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Originally Posted by kp:

Gerhard, is Charrandass Persaud also known as Errol, that is a lawyer in Guyana. ??? Also, did he ever lived in Canada????

Charrandass is a fantastic human being. He was also President of the UGSS. I've had the chance to campaign with him. Great guy who along with Ramayya is breaking the back of the PPP in Berbice. He will be an excellent union leader.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 


Nigel Hughes is monitored by the Alliance for Change. Note how his speaking tones in most of his appearances online and on Plain Talk reiterate one subject without considering that the PPP/C government has its flaws and following treason convicted Mark Benschop is not the answer. The Linden and Agricola protests of 2012 is similar to the way Zionist Jews are crying about the Holocaust in Europe to receive funding and sympathy by the masses even though Zionist ruled Israel is busy murdering Palestinians and funding Syrian insurgents to collapse Syria's economy.


The AFC is using the plight of the Linden casualties to get support,but when will accusations like the duty-free concession, truck contracts or the accountant dealing with the "PPP drug lords" gets highlighted?

Unfortunately criticism of the AFC or APNU or its members is taboo in most cases. Similar to an American or European being charged for a hate crime by saying "Wall Street is owned by Jews" or " The Holocaust was a world conspiracy", asking anything that is critical of the opposition is censored, deleted or the messenger is attacked.


Truth does not fear investigation. Why did Christopher Ram sue Guyana Chronicle over $200M for a letter that some ordinary citizen publish? Does it look as if Christopher Ram wants to set a point straight that NO ONE SHOULD ASK HIM ABOUT HIS ACCOUNTING PRACTISES OR CRITICISE HIM?


Elitism is harming the world. Why should someone who earns less than $500,000 Guyana dollars a year support a liar who swindles untold tens of millions for Hotel Tower when it was under receivership in a ten year time span?


My friend, elitism by the rich and entitled seems to be allowed. Think of the Lindeners and Agricola citizens as residents of Gaza and the AFC as the Hamas, or the Linden casualties as the victims of the Holocaust and the AFC as the Zionist Jews who profit from the casualties through Hollywood movies and donations.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Hubert Persaud:

Nigel Hughes is monitored by the Alliance for Change. Note how his speaking tones in most of his appearances online and on Plain Talk reiterate one subject without considering that the PPP/C government has its flaws and following treason convicted Mark Benschop is not the answer. The Linden and Agricola protests of 2012 is similar to the way Zionist Jews are crying about the Holocaust in Europe to receive funding and sympathy by the masses even though Zionist ruled Israel is busy murdering Palestinians and funding Syrian insurgents to collapse Syria's economy.


The AFC is using the plight of the Linden casualties to get support,but when will accusations like the duty-free concession, truck contracts or the accountant dealing with the "PPP drug lords" gets highlighted?

Unfortunately criticism of the AFC or APNU or its members is taboo in most cases. Similar to an American or European being charged for a hate crime by saying "Wall Street is owned by Jews" or " The Holocaust was a world conspiracy", asking anything that is critical of the opposition is censored, deleted or the messenger is attacked.


Truth does not fear investigation. Why did Christopher Ram sue Guyana Chronicle over $200M for a letter that some ordinary citizen publish? Does it look as if Christopher Ram wants to set a point straight that NO ONE SHOULD ASK HIM ABOUT HIS ACCOUNTING PRACTISES OR CRITICISE HIM?


Elitism is harming the world. Why should someone who earns less than $500,000 Guyana dollars a year support a liar who swindles untold tens of millions for Hotel Tower when it was under receivership in a ten year time span?


My friend, elitism by the rich and entitled seems to be allowed. Think of the Lindeners and Agricola citizens as residents of Gaza and the AFC as the Hamas, or the Linden casualties as the victims of the Holocaust and the AFC as the Zionist Jews who profit from the casualties through Hollywood movies and donations.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 

You have a right to your opinion. We live in America you know; there is freedom of speech. Could I have told this to Forbes? He would have had me vaporised in a NY min. Thank the PPP we now have freedom of speech in Guyana.


Former ROAR members like TK have brought shame and disgrace to Indians in Guyana by affiliating themselves with a controversial politician and attorney like Nigel Hughes. Hughes defended acts of terror against Guyana's East Indian population by African militants in the 2001-2002 period. Hoyte, like Hughes, saw justification in murder, kidnappings, rape, and robberies by militants against East Indians. The people of Berbice must be made aware of this hideous character in the AFC. He must be exposed for who he is.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by warrior:

billy ram goat you is a ass and know nothing about guyana history.the hughes was some of the black people in guyana that was against burham.and for the record lots of black people was fighting burham,maybe you will remember RODNEY

Billy Ram is protecting the Rapists who are in the government. Look at how he is embracing the PNC thugs in the PPP/C.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 

You have a right to your opinion. We live in America you know; there is freedom of speech. Could I have told this to Forbes? He would have had me vaporised in a NY min. Thank the PPP we now have freedom of speech in Guyana.

How does Forbes get tied to this? There is semi freedom of speech in Guyana. There is semi democracy also.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Former ROAR members like TK have brought shame and disgrace to Indians in Guyana by affiliating themselves with a controversial politician and attorney like Nigel Hughes. Hughes defended acts of terror against Guyana's East Indian population by African militants in the 2001-2002 period. Hoyte, like Hughes, saw justification in murder, kidnappings, rape, and robberies by militants against East Indians. The people of Berbice must be made aware of this hideous character in the AFC. He must be exposed for who he is.


You may want to provide the evidence. And the PPP brought great shame on the Indians being a disgraceful, thiefing, murderous and ignorant government. They are the worst representatives of East Indians. If you were not a racist you would have seen this. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 

You have a right to your opinion. We live in America you know; there is freedom of speech. Could I have told this to Forbes? He would have had me vaporised in a NY min. Thank the PPP we now have freedom of speech in Guyana.

How does Forbes get tied to this? There is semi freedom of speech in Guyana. There is semi democracy also.

What dictatorship country you live in pal? You will never see the light of the day.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 

You have a right to your opinion. We live in America you know; there is freedom of speech. Could I have told this to Forbes? He would have had me vaporised in a NY min. Thank the PPP we now have freedom of speech in Guyana.

Oie sketeldan wat stupidness yuh a sheshe

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally Posted by TK:

This rice and roti diet don't cut it for weight loss. Gerhard the 20 lbs shows...good job. 

Thanks, bro!  It gets hard when I am on the road though - had dhal puri and mutton curry today when I would normally have a salad

The curse of freeness.

You are in NA pontificating about freeness. Gerhard is one of the finest Guyanese patriots I have met. 

You have a right to your opinion. We live in America you know; there is freedom of speech. Could I have told this to Forbes? He would have had me vaporised in a NY min. Thank the PPP we now have freedom of speech in Guyana.

Oie sketeldan wat stupidness yuh a sheshe

Amoeba brain, I did not expect any thing constructive from you.


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