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Nigel Hinds

Nigel Hinds

October 16 ,2020


Accountant Nigel Hinds today resigned with immediate effect from the Board of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) over the manner in which it has handled squatters at Success on the East Coast of Demerara.

The state holding company NICIL has begun flooding squatters out of the area and the police have fired pellets on several occasions when they said tensions rose and there were confrontations. Teargas has also been used on the squatters.

Sources say in his resignation letter to NICIL Chair Paul Cheong, Hinds said that he wanted to disassociate himself from the β€œinhumane actions and onslaught on Guyanese residents that occupy the Success area on the East Coast of Demerara, an area of land that is owned by NICIL and not by the Guyana Sugar Corporation.

β€œTear-gassing and shooting pellets on the residents of Success, destroying bridges and homes, flooding the area where they reside, are crude, cruel and callous actions; actions that cast a gloom over our nation.

β€œMy continued presence on the NICIL Board creates the public impression that I support the barbaric and atrocious acts mentioned above; I do not support these actions, thus my resignation”.

Some of the residents in the area have refused to remove despite the flooding of the area.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Reconsider approach to squatting at Success

Dear Editor,

I would like to appeal to GuySuCo and the new government to reconsider their current approach in the handling of the squatting problem at Success.

More sensitivity please. Have a heart. There must be a better solution. On the continuum between the two extreme positions are numerous combinations of solutions. These people are not burning tires. Even the tire burners were treated better. But I beg that this issue be de-politicized. They got to be poor people to be squatting. Give them the benefit of the doubt. To me poverty does not belong to any party and is disowned by all. Please don’t let history judge us by our unkindness to the poor.

Yours faithfully,

Gokarran Sukhdeo


Treatment of Success squatters is inhumane and must be reversed

Dear Editor,

From the outset let it be made clear, I am not condoning or encouraging squatting but what I find abhorrent is the means by which the government is seeking to deal with the squatting of citizens in Success, East Coast Demerara. These are the children of Guyana that successive governments have failed. I visited the area on Monday afternoon to get a firsthand understanding of what is happening.

It was overwhelming to witness the evidence of how cruel political operatives could be in their pursuit of getting their own way.  These residents are being stripped of their dignity. Some told me they were living there more than a decade. I was advised by those residents that after the 2015 election they attempted to squat on lands, including an area along Enmore public road, and were advised by officials of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) to go into the cane fields at Success.  The PPP/C has one policy when in government and another when in opposition on the same issue.

I saw the access bridges that were broken down by the police and the flooded areas that are occupied by the residents who are now forced to live under worse conditions. The flooding is creating further public health hazards. This is not a case where lands are being flooded to prevent occupation; this is a case where people are already on the lands, in their homes and are being flooded, resulting in damage to clothes, household possessions, gardens and livestock. The emotional, health and financial costs to these citizens we must shoulder should we remain silent.

Whereas I do not condone taking land that does not belong to you this was encouraged by the current government. Those in Success are from the vulnerable class of people. Many are squatting because they cannot do better. Most squatters of this nature are not covetous land grabbers as those in Kingelly, West Coast Berbice. These are generally impoverished people with no means to acquire land, or are not being served properly by successive governments who have a responsibility to feed, clothe and house the nation through development projects and programmes.

These are the working class people of Guyana. They are working hard but cannot afford to own a piece of land in 83,000 square miles. It is unconscionable and unacceptable in their state of impoverishment and need that the government would seek to flood their lands, affecting men, women and children, increasing the risk of skin disease, diarrhoea and vector-borne diseases such as the deadly leptospirosis. Flooding land in an area of pit latrines will create faecal overspilling.  It is also interrupting any little thing these people can do to make a living. Society must condemn this, especially in these times. The Ministry of Health is being called on to address the needs of these people lest we have a public health outbreak.

The PPP/C prided itself as a working class party but Cheddi Jagan would never have flooded lands where people occupy.  Never in the history of Guyana has any government, outside of the Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo governments deliberately embarked on creating a public health crisis as a tool of management. We saw what happened in Georgetown. Here in 2020, new President Irfaan Ali has embarked on a similar pathway as his predecessors. What manner of men are these? What manner of government conscious of health care deficiencies and needs would flood out lands where thousands of people are living? This is our Guyana once again.

Further, we must ask the question – how much difference would Success make to the proposed sugar manufacturing which can only survive anyhow with government subsidies? GuySuCo workers themselves should condemn what is happening to their fellow citizens in Success. Just how the government wants to care for sugar workers whom they see as vulnerable, the residents in Success too are deserving and in need. The treatment being meted out to them is unjust and inhumane and must be corrected.

Yours faithfully,

Lincoln Lewis  


The PPP/C prided itself as a working class party but Cheddi Jagan would never have flooded lands where people occupy.  Never in the history of Guyana has any government, outside of the Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo governments deliberately embarked on creating a public health crisis as a tool of management. We saw what happened in Georgetown. Here in 2020, new President Irfaan Ali has embarked on a similar pathway as his predecessors. What manner of men are these? What manner of government conscious of health care deficiencies and needs would flood out lands where thousands of people are living? This is our Guyana once again.


Squatting is an illegal act,  first, how long these people were squatting on the land? secondly, the PNC tolerated  and encouraged this nonsense and did nothing.

Yes there is plenty land, there are many house lots for sale privately, let these BUMS work hard and save their money then buy the land. Overnight the squatters grew, they had every brother, sister mother and father occupying separate pieces of land.

There is a legal process to get CHEAP house lot from the government, the PPP promised to develop many housing schemes, they just got into office, busy cleaning the SHIT that the PNC left, that includes the squatters.


The land belongs to the people and there are plenty. There should be no government profit when the housing lands are given to the people. Cost should only be for drainage ,roads and clearing of lands. There are only  under 750,000 people ,what's so hard to accomplished.

Our village years ago had a water problem ,we lobbied the Region for the pipes which was laid by the villagers and the problem was solved. I am sure many people will assist in digging the drains and other assistance needed to develop the housing area.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The land belongs to the people and there are plenty. There should be no government profit when the housing lands are given to the people. Cost should only be for drainage ,roads and clearing of lands. There are only  under 750,000 people ,what's so hard to accomplished.

Our village years ago had a water problem ,we lobbied the Region for the pipes which was laid by the villagers and the problem was solved. I am sure many people will assist in digging the drains and other assistance needed to develop the housing area.

Are you sure that the lands belong to the people?

@Mitwah posted:

The PPP/C prided itself as a working class party but Cheddi Jagan would never have flooded lands where people occupy.  Never in the history of Guyana has any government, outside of the Donald Ramotar and Bharrat Jagdeo governments deliberately embarked on creating a public health crisis as a tool of management. We saw what happened in Georgetown. Here in 2020, new President Irfaan Ali has embarked on a similar pathway as his predecessors. What manner of men are these? What manner of government conscious of health care deficiencies and needs would flood out lands where thousands of people are living? This is our Guyana once again.

Nat true. Soon after they won in 1992, they flooded an area by where the Venezuelans built low cost houses for Guyanese. They claim the ppl were squatting too in the neighbouring plots of land, they actually broke the sea wall to let the water in. These are terrible ppl. As for Marcia, she doan care how much money these ppl lost.

The ppl should demand her departure. Maybe this is her alamo.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Are you sure that the lands belong to the people?

The lands belong to the people.  All reports seem to suggest that lands are owned by GUYSUCO or NICIL.  Both of these companies are 100% owned by the state, the people of Guyana.  There is another angle to this.  In his autobiography Yesu Persaud writes that the Bookers cane fields  were actually leased to that company by the government.  If that arrangement carried over to GUYSUCO that means the canefields are only leased by that company.  All in all, any way you twist or turn it, the lands belong to the people.

@Totaram posted:

The lands belong to the people.  All reports seem to suggest that lands are owned by GUYSUCO or NICIL.  Both of these companies are 100% owned by the state, the people of Guyana.  There is another angle to this.  In his autobiography Yesu Persaud writes that the Bookers cane fields  were actually leased to that company by the government.  If that arrangement carried over to GUYSUCO that means the canefields are only leased by that company.  All in all, any way you twist or turn it, the lands belong to the people.

The Government of the people.  Got you!

@seignet posted:

from day one i said all the lands belong to the ppl of guyana. they should all be living in large open spaces. colonial thinking was replaced when guyana became the cooperative republic. blasted thiefing ppp will stop at nothing in enriching dem friends

I think you live in Canada, all the lands belong to you? I bet you paid for your house and land, I am assuming that you live in a house.

Only in Guyana you can get away with that Stunt.

GOD cuss Guyana, blame am.

@kp posted:

I think you live in Canada, all the lands belong to you? I bet you paid for your house and land, I am assuming that you live in a house.

Only in Guyana you can get away with that Stunt.

GOD cuss Guyana, blame am.

Nope, Gad nutting to do wid it. If yuh bin paying attention, yuh would have noticed how many land issues the PPP was in their previous 23 years government. Dey up to their regular tricks.

@VishMahabir posted:

Why cant they give these people house lots???

Why did they wait until the PPP came to power before they squatted on Guysuko land? Why didn't the squatters do it when the PNC was there sitting on asses doing nothing? The squatters should have applied for house lots as required by law. OK! I forgot that the AFC lawyers are bad advisors. They had wanted the land for themselves.

@seignet posted:

i ain stupid. i wuk fuh everting i gat. generous i aint. leh dem get dem own from the ppp.

Well, well tell them squatters to work for them land nah, PNC didn't owe them nothing and so do the PPP. I notice the land lease will be up soon, maybe I have the PPP give that land to the squatters. Hope you are not squatting? we will find out soon.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why did they wait until the PPP came to power before they squatted on Guysuko land? Why didn't the squatters do it when the PNC was there sitting on asses doing nothing? The squatters should have applied for house lots as required by law. OK! I forgot that the AFC lawyers are bad advisors. They had wanted the land for themselves.

It was the PPP who encouraged them to squat.

@seignet posted:

Believe me Marcia Nadir-Sharma shares your opinion.

What does she have to do with it?

Marcia Nadir-Sharma has been a member of the bar for the last twenty years. Her specialties include commercial and corporate law, corporate services, projects, and property management. ... Marissa Nadir has been a member of the bar for the last four years with special interests in criminal law and employment law.

@kp posted:

Some people took land with the promise to build factories and create jobs, but did absolutely nothing.  Still holding on to land to flip and make big profit.

i am beginning to think you are marcia, she thinks that way too. she feels a joint venture is a scheme to sell lease lands for lots of money. i never knew it to be unlawful to have a joint venture on leased lands.


Why some people have to pay for their lands and others should get it for free? Just hand them and then they will sell it to the first bidder and still squat again? There's a lady who squatted behind our house for years by the seawall and would not move although she had a house lot at 76 village.

Last edited by Former Member

This talk about squatting make I remember dis woman told me long time ago as she squatted to tek a pee, a frog hop by and rub the prettyrose, is no joke yeh. Another one went an squat in some poison ivy, dah one musta end up with a puff up prettyrose. Dah poison ivy does itch like rass.

Yall carry on with dah squatting story.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

This talk about squatting make I remember dis woman told me long time ago as she squatted to tek a pee, a frog hop by and rub the prettyrose, is no joke yeh. Another one went an squat in some poison ivy, dah one musta end up with a puff up prettyrose. Dah poison ivy does itch like rass.

Yall carry on with dah squatting story.

How u know its true, were you once an examiner ?

@Totaram posted:

Lincoln Lewis in his letter claims that the property seekers were encouraged by the PPP to occupy the lands.  I read this elsewhere and believe it because the PPP has historically encouraged squatting.  I am willing to bet that many "settlements" in Guyana originated from squatting.  Isn't a part of Enmore called Squatting Scheme?

At the back of Nigg and Belvedere North are also called Squatting Scheme.  People squatted there during the previous PPP government.  But instead of evictions, better bridges, roads, water and electricity were provided and the shacks became better houses.

This was GUYSUCO's land, similar to Nigg and Belvedere North housing scheme, when houses were first built in 1959, after the logies.

Why is the government policy different now with Success squatters ?   


The Regional Government that is controlled by the PNC is responsible for the squatters at Success Village, as the Georgetown city council is also responsible for the market vendors' predicament. If they can't do their jobs or lack the expertise to deal with the situation,  then they should ask the Central Government for help.  It appears that the PNC is an inept governing body in Region 4 and Georgetown.

Please note that the Economy is on the rise and they are busy creating jobs. They are rebuilding the infrastructure and the manufacturing sector.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The Regional Government that is controlled by the PNC is responsible for the squatters at Success Village, as the Georgetown city council is also responsible for the market vendors' predicament. If they can't do their jobs or lack the expertise to deal with the situation,  then they should ask the Central Government for help.  It appears that the PNC is an inept governing body in Region 4 and Georgetown.

Please note that the Economy is on the rise and they are busy creating jobs. They are rebuilding the infrastructure and the manufacturing sector.

To quote USA GREATEST PRESIDENT, "shit hole PPP Planning."

@Ramakant-P posted:

The Regional Government that is controlled by the PNC is responsible for the squatters at Success Village, as the Georgetown city council is also responsible for the market vendors' predicament. If they can't do their jobs or lack the expertise to deal with the situation,  then they should ask the Central Government for help.  It appears that the PNC is an inept governing body in Region 4 and Georgetown.

Please note that the Economy is on the rise

and they are busy creating jobs. They are rebuilding the infrastructure and the manufacturing sector.

The Economy wasn't stagnated under the past government ,look at the yearly growth from 2015.

@Django posted:

The Economy wasn't stagnated under the past government ,look at the yearly growth from 2015.

I don't have to. They were riding on the coattail of the PPP development plans. The PPP completed over 3500 projects and the PNC did nothing after that. They took over a great infrastructure and destroyed it. They neglected all the commanding heights of the economy. They can't even carry out the garbage.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are jealous that the PNC can only do shit all. They can never match the PPP's expertise in developing a country.   Imagine you and them can't even run a cake shop or a market stall at Bourda.

Bai, think. The first ppl to have market stalls was black ppl. They built the commericial district in the environs of GT. They were farmers, shop keepers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers and all those discipline that make a society strive. All this when you coolie razz was drawing leese water from the estate trenches and living in logies VACATED by Black ppl.

The PPP has been around forever. All the things Black ppl built has been rundown. AND YOUR PPP HAS NEVER UPDATED OR REBUILT ANYTHING.

Being Indian is not a natural inclination to progress. Check Ali and Jagdeo living spaces, then check the poor impoverished indians.

Indian Pandits have special utensiles even for their own kind.

@seignet posted:

Bai, think. The first ppl to have market stalls was black ppl. They built the commericial district in the environs of GT. They were farmers, shop keepers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers and all those discipline that make a society strive. All this when you coolie razz was drawing leese water from the estate trenches and living in logies VACATED by Black ppl.

The PPP has been around forever. All the things Black ppl built has been rundown. AND YOUR PPP HAS NEVER UPDATED OR REBUILT ANYTHING.

Being Indian is not a natural inclination to progress. Check Ali and Jagdeo living spaces, then check the poor impoverished indians.

Indian Pandits have special utensiles even for their own kind.

B/S.  All Doctors and lawyers, farmers, and shopkeepers were Indians.

I didn't that there black pandits too.


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