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NEWS: Attorney Nigel Hughes responds to Pres. Jagdeo statements that he will never be made Senior Counsel
by Gordon Moseley on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 1:02pm


It has been brought to my attention that His Excellency, the President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo used the opportunity while addressing his supporters at Luisignan last night to make several slanderous statements about me.

I merely wish to state the following

1. The fact that the current administration found it impossible to identify a single person of African descent qualified to represent this country of ours at the level of Ambassador at any international posting is probably the most salient statement on the practice of racism in politics in contemporary Guyana .

2. I do not require the President to validate my work as an Attorney at law. It will speak for itself.

3. His Excellency’s statements have confirmed a long held belief in the profession that the conferral of the status of senior counsel by this present regime, is a political act. Accepting the conferral of such an award from the present regime would be like asking Steve Biko to accept an award from P.W. Botha during the apartheid era.

4. His Excellency’s statements about the considerations for the award of silk have considerable implications on the independence of the judiciary and they have been noted.

5. If His Excellency ever feels disposed to emerge from beneath the cloak of immunity I would be more than happy to engage with him in an appropriate forum at his convenience.

6. Our professional oath as Attorneys at Law obliges us to represent our clients without fear or favor and I have had the privilege of representing an array of clients including Mrs Varshie Jagdeo over the course of my professional life. The categorization or classification of my clients has not been a concern of mine as I am not retained as a priest but an Attorney at Law.

7. It is my hope that, should the occasion arise post November 28th 2011, that His Excellency may require appropriately qualified legal counsel whether from Senior Counsel or otherwise , that he does not feel constrained by comments made at Luisignan.

C.A. Nigel Hughes

Guyanese and proud descendant of a long line of field slaves.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
C.A. Nigel Hughes

Guyanese and proud descendant of a long line of field slaves.

Not too sure about the field slave bit.

Its good that some one points out that Jagdeo will be a major decision maker AFTER he "leaves" office. How and why we can only wonder.
it is a jab about refusing to accept the condition of slavery like the house slave who identifies with the masters health by saying "we sick or we healthy". It is emblematic of resistance in the face of adversity.
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
NEWS: Attorney Nigel Hughes responds to Pres. Jagdeo statements that he will never be made Senior Counsel
by Gordon Moseley on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 1:02pm


It has been brought to my attention that His Excellency, the President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo used the opportunity while addressing his supporters at Luisignan last night to make several slanderous statements about me.

I merely wish to state the following

1. The fact that the current administration found it impossible to identify a single person of African descent qualified to represent this country of ours at the level of Ambassador at any international posting is probably the most salient statement on the practice of racism in politics in contemporary Guyana .

2. I do not require the President to validate my work as an Attorney at law. It will speak for itself.

3. His Excellency’s statements have confirmed a long held belief in the profession that the conferral of the status of senior counsel by this present regime, is a political act. Accepting the conferral of such an award from the present regime would be like asking Steve Biko to accept an award from P.W. Botha during the apartheid era.

4. His Excellency’s statements about the considerations for the award of silk have considerable implications on the independence of the judiciary and they have been noted.

5. If His Excellency ever feels disposed to emerge from beneath the cloak of immunity I would be more than happy to engage with him in an appropriate forum at his convenience.

6. Our professional oath as Attorneys at Law obliges us to represent our clients without fear or favor and I have had the privilege of representing an array of clients including Mrs Varshie Jagdeo over the course of my professional life. The categorization or classification of my clients has not been a concern of mine as I am not retained as a priest but an Attorney at Law.

7. It is my hope that, should the occasion arise post November 28th 2011, that His Excellency may require appropriately qualified legal counsel whether from Senior Counsel or otherwise , that he does not feel constrained by comments made at Luisignan.

C.A. Nigel Hughes

Guyanese and proud descendant of a long line of field slaves.
good job Nigel,jagdeo is a thief and a ass. he might need a lawyer for both
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
I love this response. As many have concluded and myself this man is the next Walter Rodney.
He definitely is sharp. BTW, I met Rodney for the first and only time at Freedom house. Those twits were going gaa gaa that he spoke extemporaneously. However, hopefully, Nigel is not a Marxist.

I am pretty sure Nigel is not a Marxist.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
I love this response. As many have concluded and myself this man is the next Walter Rodney.
He definitely is sharp. BTW, I met Rodney for the first and only time at Freedom house. Those twits were going gaa gaa that he spoke extemporaneously. However, hopefully, Nigel is not a Marxist.

I am pretty sure Nigel is not a Marxist.
That is a leg up on Rodney.
Why Jagdeo continues to squander PPP's political capital is beyond me. PPP needs to get more votes from the African community, and attacking Nigel Hughes who has lately become somewhat of an icon there is stupid and reckless by him. Is he going crazy? Nehru, you need to call your friend and talk some sense into him.
VOTE AFC! flag
I will darling. He was really tired for all the hard work. He was not focusing at his best. partybanana
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Why Jagdeo continues to squander PPP's political capital is beyond me. PPP needs to get more votes from the African community, and attacking Nigel Hughes who has lately become somewhat of an icon there is stupid and reckless by him. Is he going crazy? Nehru, you need to call your friend and talk some sense into him.
VOTE AFC! flag
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Why Jagdeo continues to squander PPP's political capital is beyond me. PPP needs to get more votes from the African community, and attacking Nigel Hughes who has lately become somewhat of an icon there is stupid and reckless by him. Is he going crazy? Nehru, you need to call your friend and talk some sense into him.
VOTE AFC! flag

Some of the things Jagdeo is doing just before election, does not fit in with a logical person, eg. attack on the media which reach a large number of voters, now Nigel Hughes, etc.

It seems Jagdeo has a warped sense of reality regarding what will win the election for the PPP, or like you said, he just gone crazy.
His actions do more damage for the PPP and no one in the PPP is brave enough to challenge him. Must be all the perks they receive and who cares about the rest of Guyana.
The entire legal community of Guyana and the Carribean should take note of the comments made by a head of state who is shielded under a dictator constitution.

Regardless as to which party form the new Gov't after the elections, the struggle should be to immeidiatly strip the new President of the type of power that he yeilds under this current constitution.

Nr Nigel Hughes response is in order and from what I have observed very respectful to the President.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Jagdeo is playing the race card, but why is he campaigning when he is not running for the job? A very suspicious act.

Because he is running. Sam Hinds will be off soon and in comes Jagdeo, pulling a Russian act. He was trained in Russia after all.

Jagdeo is constitutionally ineligible to be PM or President (again). . . PERIOD!

That is a fantasy only realizable if the PPP changes the constitution with a 2/3 majority.
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Jagdeo is playing the race card, but why is he campaigning when he is not running for the job? A very suspicious act.
he know if the ppp lose the election he going to jail and this is no shit

OHHHH rass...yu changing yu stink mouth for The PPP will lose the election to IF the PPP lose the election now...yu not as stupid as you sound here cheers
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Rahmah bin Jabr:
C.A. Nigel Hughes

Guyanese and proud descendant of a long line of field slaves.

Not too sure about the field slave bit.

Its good that some one points out that Jagdeo will be a major decision maker AFTER he "leaves" office. How and why we can only wonder.

field or house? Big Grin
1. The fact that the current administration found it impossible to identify a single person of African descent qualified to represent this country of ours at the level of Ambassador at any international posting is probably the most salient statement on the practice of racism in politics in contemporary Guyana

Carib turned down the job.
I will bet that Moses will not commit Political Suicide by joining the AFC. If after attending Harvard, would you then transfer to UWI??? I doubt that very much.

Moses is too much a Statesman and too INTELLIGENT to take action that will jepordise his FUTURE. I will be shocked if he takes any stepts that will undermine his Credibility, Honor and long standing GOODWILL that he has earned over the last 50 Years.

I can understand his frustration and discomfort at the way he has been treated by the Party but that is certainly no reason to wash away his Status as a Staesman, Leader, Fighter of the Working Class and Humanitarian. These elements has a way of slipping away very quickly and Mr Naaaaagaaaaaaamooooootooooo is no Dunce. In fact, he is a man of limitless Intelligence, Honor and commitment to The Working Class.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I will bet that Moses will not commit Political Suicide by joining the AFC. If after attending Harvard, would you then transfer to UWI??? I doubt that very much.

Moses is too much a Statesman and too INTELLIGENT to take action that will jepordise his FUTURE. I will be shocked if he takes any stepts that will undermine his Credibility, Honor and long standing GOODWILL that he has earned over the last 50 Years.

I can understand his frustration and discomfort at the way he has been treated by the Party but that is certainly no reason to wash away his Status as a Staesman, Leader, Fighter of the Working Class and Humanitarian. These elements has a way of slipping away very quickly and Mr Naaaaagaaaaaaamooooootooooo is no Dunce. In fact, he is a man of limitless Intelligence, Honor and commitment to The Working Class.

If we take your word for it, it tells alot of theb bunch he has left behind. Personally I think he did it bit too late if he wants to make an impact.
AFC supporters are celebrating the resignation of Moses. I am curious about the reaction in the APNU camp. Are they as excited as the homies on GNI??

Nigel Hughes continually equates the government of Guyana with the apartheid regime in the South Africa of yesterday. This is absurd and should be rejected all decent-minded person in the AFC, if they are any. If no one in the AFC criticizes this man's constant belligerent racial attitudes then we must conclude that the AFC is made of a bunch of weak-knee Indians who have very little self-respect.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
AFC supporters are celebrating the resignation of Moses. I am curious about the reaction in the APNU camp. Are they as excited as the homies on GNI??

Nigel Hughes continually equates the government of Guyana with the apartheid regime in the South Africa of yesterday. This is absurd and should be rejected all decent-minded person in the AFC, if they are any. If no one in the AFC criticizes this man's constant belligerent racial attitudes then we must conclude that the AFC is made of a bunch of weak-knee Indians who have very little self-respect.

The truth of that matter, we always referred to the PNC as running an apartheid system in Guyana. Many Afros were baffled by that characterization as they saw it through their prism. Now that it's the other way around, we hear these words from Afros and we certainly need to understand their perspective before jumping to shut it down. We Indians experienced racism and exclusion under the PNC and now the Afros claims to, with some merit. How do we tell them they are wrong when we did exactly that, for those exact reasons? Anyway, maybe now that the PPP is merging with the HoI wing of the PNC, such criticism might be muted.

Where I push back is when a few equate the PPP and it's leadership with Gadhafi and deserves the same. I do not accept this nor do I believe they are. I hope sanity prevails in the PPP and they see fit to balance the pendulum "if" they do form the next Govt.
Denial of the right to vote and the use of force to stay in the power were the methods used both the apartheid regime in South Africa as well as the PNC government in Guyana. I cannot say the same for the PPP gov't where every person's vote counts and the military is not used to suppress one segment of the population.

Nigel is a hardline anti-Indian politician. I hope you Indians with a brain recognize this.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Denial of the right to vote and the use of force to stay in the power were the methods used both the apartheid regime in South Africa as well as the PNC government in Guyana. I cannot say the same for the PPP gov't where every person's vote counts and the military is not used to suppress one segment of the population.

Nigel is a hardline anti-Indian politician. I hope you Indians with a brain recognize this.

If the majority South Africans had turned around and used their numbers as a weapon against the White minority, it was have been apartheid.

Regarding the man and the AFC, well how about all those HoI and PNC boys you bringing on board. Dont you have the same concern?
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Please don't speak on behalf of White folks in South Africa. They can speak for themselves. They are complaining about being targetted for murder and rape because of their race. Over three quarter of million have left for Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone, you made the reference and the SA model is famous for it's pregression and accomodation. Don't talk for the White SA's leaving, talk about the 89% professional/skilled Guyanese who continue to migrate en-masse.

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