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Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman, Nigel Hughes is at the center of yet another controversy stemming from his legal practice. This time he's being fingered as the legal representative who challenged the National Accreditation Council (NAC) decision to not register the Guyana Health Care Education Institute.

GHCEI also known as the School of Nursing and American Health Institute, recently attracted protests after several students alleged they were robbed and that certificates provided after graduation were not being accepted.  Several opposition politicians took up the cause and proceeded to lay blame at the Ministry of Education claiming it failed to protect the students. However, Education Minister Priya Manickchand responded by pointing out that it was Hughes who challenged the accreditation council's decision not to register the school and that he did so on behalf of its owner Nanda Kissoon. The Minister said Hughes also sought to have council officials jailed on contempt charges. "The crux of the matter is that the some poor Guyanese students are alleging that they are being robbed by the Guyana Health Care Education Institute. Nigel Hughes has admitted that he advises that body and its owners. He has not apologized to the students or to the nation", Manickchand noted.


During their protests students alleged they were told the school is owned by Hughes. Kissoon is also said to be linked to the AFC and has a very shady past. She was previously accused of carrying out a similar act several years ago.

The AFC has taken a lot of flak over Hughes law practices and many feel it will be detrimental to the party at the upcoming elections.  He represented an accused in the Lusignan massacre free of cost and after the individual was acquitted it was discovered that the AFC Chairman had links to the foreman of the jury. It was also later revealed that whist his party opposed the Amaila Hydro Project, Hughes was in fact company secretary of the special purposes company set up to manage to project.More recently he was accused of fraud by the owner of a leading private school during a property dispute.



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Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews


Conscience, I must remind you that Nigel Hughes is an attorney-at-law. His job is to represent suspected and alleged wrongdoers in courts of law.

Priya Manickchand is a trained attorney-at-law. She knows what attorneys-at-law do.

The people in that profession are not there to represent the Virgin Mary or Mother Laxhmee.

You miserable PPP fools are putting a political tarnish over every AFC lawyer. Look at your PPP mirror, starting with the Attorney-General.

You smartass PPPites are insulting people's intelligence daily.


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