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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard should be the leader of the AFC. Not RUMjattan.

Gerhard, do not waste your time with losers like Moses and RUMjattan. Become a leader or form your own party.

Much of what I know politically I learnt from Khemraj Ramjattan.  He is an honourable man.  I respect Uncle Moses very much as well.  I know your comments are well intentioned as it relates to me, but you do not know those men.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard should be the leader of the AFC. Not RUMjattan.

Gerhard, do not waste your time with losers like Moses and RUMjattan. Become a leader or form your own party.



Gerard is the hardest working dude in the AFC! The man puts out the effort.


Gerard Ramsaroop should have been in parliament representing the AFC---Kathy Hughes and the other AFC MPs---waste of oxygen----they are getting a free ride.



Originally Posted by Nehru:

Afro Guyanese were given ALL the Chicken you can eat and all the Banks you can dring during the last Election BUT 95% of them eat, drink, bore the place in which the chicken came and then Vote PNC.

Coolies dozz do di same ting bai.  Coolies dozz bak stab dem matie, blackman dozz bak stab coolies.

Man dont talk bout Moses like dat.Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Afro Guyanese were given ALL the Chicken you can eat and all the Banks you can dring during the last Election BUT 95% of them eat, drink, bore the place in which the chicken came and then Vote PNC.

Coolies dozz do di same ting bai.  Coolies dozz bak stab dem matie, blackman dozz bak stab coolies.


Originally Posted by Nehru:

Afro Guyanese were given ALL the Chicken you can eat and all the Banks you can dring during the last Election BUT 95% of them eat, drink, bore the place in which the chicken came and then Vote PNC.

Do you thing if you had provided them with chicken curry and rotie they would have gotten the hint that the vittles were a bribe and so vote PPP?

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Gerhard should be the leader of the AFC. Not RUMjattan.

Gerhard, do not waste your time with losers like Moses and RUMjattan. Become a leader or form your own party.

Much of what I know politically I learnt from Khemraj Ramjattan.  He is an honourable man.  I respect Uncle Moses very much as well.  I know your comments are well intentioned as it relates to me, but you do not know those men.

Gerhard, you might be surprised about the amount of potential supporters you will get if you form your own party. PFC,  Party For Change.


Anyway, I respect your decision.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Yuji22 yuh prappa wutlis.


Seriuosly, I have a great deal of respect for Gerhard. He is honest and works very hard. He seriously has Guyana and it's interest at heart. I do not agree with his politics from time to time but so far, he is genuine.


It boggle my mind that he has to fight his battles from the sidelines. Why is this man not in parliament ?


Party For Change (PFC) under Gerhard will serve the Guyanese public better than AFC with some of it's recent blunders. Time will tell, but Gerhard does have a political future. I will be the first to support his party if he decides to form the PFC.


You see, Guyana needs a party in parliament to bring honesty, fairness and professionalism in parliament and only a party led by Gerhard can do so. Until then, I remain a PPP supporter who wants an opposition to keep them honest.

Originally Posted by Sledgehammer:

Blackman gon nevva vote fuh collie, alyuh rememba datt, dem a juss wach we.

Maybe if Indians voted for blacks then blacks might vote for Indos. Its interesting that uyoui makie this observation when Indos vote race as well. Please dont pretend as if the Indo vote for the AFC wasnt based on arce. If Nagamootoo wasnt very visible the AFC would have done poorly in Berbice. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Afro Guyanese were given ALL the Chicken you can eat and all the Banks you can dring during the last Election BUT 95% of them eat, drink, bore the place in which the chicken came and then Vote PNC.

Black people arent stupid. They told the PPP that the contractors that the PPP wa susing refised to hire Lindeners in meaningful capacities.  Linden remained a town with high unemployment.


People want to earn a living to BUY chicken. Not be given afew scraps just before the election.


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