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Dear Sir/Madam,
Local Government Minister, Nigel Dharamlall, has offered an apology of sorts for his crass behaviour in the National Assembly on Wednesday, February 9, when he reportedly told a woman MP on the opposition bench “You got to get a dildo, that’s what you looking for.”
This behaviour is vulgar, unparliamentary and further perpetuates a culture of violence and misogyny towards women in Guyana, particularly women in politics. We the Sisters of Mercy and Associates in Guyana condemn in no uncertain terms the minister’s statement and his behaviour.
We also note with dismay and deep concern that the Speaker of the National Assembly did not upbraid Minister Dharamlall for his “dildo” comment, neither did any of his colleague ministers. The fact that the minister’s comment went unchecked by the Speaker points to a dangerous normalization of violence against women MPs and a total disregard for parliamentary norms.
It is our considered opinion that the Speaker has a responsibility to ensure that order and decorum are maintained in the House. He fell woefully short of his obligations when he failed to reprimand Minister Dharamlall for his vulgar attack on a woman MP.
Misogyny and violence in Guyana have resulted in the deaths of thousands of women and girls. Therefore, the Minister’s statement has to be seen as part of a larger culture of violence against women in our country. The safety of women is always under threat whether in the home, workplace, on the street, places of worship and now in the National Assembly. Those who legislate against gender-based violence cannot also be seen to perpetuate that same kind of violence.
For women to be safe in Guyana, changes must occur at every level of our society, including the Parliament. Maybe it is time to take a serious look at gender-based violence training for parliamentarians. This should begin by teaching respect for each other and outlining what sexual abuse and misogyny look like. There is need to also examine the institutional and cultural sexism that engenders violence against our women and girls. ALL parliamentarians must be held accountable for their behaviour, both inside and outside of the National Assembly.
The people of Guyana want better from our elected leaders. We deserve transparency and accountability in how the affairs of the State are to be managed, and we demand civility and decorum from those who are tasked with governing this nation. It also goes without saying that we cannot, and must not, ever become a nation where misogyny and violence against women are accepted or condoned.

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Don't cuss people's mother.  They will cuss you back hard.

So why dem want to unfrock dem 2 lady judges? Why Dharamlal is not reprimanded for talking about Dildo in the House of Parliament? They should should now call him the Dildolal.


The opposition is bunch of unsaintly losers who had to accept the real result of the 2020 elections.  They should be the last to talk about decorum in parliament and respect for women, especially when one of their ministers called a court officer a "house N). 

Billy Ram Balgobin

The opposition is bunch of unsaintly losers who had to accept the real result of the 2020 elections.  They should be the last to talk about decorum in parliament and respect for women, especially when one of their ministers called a court officer a "house N).

So now "house N" is a gender.  Is it yours? You are such a poor debater but I like your name. 


The opposition is bunch of unsaintly losers who had to accept the real result of the 2020 elections.  They should be the last to talk about decorum in parliament and respect for women, especially when one of their ministers called a court officer a "house N).

Hey, Bean Counter, dem white folks around at your work place see you as one. Ask them.

@Mitwah posted:

Wonder what the First Lady has to say about Dharamlall's sexist comment about the "Dildo"?

I must refrain from commenting so as to not engage in vulgarity.  The PPP is a sick, depraved cult.


First lady said "Dharam boy, dump that thing on the GNI forum. You will see how the opposition gon run for it. They always looking for a political football. This time you gave and a political dildo."

It's more like she said, "Dildoram since you know bout dildo please get me one!"


First lady said "Dharam boy, dump that thing on the GNI forum. You will see how the opposition gon run for it. They always looking for a political football. This time you gave and a political dildo."

The First lady would never say that,   you dutty rass.


First lady said "Dharam boy, dump that thing on the GNI forum. You will see how the opposition gon run for it. They always looking for a political football. This time you gave and a political dildo."

@cain posted:

The First lady would never say that,   you dutty rass.

Go Cain Go ---

Give them fire. 


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