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“NICIL is the government’s El Dorado” – Nagamootoo

MAY 17, 2012 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 


Alliance For Change (AFC) executive member, Moses Nagamootoo, says, “National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) is the lost city of El Dorado” since many are trying to hoodwink Guyanese into believing that there is nothing abnormal about monies under the control of the privatization unit of the Government. “Brassington and company must be held accountable and we will not be distracted.”

Commenting on an article in another section of the media under the caption “Christopher Ram, Moses Nagamootoo beneficiaries of NICIL monies” that was printed on, May 13, last which stated that Christopher Ram and Moses Nagamootoo benefited from NICIL funds, Nagamootoo said he is an arbitrator in a matter engaging National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) and GNIC (Laparkan). The action was initiated by NICIL to claim in excess of $600M owed to the company by GNIC as rent for the large Lombard Street Complex that is managed by NICIL.

“When I see Mr (Winston) Brassington going public to talk about fees being paid to attorneys, I believe this is an attack on all professionals. Because we question how an entity operates and because we question what we consider to be mismanagement of a state-owned entity do we have no right to a view in public once we receive any fees for professional work done for NICIL?” Nagamootoo questioned.

Nagamootoo added that he finds it reprehensible, since Brassington also resorted to spewing untruths. One of them is that he, Nagamootoo, works for NICIL in several other projects. “This is not true. Government has been very selective particularly under the Jadgeo administration…The two major projects I worked on were the removal of homeowners for the construction of the Berbice Bridge on both sides of the river, and the removal of farmers for excavation for the Hope Canal.”

Chairman of the Alliance for Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, said although Brassington disclosed recently that NICIL had $700 million in its coffers, it leaves room for more questions than answers on the activities of the entity. “If in 2003 NICIL had $33 billion in revenues, and then you proceeded from that year to sell so many other things and to have other things divested into NICIL for which it had to collect dividends and rentals. When all this addition is done it comes up to $50 plus billion.

“Why is it that they are not coming clean with their books?” Ramjattan questioned. “We want him (Brassington) to answer questions on, where has the money been invested? Who are the beneficiaries of the investment and actual intermediaries through which the investments were made? The sale of assets, to whom and for what price? Were these the best prices?…We want to know the entirety of the transactions over the last 10 years from NICIL.”

Noting that after Queens Atlantic bought the Sanata Complex the value immediately skyrocketed, Ramjattan said that it must also be investigated if the complex was sold at a very low price, then suddenly its value rapidly climbed annually. “Is it possible that the genuine market prices were then applied after it was sold which was then exhibited in the financial statements of Queens Atlantic?”   Ramjattan further questioned.

He added that since NICIL is controlled by the Government, it should also reflect the dividends of the varieties of companies and all its revenue; since the National Assembly has the final say on where the monies should be channeled and invested.
“Government has placed NICIL Executive Director Winston Brassington to be the scapegoat in relation to the NICIL issues. The persons that have caused all of this include Dr Luncheon, former Ministers of Finance, the present Minister of Finance so it would seem as if they would want to shift and distract us from the activities of the Ministers and Roger Luncheon.

“It is not Brassington alone that should be blamed,” Ramjattan emphatically said. He said the economic service committee should be set up and transactions of companies made under the umbrella of NICIL should be known and information scrutinized. “We will be prosecuting certain claims against directors of NICIL because we are absolutely certain that wrongs have been committed.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Tall Man:

Ramjattan is not very smart with finance

Ramjattan's financial intelligence is not on the agenda nor is it's relevance at the moment. What is happening to the state's under the charge of the PPP Is.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tall Man:

Ramjattan is not very smart with finance

Ramjattan's financial intelligence is not on the agenda nor is it's relevance at the moment.

Is it ever relevant?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Moses is a neemakaram. Who the hell is listening to his garbage. He has to sound off because he was paid by the same entity.



Moses seemed to have attracted a large crowd in Berbice.


Smartman Trotman is sitting back quiet all the crabs to tangle one another until the opportune time comes for the PNC to take over. This little Indian Party, AFC, is cussing and quarelling all over the place. With only 10% of the votes they are acting like they are running things in Guyana. This will come to a sad end.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Moses is a neemakaram. Who the hell is listening to his garbage. He has to sound off because he was paid by the same entity.



Moses seemed to have attracted a large crowd in Berbice.

Attracting large crowd doesn't pay the working class people. The AFC is know for it's propaganda showcase throughout Guyana. What else are they good for?

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Smartman Trotman is sitting back quiet all the crabs to tangle one another until the opportune time comes for the PNC to take over. This little Indian Party, AFC, is cussing and quarelling all over the place. With only 10% of the votes they are acting like they are running things in Guyana. This will come to a sad end.

Dem ah wach abie coolies how abie fite an ah laff.  PNC deh a wach from slip side, soon abie coolied slip up, den slip in powah and all wash and tun donk.  PNC done gah GDF pon dem side, dem a wate dem chance.


Maybe dem bai gatt only 10%, bu dah 10% a bite hatt hatt hatt.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Smartman Trotman is sitting back quiet all the crabs to tangle one another until the opportune time comes for the PNC to take over. This little Indian Party, AFC, is cussing and quarelling all over the place. With only 10% of the votes they are acting like they are running things in Guyana. This will come to a sad end.

Dem ah wach abie coolies how abie fite an ah laff.  PNC deh a wach from slip side, soon abie coolied slip up, den slip in powah and all wash and tun donk.  PNC done gah GDF pon dem side, dem a wate dem chance.


Maybe dem bai gatt only 10%, bu dah 10% a bite hatt hatt hatt.

I am a coolie and experience living under the PNC and I had said it before and i will say it again the best times I ever had in Guyana was under PNC Hoyte.


For those of us who live under Burnham life was hell that nobody would want to go back to, but under PNC Hoyte was the best times in guyana. The point is as a forigner returning to Guyana on a regular basis, a Hoyte like PNC is still in a lot of ways a better option than the present administration....

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Tall Man:

Ramjattan is not very smart with finance

Ramjattan's financial intelligence is not on the agenda nor is it's relevance at the moment.

Is it ever relevant?

not correct!!


As a member of parliament Ramjattan must declare his assets. When people defend criminals the public need to know how much these criminals are paying them, or if the criminals maybe are funding the AFC.


I am a coolie and experience living under the PNC and I had said it before and i will say it again the best times I ever had in Guyana was under PNC Hoyte.


For those of us who live under Burnham life was hell that nobody would want to go back to, but under PNC Hoyte was the best times in guyana. The point is as a forigner returning to Guyana on a regular basis, a Hoyte like PNC is still in a lot of ways a better option than the present administration....

That's because your Yankee dollar you buy much more with the exchange rate than today. A couple US dollar could a get you a nice gyal, but not today. The price gone high caused the living standard gone high and the people working alot more money. An improving economy has its drawbacks.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Tall Man:

As a member of parliament Ramjattan must declare his assets. When people defend criminals the public need to know how much these criminals are paying them, or if the criminals maybe are funding the AFC.

What nonsense is that? Declaring ones assets ought to be a an imperative for all parliamentarians regardless of their occupation. And lawyers defend clients. The courts decide who are the criminals.


And instead of going after the usual muckraking tact about who funds the AFC, try the right way. Ask the PPP facilitate electoral financial reforms with strict guidelines for funding. Make sure it is the working class that you people so often claim you represent and not the fat cats expecting access who fund campaigns. Limit the amount per donor.


However, this is too easy. You folks do not want or care about integrity in this area. You are here to cast aspersions.

Originally Posted by Tall Man:

As a member of parliament Ramjattan must declare his assets. When people defend criminals the public need to know how much these criminals are paying them, or if the criminals maybe are funding the AFC.

Dah soa tru especially cazz dem appasition lawyah defend nuff nuff criminaals wile dem PPP Lawya ah defend nuff innocent peeple, priest and pandits.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The finance minister, Dr. Ashni Singh, challenged the AFC to show the public how they calculated that $50 billion figure. The AFC is yet come forward with answer.


 These individuals are quick to ask for "accounting" on ones suppositions but these things would not be suppositions if they did their job and report as is mandatory as to their handling of the nations assets.


This company has not proffered a report since 2004. Let him meet his obligations for accountability and on that basis defend against charges of "false" claims.


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