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Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Some elements of the PNC constituency are the most despicable obnoxious bunch of bastards.  Granger could walk about anywhere even in the PPP strongholds where the PNC sponsored terrorists took a toll and no one will show disrespect or aggression, no one.  They will listen and ask questions and be polite.

But no, your goonish PNC cohorts will seek to disrupt and accost people trying to engage in a civil discourse.  You people are despicable shameless pack of wielding low-life hounds on the lose!!  No wonder Guyana is such a miserable place, compliments PNC goons!!

I don't belong to the PNC so how would they be my cohorts? There are some wicked people in the PPP too who would protest anything that the current government is involved in. Some even wanted to sell out the country to Venezuela after they lost the elections. 

Go to hell with your assertion.  Actually, Venezuela rescued 10's of thousands of Indo-Guyanese, so if they want to establish a safe zone in Ebo as a Venezuelan protectorate, so be it.  What does the average Indian in Guyana have to lose?

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

The PPP will return and hopefully with Ronald Gajraj as their candidate.  The PPP needs a military minded, educated and operational guy to take over and run the country!  Like Granger, he in a military man, but unlike Granger, he is a lawyer and has strong leadership attributes!

Ronald Gajraj would be an excellent choice for the PPP candidate for 2020.

51% of Guyanese like a military leader.  He is an ex-GDF who worked with Granger.

He was a Minister in the government.

He has international experience serving as ambassador to India.

He is a well educated lawyer.

He has a direct blood line to one of the Founders of The PPP party.

Perfection in a package here!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:
Nehru posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh Lord, this must be Mars PNC friends dem with their typical bullyism.

"This morning's walkabout, however, was not without hiccups, as an organized group of about 15 persons sought to disrupt Jagdeo's engagement with the vendors, to the point of one man physically assaulting one vendor who was speaking to Jagdeo."

HAHAHA YUh SHAME the man now he gun run

Why would I be ashamed when someone is obviously lying? I have no friends in GT who are vendors and who would be protesting at the arcade. I'm living out of Guyana for many years now and the friends I have in Guyana are not street vendors.

Some elements of the PNC constituency are the most despicable obnoxious bunch of bastards.  Granger could walk about anywhere even in the PPP strongholds where the PNC sponsored terrorists took a toll and no one will show disrespect or aggression, no one.  They will listen and ask questions and be polite.

But no, your goonish PNC cohorts will seek to disrupt and accost people trying to engage in a civil discourse.  You people are despicable shameless pack of wielding low-life hounds on the lose!!  No wonder Guyana is such a miserable place, compliments PNC goons!!

I don't belong to the PNC so how would they be my cohorts? There are some wicked people in the PPP too who would protest anything that the current government is involved in. Some even wanted to sell out the country to Venezuela after they lost the elections. 

Go figure who I mean.

You know, I sympathize with the Blacks and what they experience here sometimes, but every time I see you people operate in Guyana, I remember why I left and just say, to hell with it.  American policing have the correct approach with you low-life despicable shameless bunch of goons.  That is just what you deserve!!

I can't see a racist bastard like you ever sympathizing with blacks but that's besides the point. Do you even know me or my whereabouts to denounce me? I'm not low life crabdawg scum like you. I come from good stock unlike you from some punt trench backdam. Who are these "you people" that you lump me in with you racist moron? Once someone doesn't drink your PPP soup they have to be black in your eyes. I'm living in this country for many years and never once had to worry with the police harassing me or any of my relatives. I live quite comfortably and that's what I deserve based on many years of proper schooling, unlike you, a poorly educated moron living in misery. GFY crass git.

Last edited by Mars
ba$eman posted:

Go figure who I mean.

You know, I sympathize with the Blacks and what they experience here sometimes, but every time I see you people operate in Guyana, I remember why I left and just say, to hell with it.  American policing have the correct approach with you low-life despicable shameless bunch of goons.  That is just what you deserve!!

I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

caribny posted:


I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

Wonder what Gilly mean by brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

For the record, I don't think you are racist. You do demonstrate black centric traits. I don't think anyone of the Indians here are racist although some do have a opinion about the racial divide that has plagued Guyana since the PPP split into the PPP & PNC. No doubt some of the sentiments expressed are very strong but to conclude that those making them are racist could be a mistake.

I don't think I am a racist. I voted twice for Obama but four times for white presidential candidates prior to him. I even voted once for Dubya. I never voted for the PNC. I do say things as I see them and since I don't think I am a malicious person, I don't feel I do them for malicious reasons.

Lastly, addressing people by demeaning names is a bad reflection of those doing so. For one to think that they need to address another as idiot, fool, racist, KKK, etc. to advance their argument shows their immaturity more than their targets. I have also made similar immature postures but of late, I have tried to be more vigilant of my choice of words.


Make no mistake about this.  With all you see these vendors hanging on to BJ, if there was election tomorrow morning, all of them would vote PNC. With the PNC fanboys Django, Mitwah, and Gilbakka et al., cheering them on.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

Wonder what Gilly mean by brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

For the record, I don't think you are racist. You do demonstrate black centric traits. I don't think anyone of the Indians here are racist although some do have a opinion about the racial divide that has plagued Guyana since the PPP split into the PPP & PNC. No doubt some of the sentiments expressed are very strong but to conclude that those making them are racist could be a mistake.

I don't think I am a racist. I voted twice for Obama but four times for white presidential candidates prior to him. I even voted once for Dubya. I never voted for the PNC. I do say things as I see them and since I don't think I am a malicious person, I don't feel I do them for malicious reasons.

Lastly, addressing people by demeaning names is a bad reflection of those doing so. For one to think that they need to address another as idiot, fool, racist, KKK, etc. to advance their argument shows their immaturity more than their targets. I have also made similar immature postures but of late, I have tried to be more vigilant of my choice of words.

Carib enjoys dragging people into useless racial arguments as he seem to get a high out of it.  He pushes buttons and hopes that he can lead people down his path and it works every time like a charm.  Same with Gilbakka, he posts threads with provocative titles to instigate useless arguments and he sits in a corner and smiles to himself.   Neither of them have any conviction of what they are saying.  And both are cowards.

Bibi Haniffa

I don't know what has gotten into Gilly lately. Not so long ago, he was dismayed by the actions of the Coalition government. He was promptly told by Redux to trust the process. He then announced that he was going to have discussions with Ramjattan and sometime after that, he seem to have a strange transformation. I hope his wellbeing is safe.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I am skeptical.  There are people here on GNI who have bigger roles in the coalition government than many realize.

My opinion of politicians is that their supporters only matter during time. They are virtually inexistence after the elections. So I doubt any of the Coalition (and for that matter the PPP) supporters have any meaningful role now until the next elections. That does not mean that some supporters may not be deluded to think that they still are meaningful. Think about it. I only heard from Obama two times during his two presidential campaigns. Now my son did receive a letter from him when he scored an almost perfect score (168 out of 169) on his 5th grade FCAT but that was a rubber stamped latter.


Congrats to your son.  American elections only matter during election season.  After that everyone goes about their happy little lives until something happens that hurts their pockets.

Guyanese politics is a never ending intense process of cut throating.  These AFC guys in particular were meeting and stategizing for years now.  The whole thrust of their existence was to get rid of Jagdeo.  Once that mission was accomplished their work was done.  None of them anticipated the salary increase debacle, the rise of Harmon as their leader, and the useless role of Nagamootoo.  Only now they are pondering and wondering what next.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Congrats to your son.  American elections only matter during election season.  After that everyone goes about their happy little lives until something happens that hurts their pockets.

Guyanese politics is a never ending intense process of cut throating.  These AFC guys in particular were meeting and stategizing for years now.  The whole thrust of their existence was to get rid of Jagdeo.  Once that mission was accomplished their work was done.  None of them anticipated the salary increase debacle, the rise of Harmon as their leader, and the useless role of Nagamootoo.  Only now they are pondering and wondering what next.

They got betrayed. APNU met with them on Valentines Day and they really thought it was a Valentines Day date that will blossom into a beautiful love affair and everlasting marriage. Then on the wedding night, they horrifically realized that APNU don't really love them because APNU is already married to the PNC and is not allowed to nor wish to have a divorce. So the AFC had to contend themselves with being just the other woman who must always be available and ready whenever APNU calls.

ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

Wonder what Gilly mean by brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

For the record, I don't think you are racist. You do demonstrate black centric traits. I don't think anyone of the Indians here are racist although some do have a opinion about the racial divide that has plagued Guyana since the PPP split into the PPP & PNC. No doubt some of the sentiments expressed are very strong but to conclude that those making them are racist could be a mistake.

I don't think I am a racist. I voted twice for Obama but four times for white presidential candidates prior to him. I even voted once for Dubya. I never voted for the PNC. I do say things as I see them and since I don't think I am a malicious person, I don't feel I do them for malicious reasons.

Lastly, addressing people by demeaning names is a bad reflection of those doing so. For one to think that they need to address another as idiot, fool, racist, KKK, etc. to advance their argument shows their immaturity more than their targets. I have also made similar immature postures but of late, I have tried to be more vigilant of my choice of words.

You see here is the issue. Did you say anything to drugb when he habitually describes me as a section 8 welfare dependent? NO! When he describes D2/Stormborn as some one working in a 99 cent store, no comments from you.

I don't attack people in terms of who they are. I attack them in terms of what they say, and if they peddle bigotry I will call them a BIGOT!

I have to wonder about you when you don't see the racism among the brown bai KKK. There are select people I call brown bai KKK. Even though we have our disagreements you aren't one who I have attached that label to.

Calling them KKK isn't an insult. Its an accurate description of their bigotry.  Advocating for one's ethnicity is one thing, and we ALL do that. Demeaning another ethnic group, using deeply bigoted stereotypes is another.

We have blacks demeaned as lazy, violent, savage, jungle animals, criminally oriented.  Douglas are deemed as bastards.  We have insults about Amerindians as well, also peddling the stereotypes of them.

There are many stereotypes of Indians, which non Indo Guyanese have, like the one about allowing their kids to starve, or an intent on killing their parents, if money is involved. I challenge you to point out on any occasion when any of the non Indians who have posted on GNI within the past 5 years have engaged in this bigotry.

There are rules here.

1. It is OK to discuss African racism towards Indians and to accuse the Burnham regime of mounting what was virtually an ethnic eradication campaign.  It is OK to frame the 60s as a description of what the PNC did.

So we can discuss the horrors of Wismar, but not of the Sun Chapman, or of the numerous brutalities of PYO thugs against black women, children and the elderly.

Every objective analysis of 1964 will show that BOTH Africans and Indians were guilty of violence, and BOTH Africans and Indians were victimized by it.

2. But when time comes to discuss the Indian role in this, it is taboo.  Under Jagdeo hundreds of blacks were murdered by what were para militias led by a druglord.  While some were criminals, there is evidence that not all were.  Under Jagdeo there was a cynical plan to exclude blacks from all top leadership slots, except for a token few which he controlled.

Blacks suffered every bit of ethnic exclusion under Jagdeo, as Indians suffered under Burnham, but one is not allowed to discuss this. 

3. There is a clear difference in how Africans/mixed/Portuguese view ethnicity and nationality when compared to Indians. Even Ravi Dev has alluded to this.  

Moses Nagamotoo was BLATANTLY put to a race test by the PPP, when he was challenged to show that he was "Indian."  Did any one make such claims of Elisabeth Harper (where is she by the way), even after she changed her hairstyle so she could look as close to being an Indian as possible?  NO!

This is because Africans/mixed/Portuguese view their ethnicity WITHIN the context of being Guyanese. Their ethnicity determines what kind of Guyanese they are.

What is evident, and D2/Stormborn attempted serious discussion of this, is that Indians do NOT define ethnicity within the context of nationality. They do NOT have a model which sees themselves existing within a multi ethnic society.  In fact they ridicule such ideas as forced creolization.

Well until Indians develop a model which sees themselves within the broader context of being Guyanese, which by definition means being open to engaging other ethnic groups, then Guyana will be DOOMED. 




Bibi Haniffa posted:

Carib enjoys dragging people into useless racial arguments as he seem to get a high out of it.  

The mere fact that you attack Gilbakka, a proud Indian, as well as Django, but defend spineless bigots like baseman, cobra, yuji, and others indicates that you are a racist, but you just want to keep that aspect hidden.

Either we discuss racism in its entirety or we discuss NONE of it.

YOU accuse Granger of being a racist, and yet don't attach the same label to Jagdeo.

1.  It was Jagdeo who distorted comments made Nagamootoo, and this when Nagamootoo was a major PPP figure.

2. It was Jagdeo who injected ethnically based invective into the 2015 campaign, and then Rohee justified the description of the PPP as a "coolie people party", because he claimed that almost all of the leadership was Indian, as was its support base.  Then we had the endless exhortations by Indians to vote PPP, only because it was an "Indian party".

Now compare this with the "Love & Unity" campaign of APNU and the AFC.  At least there was a pretense that the politics in Guyana should nolonger be tribal warfare.

3.  And if that wasn't enough, Jagdeo then boasted that the LGE saw the PPP "consolidating its East Indian support base".  What is evident is that the PPP sees Guyanese in terms of RACE!

You as a dishonest fraud will then pretend that this isn't so, and accuse me of being a racist for pushin your face into the racist muck which the PPP represents!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
caribny posted:


I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

Wonder what Gilly mean by brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

For the record, I don't think you are racist. You do demonstrate black centric traits. I don't think anyone of the Indians here are racist although some do have a opinion about the racial divide that has plagued Guyana since the PPP split into the PPP & PNC. No doubt some of the sentiments expressed are very strong but to conclude that those making them are racist could be a mistake.

I don't think I am a racist. I voted twice for Obama but four times for white presidential candidates prior to him. I even voted once for Dubya. I never voted for the PNC. I do say things as I see them and since I don't think I am a malicious person, I don't feel I do them for malicious reasons.

Lastly, addressing people by demeaning names is a bad reflection of those doing so. For one to think that they need to address another as idiot, fool, racist, KKK, etc. to advance their argument shows their immaturity more than their targets. I have also made similar immature postures but of late, I have tried to be more vigilant of my choice of words.

You see here is the issue. Did you say anything to drugb when he habitually describes me as a section 8 welfare dependent? NO! When he describes D2/Stormborn as some one working in a 99 cent store, no comments from you.

I don't attack people in terms of who they are. I attack them in terms of what they say, and if they peddle bigotry I will call them a BIGOT!

I have to wonder about you when you don't see the racism among the brown bai KKK. There are select people I call brown bai KKK. Even though we have our disagreements you aren't one who I have attached that label to.

Calling them KKK isn't an insult. Its an accurate description of their bigotry.  Advocating for one's ethnicity is one thing, and we ALL do that. Demeaning another ethnic group, using deeply bigoted stereotypes is another.

We have blacks demeaned as lazy, violent, savage, jungle animals, criminally oriented.  Douglas are deemed as bastards.  We have insults about Amerindians as well, also peddling the stereotypes of them.

There are many stereotypes of Indians, which non Indo Guyanese have, like the one about allowing their kids to starve, or an intent on killing their parents, if money is involved. I challenge you to point out on any occasion when any of the non Indians who have posted on GNI within the past 5 years have engaged in this bigotry.

There are rules here.

1. It is OK to discuss African racism towards Indians and to accuse the Burnham regime of mounting what was virtually an ethnic eradication campaign.  It is OK to frame the 60s as a description of what the PNC did.

So we can discuss the horrors of Wismar, but not of the Sun Chapman, or of the numerous brutalities of PYO thugs against black women, children and the elderly.

Every objective analysis of 1964 will show that BOTH Africans and Indians were guilty of violence, and BOTH Africans and Indians were victimized by it.

2. But when time comes to discuss the Indian role in this, it is taboo.  Under Jagdeo hundreds of blacks were murdered by what were para militias led by a druglord.  While some were criminals, there is evidence that not all were.  Under Jagdeo there was a cynical plan to exclude blacks from all top leadership slots, except for a token few which he controlled.

Blacks suffered every bit of ethnic exclusion under Jagdeo, as Indians suffered under Burnham, but one is not allowed to discuss this. 

3. There is a clear difference in how Africans/mixed/Portuguese view ethnicity and nationality when compared to Indians. Even Ravi Dev has alluded to this.  

Moses Nagamotoo was BLATANTLY put to a race test by the PPP, when he was challenged to show that he was "Indian."  Did any one make such claims of Elisabeth Harper (where is she by the way), even after she changed her hairstyle so she could look as close to being an Indian as possible?  NO!

This is because Africans/mixed/Portuguese view their ethnicity WITHIN the context of being Guyanese. Their ethnicity determines what kind of Guyanese they are.

What is evident, and D2/Stormborn attempted serious discussion of this, is that Indians do NOT define ethnicity within the context of nationality. They do NOT have a model which sees themselves existing within a multi ethnic society.  In fact they ridicule such ideas as forced creolization.

Well until Indians develop a model which sees themselves within the broader context of being Guyanese, which by definition means being open to engaging other ethnic groups, then Guyana will be DOOMED. 




You are asking too much of me bai. I am no one's keeper and don't have the right to tell anyone here what to do or say. For all you know, all those you mentioned above that you expect me to comment on may be more upstanding citizens than I am. I try to limit my arguments to public figures and organizations and not on private people. When I comment terrorists, I am not seeing Muslims but terrorists. Likewise, when I comment on the PPP, I am not thinking of Indians nor blacks when I comment on the PNC. That is not to say that I have never done so as I am not perfect but it is not how I generally think of things.

ksazma posted:

They got betrayed. APNU met with them on Valentines Day and they really thought it was a Valentines Day date that will blossom into a beautiful love affair and everlasting marriage. Then on the wedding night, they horrifically realized that APNU don't really love them because APNU is already married to the PNC and is not allowed to nor wish to have a divorce. So the AFC had to contend themselves with being just the other woman who must always be available and ready whenever APNU calls.

Ksazma please describe the role of Civic, within the context of the PPP.  They were supposed to play a similar role, but yet aren't even allowed to exist. And they have no input into what the PPP did.

They are used to allow the PPP pretense that it is multi ethnic, but then they are EXCLUDED from having any input into the functioning of the PPP.

This is my argument with you. Objectivity is a concept which is alien to you. If you tried hard, you would also have queried the fact that the PPP calls itself PPP/Civic.

In fact many will argue that there are whole segments of the PNC itself, which are excluded.  I would think that you would hear the complaints about Granger and his "Old time soulja bai."  Granger is a paranoid man, and I said so even before the election.  To the chagrin of redux and Mars.


Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

You are asking too much of me bai. I am no one's keeper and don't have the right to tell anyone here what to do or say.

And yet you tell me what to say.

Listen. Quit the pretense that you don't see Guyana through an ethnic frame work. You became bothered when you think that Indians are threatened.

When I argued with you that the PPP was excluding Africans from top decision making, you played this "I don't think of race" nonsense.

When the brown bai KKK began to scream about Indian Eradication, because most of the decision makers who were sent off were Indian, as there were few non Indians to send away, suddenly ethnic exclusion became a topic of interest to you.

But feel free to confront me as I confront Indian bigots.  And feel free to feel that they should be defended (which is what you are doing when you confront me, and not them).

You contribute to the perspective that many have that Indians will jump to defend each other, even when they know that there is wrong doing. THAT being the basis of African ethnic anxiety, by the way!

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
. I only heard from Obama two times during his two presidential campaigns. Now my son did receive a letter from him when he scored an almost perfect score (168 out of 169) on his 5th grade FCAT but that was a rubber stamped latter.

And don't you think that this is Obama reaching out to you?  Do you expect a personal invitation to meet him?

As the de facto leader of the world, you do know that Obama has 7 billion people to attend to.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

They got betrayed. APNU met with them on Valentines Day and they really thought it was a Valentines Day date that will blossom into a beautiful love affair and everlasting marriage. Then on the wedding night, they horrifically realized that APNU don't really love them because APNU is already married to the PNC and is not allowed to nor wish to have a divorce. So the AFC had to contend themselves with being just the other woman who must always be available and ready whenever APNU calls.

Ksazma please describe the role of Civic, within the context of the PPP.  They were supposed to play a similar role, but yet aren't even allowed to exist. And they have no input into what the PPP did.

They are used to allow the PPP pretense that it is multi ethnic, but then they are EXCLUDED from having any input into the functioning of the PPP.

This is my argument with you. Objectivity is a concept which is alien to you. If you tried hard, you would also have queried the fact that the PPP calls itself PPP/Civic.

In fact many will argue that there are whole segments of the PNC itself, which are excluded.  I would think that you would hear the complaints about Granger and his "Old time soulja bai."  Granger is a paranoid man, and I said so even before the election.  To the chagrin of redux and Mars.


Wasn't Sam Hinds Prime Minister since 1992 and briefly President after Cheddie Jagan's death in 1997? Aren't there other autonomous ministers who are Civic members? Compare that to all the extra ministers appointed to offset the AFC ministers in the current government. And above all, Harmon who is Moses' boss. Where is Moses' autonomy? 

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:
. I only heard from Obama two times during his two presidential campaigns. Now my son did receive a letter from him when he scored an almost perfect score (168 out of 169) on his 5th grade FCAT but that was a rubber stamped latter.

And don't you think that this is Obama reaching out to you?  Do you expect a personal invitation to meet him?

As the de facto leader of the world, you do know that Obama has 7 billion people to attend to.

You funny bai. My comment was that politicians use regular people. That is how they operate.

caribny posted:

And yet you tell me what to say.

Listen. Quit the pretense that you don't see Guyana through an ethnic frame work. You became bothered when you think that Indians are threatened.

When I argued with you that the PPP was excluding Africans from top decision making, you played this "I don't think of race" nonsense.

When the brown bai KKK began to scream about Indian Eradication, because most of the decision makers who were sent off were Indian, as there were few non Indians to send away, suddenly ethnic exclusion became a topic of interest to you.

But feel free to confront me as I confront Indian bigots.  And feel free to feel that they should be defended (which is what you are doing when you confront me, and not them).

You contribute to the perspective that many have that Indians will jump to defend each other, even when they know that there is wrong doing. THAT being the basis of African ethnic anxiety, by the way!

I don't tell you what to say bai. Have I ever asked you to stop using the brown bai KKK comment? Did I ask you to stop making big black men or Amazonian women comments? It is not my right to police you on how you chose to discourse. I comment on your statements regarding the politics of Guyana. I don't think I ever lamented on Indian position after the elections. Most of my comment are about how hapless the current government is. Indians will be fine as they have survived hardships before. And if they don't that is their problem not mine. I don't lose sleep over what happens in Guyana although I was very upset after two people that I know very well were burned to death.

ksazma posted:

Wasn't Sam Hinds Prime Minister since 1992 and briefly President after Cheddie Jagan's death in 1997?

My point exactly. The constitution says that the PM becomes president if the president dies. The PPP couldn't stomach a black man as president, and so forced out Sam Hinds. The impotence of Civic is that this was allowed.

The AFC is a separate entity, with its own leadership.  Please describe Civic. What is its leadership structure.  Can it exit the PPP if it desires.

APNU AFC has a more ethnically diverse leadership base than did the PPP. Look and see who the so called "Civic" ministers were.  The only black person who had any clout was Robeson Benn.  It is tough to argue that Benn ensured that Africans were treated fairly by the PPP.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Go figure who I mean.

You know, I sympathize with the Blacks and what they experience here sometimes, but every time I see you people operate in Guyana, I remember why I left and just say, to hell with it.  American policing have the correct approach with you low-life despicable shameless bunch of goons.  That is just what you deserve!!

I was told by Gilbakka, to be nice and stop calling you brown bai KKK, and instead call you brown bai clannish churlish coolie.

No brown bai KKK is more appropriate, so I will stay with that.

Frankly, what you, your lot or the rest of your PNC sympathizers think is of no consequence to me.  That is your "feel good" factor and have little bearing of my view point, beliefs or conviction!

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Wasn't Sam Hinds Prime Minister since 1992 and briefly President after Cheddie Jagan's death in 1997?

My point exactly. The constitution says that the PM becomes president if the president dies. The PPP couldn't stomach a black man as president, and so forced out Sam Hinds. The impotence of Civic is that this was allowed.


You see why I say that you twist things to abet your argument? When Jagan died in 1997, Hinds became the President. When elections become due in 1997 (keep in mind that the PPP did not extend the parliament like the old PNC did. The two shortened parliament were due to Joey's antics and the Coalition while in opposition using their one vote to expel the sitting president), the PPP being the dominant member of that coalition had the Presidential Candidate and the Civic had the second highest position. Remember there were no Vice President posts to pass out.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:

Frankly, what you, your lot or the rest of your PNC sympathizers think is of no consequence to me.  That is your "feel good" factor and have little bearing of my view point, beliefs or conviction!

I suspect that if you check, a very high % of your comments are directed towards me. Even when they aren't, my name comes up a lot.

You are concerned about what we think of you.  Now if you weren't a bigot our opinion would be much better.  I will give you this.  You are the ONLY brown bai KKK I credit with intelligence.

ksazma posted:

You see why I say that you twist things to abet your argument?

If Civic was an equal partner within the PPP, the way that you demand that the AFC ought to be, within the coalition, then Sam Hinds should have been the president, and in fact became the president, indicating that the constitution was being followed.

Then the racial dynamics of the PPP, and the powerlessness of Civic came in.  Hinds was dumped, as the PPP feared an African president, and the Civic was so weak that it couldn't even peep its protest.

When APNU didn't appoint AFC candidates into G/T city council seats, the AFC did protest, as they also did when they felt that the Accord was being violated.

Civic is a creation of the PPP, and has no existence beyond its. The role was to give the illusion of ethnic diversity, while ensuring that blacks wouldn't be strong enough to have input into the functioning of the PPP.

Now a man who doesn't like woulda shoulda.  We haven't had that crisis yet with the coalition gov't. So you have no idea what the coalition gov't will do should Granger predecease Nagamootoo.


Last edited by Former Member

Mayor unaware of any Court action involving Dread Shop and City Hall

By Staff on May 20, 2016,

Mayor Chase-Green this morning told News Source that she served on the previous Council and is unaware of any injunction against City Hall or any other court matter. "I am not aware of any injunction being issued against City Hall and its management, or the Town Clerk and owners of the Dread Shop".

Mayor unaware of any Court action involving Dread Shop and City Hall

Mayor of Georgetown, Patricia Chase-Green has defended the move by City Hall to demolish the popular Dread Shop at the Stabroek Market Square by stating that she knows of no injunction or any other court matter that involves Dread Ship and the City Council.

The Council came under fire from Attorney Nigel Hughes on Thursday after it moved in and demolished the building as part of its clean up campaign in the Stabroek Market area.

Hughes said he was surprised by the Council’s move especially since the matter is before the Appeal’s Court and was only recently transferred to mediation.

But that Court matter may be between the Ministry of Public Works (now Public Infrastructure) and the Dread Shop.

Mayor Chase-Green this morning told News Source that she served on the previous Council and is unaware of any injunction against City Hall or any other court matter. “I am not aware of any injunction being issued against City Hall and its management, or the Town Clerk and owners of the Dread Shop”.

She said the administration at City Hall is doing its work according to the laws that govern the municipality. She said all illegal structures must be removed and the City Council has been giving notices to that effect.

Asked whether the Council supported the action of the Town Clerk in the matter, Ms. Chase-Green explained that the Council does not have to give permission to the Town Clerk in such matters because under the laws that govern the municipality, “the Town Clerk has that right”.

The Mayor said she does not believe that the Town Clerk is going rogue but he is simply working in accordance with the law.

“We are not taking any big stick method to run and breakdown. Persons are being given notices and I am not aware of any injunction being brought against us by that particular entity”, she emphasized.

The Mayor complained that the area where the shop is located had become home to all types of illegalities including striptease and the alleged selling of drugs.

“All types of lawlessness was going on there and at some time we need to put a stop to it”, Chase-Green declared.

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The matter had been taken to the Court under the previous government, when the then Ministry of Works had made a move to demolish the same structure.  Mr. Hughes said he met with the Town Clerk on Thursday and he confirmed that the action to demolish the business place was the City Council’s action.

“The behaviour represented by the act of destruction here, is very similar to the same conduct that was complained about when Ms. Sooba was the Town Clerk. But the issue is this, How can you breach an order of the Court of Appeal which says that this matter must go to mediation and come and destroy a building in total and complete disrespect and disregard for the Court of Appeal. In effect, what the Town Council is saying by its actions is that they have no regard for the rule of law”, Hughes said.

The Attorney said he has asked the owner of the business to assess all of the damage and his losses as he will be moving to have the government fully compensate him for all that he would have lost.



The mayor says that she owns the votes of APNU supporters, so can do what she likes.

Now she ought to be worried that a man, whose popularity among the APNU grass roots exceeds hers, is on the opposite side.

Yes there was a problem with the vendors. Yes certain structures might have been built without the appropriate permission.  But given that these people were allowed to run their businesses there, and so depend on this income, one would have expected more humane treatment.

But no worries. The folks felt duped into voting for exchange, when change was promised, so in 2020 either Roger Khan or Gajraj will be president. They will be far more ruthless in punishing the corruption of APNU leadership, than the coalition is in punishing the PPP corrupt.

The coalition better get its act together, or else...........Just now I expect the cries to be about these "red people" brutalizing blacks!

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Frankly, what you, your lot or the rest of your PNC sympathizers think is of no consequence to me.  That is your "feel good" factor and have little bearing of my view point, beliefs or conviction!

I suspect that if you check, a very high % of your comments are directed towards me. Even when they aren't, my name comes up a lot.

You are concerned about what we think of you.  Now if you weren't a bigot our opinion would be much better.  I will give you this.  You are the ONLY brown bai KKK I credit with intelligence.

The intelligence comes from the Opposition leaning part of his brain

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

You see why I say that you twist things to abet your argument?

If Civic was an equal partner within the PPP, the way that you demand that the AFC ought to be, within the coalition, then Sam Hinds should have been the president, and in fact became the president, indicating that the constitution was being followed.


Now when did I demand that the partnership between APNU and AFC ought to be equal? I thought the split was 60/40 percentage for minister split. So you fall into your trap again of twisting things to abet your argument. I doubt anyone, even the Civic members of the PPP/C coalition would argue that the PPP and Civic were a 50/50 partnership. You must be the first to make that assertion.

ksazma posted:

Now when did I demand that the partnership between APNU and AFC ought to be equal? I thought the split was 60/40 percentage for minister split.

What ever it is, the Civic doesn't exist as a separate entiy from the PPP, so who cares what the split was.

The 60/40 is for cabinet, and in fact 40% of the seats are allocated to the AFC, or to other parties in the coalition.  And these are powerful slots.  Education, Health, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Business, Natural Resources.  Obviously these ministers by definition play powerful roles.  NONE are PNC slots

And if you checked, most of the Civic were either in unimportant Ministries, or there were junior ministers.

Now please outline any instance when Civic offered an opinion differing from the PPP.  Surely being deprived of the presidential role, which the constitution dictated that they ought to have, ought to have been a time to do so.

I bet of Granger dies and APNU dumps Nagamootoo from the presidential slot, the AFC and their supporters will have lots to say.

Oh by the way, who are the Civic supporters?  What is its leadership?

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Now when did I demand that the partnership between APNU and AFC ought to be equal? I thought the split was 60/40 percentage for minister split.


The 60/40 is for cabinet, and in fact 40% of the seats are allocated to the AFC, or to other parties in the coalition.


Then APNU created more minister positions to effectively reduce that 40% AFC existence. This caused the introduction of more minister salaries which were later deemed junior minister salaries and just so the senior ministers know that they are senior, they had to increase their salaries. This while they have not even shown any contribution to their positions. Most people have to demonstrate some level of contribution to get a performance evaluation increase. Not these ministers.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

Isn't Nigel a member of the coalition?? and the city council Ruled by the PNC/coalition. This reminds me of the Amelia falls  fiasco with the  Hughes.

I see PPP mentality. Jagdeo can run every PPP person down the Kaieteur Falls, and you will applaud.

APNU and AFC folks aren't like that. When their leadership is wrong they stand up to them. When their leadership is unresponsive and elections come, they stay home.

APNU better get its act together because if they continue, the PPP might return, was Roger Khan as the president.  Why?  Because, increasingly its base is seeing them as being as arrogant, and corrupt as the PPP was, so see no need to bother to vote!

There are more humane ways to deal with the problem.  If people had a business at a location for generations, one cannot simply come and tear down the structure.

I bet you that if the businesses were owned by the Indian oligarchy, who grease them with bribes, and not by poor blacks, who cannot afford to do so, this wouldn't happen.

You write for writing sake.You are paid by the PNC to write shit and racist remarks day in and day out. Go and publish your nonsense in the New Nation papers, you are lucky we tolerate your nonsense.

caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

Frankly, what you, your lot or the rest of your PNC sympathizers think is of no consequence to me.  That is your "feel good" factor and have little bearing of my view point, beliefs or conviction!

I suspect that if you check, a very high % of your comments are directed towards me. Even when they aren't, my name comes up a lot.

You are concerned about what we think of you.  Now if you weren't a bigot our opinion would be much better.  I will give you this.  You are the ONLY brown bai KKK I credit with intelligence.

I think you like to flatter yourself.  Did you ever see me kowtow to anyone, I say what I want and care less what you or anyone think!  I speak the inconvenient truth which many cannot handle, but it's the truth!!


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