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Former Member

Nigel Hughes said he is not a politician, but he knew how to start a riot. In 2011, Mr. Hughes was speaking at an AFC rally in Linden where he reaffirmed that he was not a politician, but he was telling black people to reclaim their inheritance from the sweat and blood of their ancestors. It almost sounded the same as when Burnham was telling blacks to reclaim what belong to them, (meaning to take back the gold from Indians by any means necessary). He said blacks are poor, humble and peaceful, and that the PPP government doesn't think black people can aspire to represent Guyana at any level. Well, that day came and went, but we will never forget what happened in the aftermath in Linden and Agricola. Indians also have to understand their history that black people are their oppressors from the inspiration of Burnham, Granger, Ramjattan, and Nigel Hughes.

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Everyone called this a public protest, but I call it an opposition backed riot to threatened the lives of citizens, destruction of public property, and provocation to law enforcement authority. The AFC chose Nigel Hughes solely for this purpose. He (Nigel) said at an AFC rally in Linden that Blackman must go in the street and riot against the PPP government.


Burnham said Blackman must go back and take what belong to them, (meaning they must go get the gold Indians wear by any means necessary). Granger said Indians are killers and rapists to their own kind. Ramjattan is in the midst of this racial disharmony that makes the country ungovernable since 2011. They persuaded Blackman to do what they do best to go out and riot, kill, loot and destroy private and public properties. A day of riot is when Blackman gets a holiday and the freedom to do as they please without regards for the law.                                           


What they destroy in one day takes months to rebuild. AFC from inception was encouraging Blackmen not to work and protest for hand outs. Nigel Hughes inspiration to Black people is to keep them unemployed, uneducated and stand ready to be the rioting soldiers for APNU/AFC.

Last edited by Former Member

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