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Originally posted by The Judge:
Could the defenders of Saint Nigel please note that this letter wasn't written and published in the Stabroek News on April 12 2003 by the PPP. It was done by Freddie Kissoon

Nigel can't tamper with evidence, the Police are the ones who are supposed to protect a crime scene and secure the evidence. Why are you embracing Freddie now??????

You PPP goons called Freddie crazy and all kinds of names, why don't you post all the letters on Joey, Jagdeo and the entire PPP cabal?


Keep digging!
Originally posted by albert:
Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC.....the Guyanese populace are wise...and sees through the cloak of the A.F.C...thus will never endorse that cake shop party at the upcoming polls....NEVER!!!

The Guyanese electorate is also paying keen attention to Nigel Hughes' message--the PPP cabal is an incredibly corrupt, thieving, wicked and revengeful regime. It's a shameless bunch of get-rich-quick people and 'dolphins'.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by albert:
Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC.....the Guyanese populace are wise...and sees through the cloak of the A.F.C...thus will never endorse that cake shop party at the upcoming polls....NEVER!!!

The Guyanese electorate is also paying keen attention to Nigel Hughes' message--the PPP cabal is an incredibly corrupt, thieving, wicked and revengeful regime. It's a shameless bunch of get-rich-quick people and 'dolphins'.

funny the Guyanese people think the opposite to what you want us to think here...they see the PPP as the party that put Guyana back on the map...out of the shit hole into a land of milk and honey...they love the PPP bad bad and come Nov 28 they will make this known ...they will put the X next to the cup and the pPP will be elected back into office....PPP all the way KFC done fu good cheers
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by albert:
Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC.....the Guyanese populace are wise...and sees through the cloak of the A.F.C...thus will never endorse that cake shop party at the upcoming polls....NEVER!!!

The Guyanese electorate is also paying keen attention to Nigel Hughes' message--the PPP cabal is an incredibly corrupt, thieving, wicked and revengeful regime. It's a shameless bunch of get-rich-quick people and 'dolphins'.

funny the Guyanese people think the opposite to what you want us to think here...they see the PPP as the party that put Guyana back on the map...out of the shit hole into a land of milk and honey...they love the PPP bad bad and come Nov 28 they will make this known ...they will put the X next to the cup and the pPP will be elected back into office....PPP all the way KFC done fu good cheers

Yes, your PPP put Guyana on the COCAINE map! wavey
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by albert:
Hughes has been quickly rising in the ranks of the AFC.....the Guyanese populace are wise...and sees through the cloak of the A.F.C...thus will never endorse that cake shop party at the upcoming polls....NEVER!!!

The Guyanese electorate is also paying keen attention to Nigel Hughes' message--the PPP cabal is an incredibly corrupt, thieving, wicked and revengeful regime. It's a shameless bunch of get-rich-quick people and 'dolphins'.

funny the Guyanese people think the opposite to what you want us to think here...they see the PPP as the party that put Guyana back on the map...out of the shit hole into a land of milk and honey...they love the PPP bad bad and come Nov 28 they will make this known ...they will put the X next to the cup and the pPP will be elected back into office....PPP all the way KFC done fu good cheers

Yes, your PPP put Guyana on the COCAINE map! wavey

YEAH...YEAH... cheers
AFC= Pepper sass exporter =drug lords lawyers= PNC criminals= rejects at it's helm....licks like peas come Nov 28...PPP all the way to another victory for Guyanese..Go Donald flag
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
Originally posted by TI:
If Freddie is correct, then it is clearly inadmissible evidence, and he should have been censured.

He tampered with evidence showing the PPP hired gun, Fine Man, pulling the trigger.
talk half, lef half...


correct what ??
Originally posted by D2:
When I heard this news I was incensed that the supposedly removed evidence. As it turner out he had an explanation, one if you folks care for the evidence he mentioned yesterday. Obviously that was satisfactory to the state since they have not even taken him in for question much less bring him up on charges.

like i said Nigel is a damm crook..dumm 2
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by D2:
When I heard this news I was incensed that the supposedly removed evidence. As it turner out he had an explanation, one if you folks care for the evidence he mentioned yesterday. Obviously that was satisfactory to the state since they have not even taken him in for question much less bring him up on charges.

like i said Nigel is a damn crook..dumm 2
SO is Jagdeo and self evidently so...and Mr Ramorat as well....puffed up cats bulging with pilfered loot.
Originally posted by D2:
When I heard this news I was incensed that he supposedly removed evidence. As it turned out he had an explanation, one if you folks care for the evidence he mentioned yesterday. Obviously that was satisfactory to the state since they have not even taken him in for questioning much less bring him up on charges.

Only now you heard the news? This happened years ago. He removed evidence illegally. His explanation was lame and his actions still illegal. He should have known better and his removal of the tapes covered up the murders as we see no arrests were made of the perpetrators as the tape was tampered with to protect the bandits.
Originally posted by albert:

Its safe top presume....Nigel may have tampered with the evidence....

Roger Khan and his PPP phantoms killers killed Brian Hamilton. That is the gist of this story! Don't get distracted by this crap.

Why did Freddie retain Nigel Hughes to represent him against Jagdeo in his Libel Case. Nigel is making the PPP look as bad as they are in this case and now he is campaigning for the AFC you jokers are trying to throw mud on him. HE IS CLEAN AS A WHISTLE.


Kwame McCoy accused of running over another woman with his vehicle
October 26, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News

“Just because he wukkin wid de President, he feel he could do whatever he like to people and de police can’t do he nothing.”
The words of an angry mother, whose 22-year-old daughter, Natalia Ross, was hospitalized overnight after she was allegedly run over by a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) driven by Information Liaison to President Bharat Jagdeo, Kwame McCoy.
Roxanne McKenzie is terribly upset that McCoy is apparently being allowed to get off scot-free for what she described a deliberate act.
“You know who is Kwame? De police can’t touch he!” exclaimed one of the eyewitnesses to the incident, which occurred around 00:15 hours yesterday on Robb Street near the junction with Albert Street. The victim has reportedly suffered severe concussions and bruises about her body.
This newspaper understands that the incident stemmed from an earlier altercation between volunteers from two major political parties over the erection of campaign material in Georgetown.
According to reports, volunteers from the ruling PPP/C were erecting posters on lamp posts along Regent Street when they were confronted by several persons who objected to the “obscuring of another party’s campaign material.”
This led to a heated argument and the PPP/C volunteers summoning McCoy.

The injured Natalia Ross being assisted by her mother Roxanne McKenzie after she was discharged from the GPHC yesterday.
The PPP/C volunteers subsequently went to Robb Street where they continued to carry out their duties and again another verbal confrontation ensured.
McKenzie, who was at a residence at Robb and Albert Streets, told this newspaper that her daughter Natalia Ross and her aunt were heading there from a party nearby when they observed the confrontation in front of their home.
“They were making joke with some boys who were putting up a plaque, telling them don’t knock de lantern post too hard because wood ants eating it out and it gon fall downâ€Ķanyway, Mr. Kwame come up in me daughter and me sister face and start talking and busing,” McKenzie told Kaieteur News.
Ross, who was discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon, told this newspaper that she was jokingly warning the men against hammering on the post lest it caused a problem with the electricity to their house when McCoy intervened.
“He came up and told the men, ‘allyuh do me wuk because I paying y’all. Don’t bother with people.’ then he asked me if the lamp post is me own and I tell he ‘no is GPL own’,” Ross related.
She claimed that McCoy became more aggressive and began pointing his fingers in her aunt’s face, leading to Ross forcefully upbraiding him.
“I tell he talk but don’t touch and he tell me shut me mouth, I gon see wha gon happen to me, he gon show me he is who.”
The woman said that McCoy then left and went to his vehicle which was parked on the other side of the road.
“I really thought that he was going to his vehicle to call the police to come and arrest me, but then I see these two bright lights coming and that was it,” Ross recalled.
She never regained consciousness until three hours later at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Her mother related that she too would have been struck down had she not jumped out of the way.
According to McKenzie, as her daughter lay sprawled on the parapet, McCoy drove away and returned a few minutes later, still “ranting and raving.”
“I tell he I gon call the media and he tell me he ain’t frighten dem, he does deal with dem everyday,” McKenzie stated.
By then the police had arrived and were so preoccupied with getting the injured woman to the hospital that they paid no attention to McCoy.
McKenzie then went to the Alberttown Police Station where she made a report.
Kaieteur News understands that McCoy has given the police no official report on the matter.
When contacted by this newspaper last evening, McCoy denied that he was involved in any incident that led to the woman receiving injuries.
“I don’t have no time with people and their ignorance. I am not going to be part of the PNC/APNU drama to stir up a confrontation,” McCoy said, adding that he will not be distracted from carrying out his work.
But when asked how the woman received injuries that caused her to be hospitalised, McCoy replied “my vehicle did not come into contact with anyone. My workers called me and told me that she, the woman, threw herself down and began screaming.”
“Did they tell you that she was drunk. I don’t care, I am surprised that you called me,” McCoy told a reporter from this newspaper.
This is not the first time that McCoy has been involved in an incident like this. He was previously accused of driving his vehicle on another woman during a protest action in the city.
He was never charged. He was also accused to have been in an incident which involved the damaging of a vehicle belonging to social activist Mark Benschop . The police have not yet taken any decisive action in that matter.
“I can’t understand this thing because you working with the government and nobody can’t say nothing. People could drive over you and talk up and go away and lef you lying down pon de parapet,” McKenzie told this newspaper.
“When he don knock down me daughter, he drive away and come back fuh bad up and buse. I was not afraid when he came back like he brandishing a gun because when I see me daughter lie down deh, I done say is best Kwame kill me, is only because he had a gun and he had he people with he. But I need justice fuh me daughter,” she added.
McKenzie said that words cannot explain how she is feeling now that the police appear to have taken no action.
“We de poor people is like nothing, because he wukkin in de government, he can do whatever he want to do to people. I don’t find that is right at all,” she stated.
According to the woman, the police appear to have already taken a position since she overheard an officer at the Alberttown Station saying that her daughter had walked into McCoy’s vehicle.
“Dis man got plenty power. He got more power than de president how dis man operate. Thank God he ain’t kill my daughter,” McKenzie stated.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
When I heard this news I was incensed that he supposedly removed evidence. As it turned out he had an explanation, one if you folks care for the evidence he mentioned yesterday. Obviously that was satisfactory to the state since they have not even taken him in for questioning much less bring him up on charges.

Only now you heard the news? This happened years ago. He removed evidence illegally. His explanation was lame and his actions still illegal. He should have known better and his removal of the tapes covered up the murders as we see no arrests were made of the perpetrators as the tape was tampered with to protect the bandits.
You seem to lack the capacity to recollect. I wrote extensively about it then.
He obviously did nothing wrong because he is still here with nary a sanction by the Bar Assoc. or the Police ever acting on it.

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