any mind by world leaders. 

TK is a unique case, a failure in the real world, the man turned to teaching. Even the Granger administration kicked him to the curb, not even offering a pittance for his "expertise", even thought he was the 1st to jump ship from the AFC to the PNC.


Dude, you are the one living on the edge with  those two old ladies and on a nine to five grind. Have at it.  TK, I am sure is making more than you presently. And are not even in my league.

Programmers do not make much above 100 k working for the man. Kindergarten teachers to not earn more than 60 K. You live a pedestrian middle class existence and yet have the gall to be uppity.

But that is what happen to those who came from the dredges and used to eating onions sardines and crackers for breakfast and taking vacation on muddy 63 beach once a year for fun. Suddenly you can can afford salmon and crepes  and take to the bunny slopes on Mammoth and you think you are the new sybarite! But my friend, there are still caviar spaces to conquer but you have to start your own business. You cannot do it on a nine to five grind.

By the way, you do not know a damn thing about economists. I can name many whose works many leaders follow as their bible....most democrats are the way he made millions speculating on the market...twice!  Most conservative republicans believe Hayek is god. Go read a bit rather than open your duncified yap on things you are little educated about.

Last edited by Former Member
Lennox posted:

Drugs, challenge Carib to a race!  Since the new gov't took over, GNI has been too boring with blackman vs. coolieman diatribe daily.     

You from dat era where drugman raced Nufsta and beat him?

Anyone knowing dat banna know he is a run man, served him well in the ole PNC days when he made his $$$$$ runnin, he say dat.

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Please post your real identity

Why should I?   Do I know who you are?

Now continue to believe all the lies which your fellow brown KKK peddle to you.

You know who I am, there is even a video of me putting that loudmouth David Blue to shame. 

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.


So much here and few of the loudmouthed pretend geniuses are reluctant to comment:


In the short run there could be cooperation on a few big ticket development projects. This requires both President Granger and the Leader of the Opposition claiming ownership, jointly writing up the plans, and publicly appearing in external negotiations and press conferences.
Four big agendas over which they could cooperate are:
  • (i) a comprehensive renewable energy development programme;
  • (ii) a smart electricity grid system,
  • (iii) completion of the high-speed internet network that was started under the PPP, and
  • (iv) diversification of the product mix of GuySuCo.
Obviously numbers (i) and (iv) are related since this corporation should be seen not only as a sugar producer, but also as an energy company. Such co-operation could serve as a system for building confidence and trust. However, if both sides cannot claim equal ownership it will not work and the underdevelopment deadlock will continue. Managing this system will require getting help from skilled personnel in conflict resolution.

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office. No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office.No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

The PPP know that game well.

Political power at the expense of the the people.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office.No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

The PPP know that game well.

Political power at the expense of the the people.

You and the PNC also knew the game back when in opposition. How many times did you folks sabotage PPP plans starting from the money laundering bill to the Amelia falls project?

Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office. No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

I do not know who is a sking for cooperation. I have been vocal about constitution change for as long as I have been on this site. I believe TK is doing the same. He is pointing to a possible route to resolve what is essential for progress. That the PPP were uncooperative ( the government of the day has the advantage) does not preclude the APNU reaching out to see what the PPP is amenable to with constitutional change. If no cooperation exists the PPP are the one to lose since the government in office has authoritarian power and can do what it wants.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

You are a dunce. You can only school others in your mind. I never had a discussion on constitutional change with you. I have had many with Caribj among others.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office.No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

The PPP know that game well.

Political power at the expense of the the people.

You and the PNC also knew the game back when in opposition. How many times did you folks sabotage PPP plans starting from the money laundering bill to the Amelia falls project?

"It is now about two years since the opposition-controlled National Assembly has refused to pass the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF)- compliant amendments, citing the need to set up a rigid parliamentary oversight body to avoid political interference. The opposition also wants to give Customs and Police to seize money and other valuables if there is reasonable suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing.Also among its list of demands is for government to set up a constitutionally required Public Procurement Commission."

Where is the sabotage??

The demands were not met that caused the stalling of the bill.

The Amelia falls project was overpriced,the opposition was within their right to question the cost,first it was US$400M then it skyrocketed to US$1 billion

Last edited by Django
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office. No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

I do not know who is a sking for cooperation. I have been vocal about constitution change for as long as I have been on this site. I believe TK is doing the same. He is pointing to a possible route to resolve what is essential for progress. That the PPP were uncooperative ( the government of the day has the advantage) does not preclude the APNU reaching out to see what the PPP is amenable to with constitutional change. If no cooperation exists the PPP are the one to lose since the government in office has authoritarian power and can do what it wants.

Liar, you were gleefully cheering on the afc/apnu majority blocking of PPP initiatives. Now you cry for cooperation when the shoe is on the other foot.  Why even bother, you people now have the majority and can do whatever you like as long as the coffers are filled.  When it is empty, out will come the begging bowl. 

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

All of a sudden you now ask for cooperation. Meanwhile when the PPP were in power your mouth was shut as all you could call for is their removal.  From a political standpoint, any cooperation would spell political death for the PPP, they must, just as the PNC did, be a thorn in the side of these new crooks in office.No cooperation should be given, only find fault and sabotage, payback is a bytch. 

The PPP know that game well.

Political power at the expense of the the people.

You and the PNC also knew the game back when in opposition. How many times did you folks sabotage PPP plans starting from the money laundering bill to the Amelia falls project?

"It is now about two years since the opposition-controlled National Assembly has refused to pass the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF)- compliant amendments, citing the need to set up a rigid parliamentary oversight body to avoid political interference. The opposition also wants to give Customs and Police to seize money and other valuables if there is reasonable suspicion of money laundering or terrorism financing.Also among its list of demands is for government to set up a constitutionally required Public Procurement Commission."

Where is the sabotage??

The demands were not met that caused the stalling of the bill.

The Amelia falls project was overpriced,the opposition was within their right to question the cost,first it was US$400M then it skyrocketed to US$1 billion

Stop posting nonsensical opinion. Now your idiots in power can't find anyone to build the hydro dam at a cheaper price. 

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

You are a dunce. You can only school others in your mind. I never had a discussion on constitutional change with you. I have had many with Caribj among others.

Many time I shamed you into mental distress where you took extended leave from this forum to recollect your wits. 

Drugb posted:

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

I remember your comments from 10 years back, because you continue to bray them daily. You suffer from low self esteem, so have a need to pretend that you are better than blacks.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

You are a dunce. You can only school others in your mind. I never had a discussion on constitutional change with you. I have had many with Caribj among others.

Many time I shamed you into mental distress where you took extended leave from this forum to recollect your wits. 

As I said, you are truly delusional. How come you cannot repeat your feat now?

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
to the Amelia falls project?

Millions of dollars wasted an a man, whose only qualifications was that he was part of the PPPs "friends and family" scheme. Was awarded a contract to build a road in the interior, when he didn't have the ability to build his own driveway.

If the PPP couldn't even properly select the contract to build the road, then why the shock that they couldn't be entrusted to manage a project of US$ 1 billion.   No one engages in a project of that scale without feasibility studies. The AFC asked for the study, and the PPP couldn't furnish it.

After Buddies, Skeldon, Marriott, and other scandals, all captured in KNs listing of the "Heist of Guyana" the PPP lacks credibility to do anything beyond running a roti shop.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

You are a dunce. You can only school others in your mind. I never had a discussion on constitutional change with you. I have had many with Caribj among others.

In fact druggie is incapable of anything other than being an idiot and a comedian.  When he finally left Saints the teachers were glad, delirious with no longer having the biggest dunce in their classes.

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

You are not important for me to remember. Any case showing a picture some skinny Indian doesn't suggest that I know you.

You don't know me, and you never will.


Now go be a good druggie and consume what your name suggests that you do.

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

You are a dunce. You can only school others in your mind. I never had a discussion on constitutional change with you. I have had many with Caribj among others.

Many time I shamed you into mental distress where you took extended leave from this forum to recollect your wits. 

As I said, you are truly delusional. How come you cannot repeat your feat now?

It is no feat to drive a man to mental anguish. In fact we need you on this forum to remind us that even the incompetent have a place in society. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

I must be important enough for you to remember my comments from 10 years back. In fact I schooled you and that Howard grad many times over the years. 

I remember your comments from 10 years back, because you continue to bray them daily. You suffer from low self esteem, so have a need to pretend that you are better than blacks.

Who appointed you the defender of Blacks? I believe they can defend themselves without the help of an Indian pretending to be Black.  I never claim to be better than Blacks. What is "better" anyway but an opinion of the vain like that Howard grad.

caribny posted:

In fact druggie is incapable of anything other than being an idiot and a comedian.  When he finally left Saints the teachers were glad, delirious with no longer having the biggest dunce in their classes.

In fact I was a legend at Saints in my time.  The skinny Indian that put ass whopping on Blacks in track and field events. 

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

As I said, you are truly delusional. How come you cannot repeat your feat now?

It is no feat to drive a man to mental anguish. In fact we need you on this forum to remind us that even the incompetent have a place in society. 

As noted, u are delusional.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

The PNC and their constituency screwed over Guyana big time.  They want to rule but don't have the means or where-with-all to do it. 

Last May 15k people visited Guyana.  This May a RECORD 27k did.

The normally empty G/T hotels were FULL.

Now go weep that your prediction that the Jubilee would fail didn't come true.  The plan was for the Jubilee to attract large numbers of visitors, and this is certainly did.

Oh lord, so you get a lil 50th boost and they drink, eat and dance.  Now all wash and turn down, and what??  Back to the drawing board.

BTW, how come you did not go and join the bacanal!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

In fact druggie is incapable of anything other than being an idiot and a comedian.  When he finally left Saints the teachers were glad, delirious with no longer having the biggest dunce in their classes.

In fact I was a legend at Saints in my time.  The skinny Indian that put ass whopping on Blacks in track and field events. 

My eldest son was a student there in the late 80's,two his older cousins were also students there.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
to the Amelia falls project?

Millions of dollars wasted an a man, whose only qualifications was that he was part of the PPPs "friends and family" scheme. Was awarded a contract to build a road in the interior, when he didn't have the ability to build his own driveway.

If the PPP couldn't even properly select the contract to build the road, then why the shock that they couldn't be entrusted to manage a project of US$ 1 billion.   No one engages in a project of that scale without feasibility studies. The AFC asked for the study, and the PPP couldn't furnish it.

After Buddies, Skeldon, Marriott, and other scandals, all captured in KNs listing of the "Heist of Guyana" the PPP lacks credibility to do anything beyond running a roti shop.

How come your PNC cons cannot find another assessment as yet?  I'm sure there are many outfits which could have done it and gave an objective opinion far cheaper than all the wasted audits conducted chasing after shadows!

Guess what, they have no clue and no better alternative!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

In fact druggie is incapable of anything other than being an idiot and a comedian.  When he finally left Saints the teachers were glad, delirious with no longer having the biggest dunce in their classes.

In fact I was a legend at Saints in my time.  The skinny Indian that put ass whopping on Blacks in track and field events. 

Didn't you also put a whooping on Nuff back in the day?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
to the Amelia falls project?

Millions of dollars wasted an a man, whose only qualifications was that he was part of the PPPs "friends and family" scheme. Was awarded a contract to build a road in the interior, when he didn't have the ability to build his own driveway.

If the PPP couldn't even properly select the contract to build the road, then why the shock that they couldn't be entrusted to manage a project of US$ 1 billion.   No one engages in a project of that scale without feasibility studies. The AFC asked for the study, and the PPP couldn't furnish it.

After Buddies, Skeldon, Marriott, and other scandals, all captured in KNs listing of the "Heist of Guyana" the PPP lacks credibility to do anything beyond running a roti shop.

How come your PNC cons cannot find another assessment as yet?  I'm sure there are many outfits which could have done it and gave an objective opinion far cheaper than all the wasted audits conducted chasing after shadows!

Guess what, they have no clue and no better alternative!

Wha happen bhai you nah check this out.

Drugb posted:

It is no feat to drive a man to mental anguish. In fact we need you on this forum to remind us that even the incompetent have a place in society. 

The only person who was driven to mental anguish was you when many of us relentlessly laughed at you, and you fled GNI out of shame.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Didn't you also put a whooping on Nuff back in the day?

Nuff is way brighter and more accomplished than this clown. What could druggie have done.

Blue throw away all his accomplishments at the end of a beer bottle and cigarette butt.  Typical afroG, live for today and forget about tomorrow. He is probably living in section 8 housing now after his illness. But he is in good company with you, as birds of a feather flock together. 

Drugb posted:

Blue throw away all his accomplishments at the end of a beer bottle and cigarette butt.  Typical afroG, live for today and forget about tomorrow. He is probably living in section 8 housing now after his illness. But he is in good company with you, as birds of a feather flock together. 

drugb, it's fascinating how u feel privileged to skin yuh bt unmolested here, defecate and get most PERSONAL with your StormFront regurgitations and all

. . . YET squeal like a little bitch to admin when heavy lash meets your pulpy hide with people pointing to your goadie, your poor education and the buggery of your youth

definition of a ripped-up ass prancing punk

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