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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Why the "hatred", they won their elections fair and square.  Furthermore, the PPP retained 49%, so clearly, though there was a shift away, it was not "mass exodus", 3-5% flipped and made the difference.  That hardly sound like mass "hatred".


Regarding Afro hatred, well what's new?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Why the "hatred", they won their elections fair and square.  Furthermore, the PPP retained 49%, so clearly, though there was a shift away, it was not "mass exodus", 3-5% flipped and made the difference.  That hardly sound like mass "hatred".


Regarding Afro hatred, well what's new?

when Cheddi came to NY I was in a room packed with Indians spewing all sorts of hatred towards blacks.  They did so because of what they suffered under African mono racial rule.


So why your shock that Africans react the same when Indo mono racial rule ends.


You may harbor the belief of "Innocent Indian and bad black man", but most Afro Guyanese don't share your view about Indian innocence.


Baseman confirm that you are a racist by denying the very evident Indo racism towards blacks and the backlash that it creates.


You want some one to blame, go to Jagdeo who campaigned on racial hatred, when he could have campaigned on national unity.


What ethnicity are Roger Luncheon, Jennifer Webster, westford, Benn, Hinds? These were powerful people in the previous government. Or are we still where i blacks in a PPP government are soup drinkers while East Indians in a Pnc/APNU led government are patriots, epitome of virtue, etc. Let's not treat people reading these comments as if they are imbeciles!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


Why the "hatred", they won their elections fair and square.  Furthermore, the PPP retained 49%, so clearly, though there was a shift away, it was not "mass exodus", 3-5% flipped and made the difference.  That hardly sound like mass "hatred".


Regarding Afro hatred, well what's new?

when Cheddi came to NY I was in a room packed with Indians spewing all sorts of hatred towards blacks.  They did so because of what they suffered under African mono racial rule.


So why your shock that Africans react the same when Indo mono racial rule ends.


You may harbor the belief of "Innocent Indian and bad black man", but most Afro Guyanese don't share your view about Indian innocence.


Baseman confirm that you are a racist by denying the very evident Indo racism towards blacks and the backlash that it creates.


You want some one to blame, go to Jagdeo who campaigned on racial hatred, when he could have campaigned on national unity.

I have been critical of Cheddie Jagan alot, BUT HE WILL NEVER ALLOW ANY EAST INDIAN TO BE CRITICAL OF BLACKS IN HIS PRESENCE. PRIVATELY, EI who complained about blacks usually get a blast from him.


You ought to stop your nonsense. Let this country heal. Every race was shackled by a heavy burden.


Also, both groups have racists within. However, we need to not define the forest by some of the trees within it. Many people voted for their choice for other reasons. If we believe in democracy, then we need to believe in the wisdom of the voter and do not denigrate them for the choices they make because you disagree with their choice. It disgusts me to see so many people making a superficial analysis of why people vote for particular parties. But then again, what can I expect?


The horse face person above seems to believe that everything about the PPP and Indians are evil, unless its an Indian who voted for the coalition. This is not a government of national unity....lets be clear. For that matter, neither was the PPP. The coalition is a 50% government. Where is the evidence that Indians voted for this govt in large numbers? Lets stop this propaganda nonsense.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

The horse face person above seems to believe that everything about the PPP and Indians are evil, unless its an Indian who voted for the coalition. This is not a government of national unity....lets be clear. For that matter, neither was the PPP. The coalition is a 50% government. Where is the evidence that Indians voted for this govt in large numbers? Lets stop this propaganda nonsense.

Sour puss I am not a self hating indian like you are you dumb *****.


That is not me saying indians voted for the coalition in Large numbers thats your ex permanent secretary of Amerindian Affairs dumb puss Nigel Dharamlall, if you have issues with what he is saying go to his facebook page and debate him.



Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

you are putting it out here as if its a widely accepted fact, this is one idiot making a dumb *** statement, mind you w/0 any evidence. It must really be a slow night for you to go searching for shite like this. How much is the coalition paying you for their propaganda work??

Same amount de PPP paying you. You getting paid from 2 different entities or one?

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

you are putting it out here as if its a widely accepted fact, this is one idiot making a dumb *** statement, mind you w/0 any evidence. It must really be a slow night for you to go searching for shite like this. How much is the coalition paying you for their propaganda work??

In all fairness to HM, you people will do the same and be more nasty with a similar topic against the coalition.

You will even milk it to the last drop, while all you rats come on board on  a feeding frenzy.

Like he said, he is just reporting  what a  PPP insiders said.

You don't like it, take it up with Ramotar or Jagdeo for some cutass  for Dharamlall. He is your man.

The PPP screwed up big time with the country and you people now have to accepting it.       

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

The horse face person above seems to believe that everything about the PPP and Indians are evil, unless its an Indian who voted for the coalition. This is not a government of national unity....lets be clear. For that matter, neither was the PPP. The coalition is a 50% government. Where is the evidence that Indians voted for this govt in large numbers? Lets stop this propaganda nonsense.

Sour puss I am not a self hating indian like you are you dumb *****.


That is not me saying indians voted for the coalition in Large numbers thats your ex permanent secretary of Amerindian Affairs dumb puss Nigel Dharamlall, if you have issues with what he is saying go to his facebook page and debate him.



Horse sh1t, he was not even saying Indians, read the comment, clown.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ah his point was that black folks voted for the coalition from within Indo dominated areas?


Your ability to read and understand has always been elusive why am I surprised?


Your racism is like glaucoma. Go back to debating the virtues of black vs indian wid Carib let him continue to frig you up daily. 

Caribj does not "frig" me up, he has the likes of you pegged.  I'm sure he is hood-winking the bruddahs.  But don't worry, you will do well, lots of money in the works.  Actually, if I was in your boat, I'd behave just like you.  The human animal is not very different.  Animal farm at play, the rise of the new 1%.


Take it easy Horseman. Whats with the anger? I supported the coalition. I was at Naresa when they came. We are looking for balanced views...not this Indian v Black BS. Dwelling on the frailties and stupid statements of a few ignorant "coolies" will not move us forward. Wasnt it the APNU supporters telling us to "forget the past"? Eh? 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Ah his point was that black folks voted for the coalition from within Indo dominated areas?


Your ability to read and understand has always been elusive why am I surprised?


Your racism is like glaucoma. Go back to debating the virtues of black vs indian wid Carib let him continue to frig you up daily. 

Caribj does not "frig" me up, he has the likes of you pegged.  I'm sure he is hood-winking the bruddahs.  But don't worry, you will do well, lots of money in the works.  Actually, if I was in your boat, I'd behave just like you.  The human animal is not very different.  Animal farm at play, the rise of the new 1%.

Guh and sleep yuh more boring than usual. I am not the one bending over for thief man daily here howling about black man and indian.


Come up with something unique tomorrow. I can earn my keep, doan need handouts baseboard.



Originally Posted by Zed:

What ethnicity are Roger Luncheon, Jennifer Webster, westford, Benn, Hinds? These were powerful people in the previous government. Or are we still where i blacks in a PPP government are soup drinkers while East Indians in a Pnc/APNU led government are patriots, epitome of virtue, etc. Let's not treat people reading these comments as if they are imbeciles!

I can name many Indians who were very powerful in the Burnham era and I bet you will still say that Burnham was anti Indian.

Originally Posted by seignet:

You ought to stop your nonsense. Let this country heal. Every race was shackled by a heavy burden.

So when PPP frauds peddle their bad black man, and scream that the PPP was fair to blacks, and call blacks ungrateful for not supporting them I must let this pass without comment.


Not going to happen.  Any mention by anyone about African racism, with no acknowledgement of the equivalent racism by Indians, will get a response from me.


The "Black man bad, so got to apologize, Indian good" isn't going to remain as long as I have the ability and access to respond to that on this forum.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:

 The coalition is a 50% government. Where is the evidence that Indians voted for this govt in large numbers? Lets stop this propaganda nonsense.

So when 51% of the population voted AGAINST the PPP and the PPP ignored them, where was YOUR concern for that.


Just live in hope that Granger doesn't treat those who didn't support him the way that Jagdeo/Ramotar did.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

You ought to stop your nonsense. Let this country heal. Every race was shackled by a heavy burden.

So when PPP frauds peddle their bad black man, and scream that the PPP was fair to blacks, and call blacks ungrateful for not supporting them I must let this pass without comment.


Not going to happen.  Any mention by anyone about African racism, with no acknowledgement of the equivalent racism by Indians, will get a response from me.


The "Black man bad, so got to apologize, Indian good" isn't going to remain as long as I have the ability and access to respond to that on this forum.

Go tek a drink, give it a rest. I think you need a strong dose of senna for 2 months straight to cleanse yuh out.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Go tek a drink, give it a rest. I think you need a strong dose of senna for 2 months straight to cleanse yuh out.

Afro Guyanese have said "finally I feel like a Guyanese again", and "Thank God the slow holocaust is over".  Yes who being the one who attacked me every time I raised the issue of the widespread racism against Afro Guyanese.


If they didn't feel so abused many wouldn't have voted and then your Moses wouldn't be PM< because you know he didn't bring in that many Indian votes.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by seignet:

You ought to stop your nonsense. Let this country heal. Every race was shackled by a heavy burden.

So when PPP frauds peddle their bad black man, and scream that the PPP was fair to blacks, and call blacks ungrateful for not supporting them I must let this pass without comment.


Not going to happen.  Any mention by anyone about African racism, with no acknowledgement of the equivalent racism by Indians, will get a response from me.


The "Black man bad, so got to apologize, Indian good" isn't going to remain as long as I have the ability and access to respond to that on this forum.

Go tek a drink, give it a rest. I think you need a strong dose of senna for 2 months straight to cleanse yuh out.


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