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Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by asj:

All over.


These are PPPites druggies. panman

Mits I told someone recently, that there is an uncanny resemblance to Trotman and Praks and if you were to look at this pix in a detail manner you will notice that it fits the attendances of the AFC Meetings. Big Grin

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by asj:

All over.


These are PPPites druggies. panman

Mits I told someone recently, that there is an uncanny resemblance to Trotman and Praks and if you were to look at this pix in a detail manner you will notice that it fits the attendances of the AFC Meetings. Big Grin


Glad you have a good sense of humor. Big Grin

It's good to see that AFC is able to wake up the nation and even the dead. Big Grin

Do you embrace the House of Isreal?
Glad you have a good sense of humor.

It's good to see that AFC is able to wake up the nation and even the dead.

Do you embrace the House of Isreal?

Nope, I did not embrace them when they were a functioning terrorist organisation in Guyana, now that they are no longer a threat and maybe no more of the nothing to embrace now, as I have understand the recent cross over of a once HOI member to the PPP/C, I do not see anything wrong with this.....those that did wrongs in the time of Burnham have since repented and ask for forgiveness, and then once again which of us has not sinned and ask for forgiveness?

Remember, those who have no sins, cast the first stone.......Guess that there are many on GNI without sins Wink

So I take it ASJ you are ok with no apology being issued by Joe Hamilton to the people of Guyana?

ASJ I take it that you are also very ok with the PPP using tax payers dollars and having its operatives like Albert and Young taps cheer and rejoice and celebrate the raping of indians on blogs like these by the House of Israel?

I take it you support the trivializing of the raping and pillaging of our Guyanese people by this group like Albert and Young taps right?
Originally posted by asj:
Glad you have a good sense of humor.

It's good to see that AFC is able to wake up the nation and even the dead.

Do you embrace the House of Isreal?

Nope, I did not embrace them when they were a functioning terrorist organisation in Guyana, now that they are no longer a threat and maybe no more of the nothing to embrace now, as I have understand the recent cross over of a once HOI member to the PPP/C, I do not see anything wrong with this.....those that did wrongs in the time of Burnham have since repented and ask for forgiveness, and then once again which of us has not sinned as ask for forgiveness?

Nice paint job, was it oven baked?
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by asj:
Glad you have a good sense of humor.

It's good to see that AFC is able to wake up the nation and even the dead.

Do you embrace the House of Isreal?

Nope, I did not embrace them when they were a functioning terrorist organisation in Guyana, now that they are no longer a threat and maybe no more of the nothing to embrace now, as I have understand the recent cross over of a once HOI member to the PPP/C, I do not see anything wrong with this.....those that did wrongs in the time of Burnham have since repented and ask for forgiveness, and then once again which of us has not sinned as ask for forgiveness?

Nice paint job, was it oven baked?

See with a little bit of finesse, you can like my writings.......but boy D2 he is one tough cookie. Big Grin

I could argue with him till this post reach 100 and still there would be no consensus (sp)

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by baseman:
Nice paint job, was it oven baked?

See with a little bit of finesse, you can like my writings.......but boy D2 he is one tough cookie. Big Grin

I could argue with him till this post reach 100 and still there would be no consensus (sp)

Me and D2 are saying the same things, expressing the same sentiment, in a different manner. Wink
Gerhard Ramsaroop
But asj, you need to show pics of the PPP public meetings

The PPP/C in Enterprise Recently

President assures Enterprise residents of sugar industry’s viability under PPP

Georgetown, GINA, October 18, 2011

The ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) continued its campaign trail to national elections with a street corner meeting this evening at Enterprise, East Coast Demerara where President Bharrat Jagdeo assured residents that the sugar industry will remain viable under the incumbent administration.

Despite intermittent showers residents turned out in their numbers to listen to the Head of State as he addressed them at the Khaleel Bridge junction of the village on the sugar industry, Government’s vision for Guyana, the opposition’s agenda and Guyana’s volatile political history

President Bharrat Jagdeo speaking to residents of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara during an elections meeting

“Let me make one thing clearâ€Ķ the PPP’s commitment to sugar has been and will always be unshakeable and this is why when we faced significant hardshipsâ€Ķ we said we are going to make this industry viable,” President Jagdeo said.

Among the “significant hardships,” President Jagdeo chronicled were pressures from the Alliance for Change (AFC) the defunct People’s National Congress (PNC), and Ravi Dev for government to relinquish the sugar industry.

This he said was coupled with the inevitably high cost of production and the European Union’s (EU) 36% price cut that resulted in Guyana losing $9B in revenue per-annum from the industry.
Signs of languishing sugar industries around the world including in the Caribbean were also evident and President Jagdeo told the Enterprise residents that, APNU if put in office will disengage from sugar.

“Many from the opposition think that sugar workers don’t have the vision. They say bad things about sugar workers but they don’t know that these are some of the most forward looking, resilient people,” President Jagdeo said.

President Bharrat Jagdeo interacting with residents of Enterprise, East Coast Demerara after a meeting

“In 2008, the Government made the largest historic investment in the sugar industry with the commissioning of the $185M Skeldon Sugar factory which incorporates some of the best technologies in sugar manufacturing to reduce production cost, improve sugar quality and operational efficiency.
It was done at a time when Barbados, St. Kitts and neighbouring Trinidad and Tobago backed away from sugar resulting in workers being laid off, some without severance pay. In May this year a US$12.5M packaging plant at Enmore was commissioned.

The sugar industry contributes 16 percent to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and is the means of livelihood for about 17 percent of Guyana’s population which directly or indirectly depend on the commodity.
President Jagdeo however shared government’s vision for the sugar industry to move in a sophisticated direction where operations are mechanized and manual labour is miniscule.

A section of the gathering at the Enterprise, East Coast Demerara meeting where President Bharrat Jagdeo attended

“The industry itself we have to mechaniseâ€Ķ so our sugar workers now have to be retrained to use machinery,” President Jagdeo said.
He did however acknowledge some of the challenges workers face with their National Insurance Scheme (NIS) benefits and spoke of plans to computerise the scheme to correct the situation.

He also shared his vision for the Information Communication Technology (ICT) sector that is rapidly emerging in Guyana and realizing the dream of conducting business from the comfort of one’s home.
He told the gathering of his confidence about PPP/C winning over Region Four at this year’s elections.


Dr. Rishi Thakur, a one-time supporter of the Alliance For Change (AFC), has jumped ship and joined A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), saying he had major disagreements over corruption and the discourse on race and politics.

The University of Guyana (UG) political scientist is among APNU’s 26-member leadership.

Asked why he parted company with the AFC, he explained that that party had failed to address concerns about corruption Region Six – East Berbice/ Corentyne.

Same actor, same movie (Night of the Living Dead) different role. Wink

The show still goes on.


AFC lacks strong political and governmental experience
Written by PETER ALLEN
Thursday, 20 October 2011

I UNDERSTAND the AFC is trying its best to attract the voting populace, especially, the youth, now that election is drawing nearer to November 28. But, they have been proposing the same impractical shopping list manifesto that will only lead Guyana backwards. Again, we must understand Guyana has no control over the international scene, hence it can be affected by external economic shocks, natural disasters, unfavourable trade agreements, and stringent conditionalities from the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and The World Trade Organization. For the AFC to propose these unrealistic plans if it gets into office without taking into consideration the local and international constraints affecting Guyana, they are definitely fooling the Guyanese people; as I have written in my previous letters “AFC cake-shop economists did it again, this time they are fooling the Guyanese people” published in Kaieteur News, Guyana Times and Guyana Chronicle and “Guyana at the mercy of AFC cake-shop economists” published by Kaieteur News and Guyana Chronicle.

In AFC cake-shop economist Sasenarine Singh’s own words, he stated that: “We plan to present a budget and stick with it for the full annual cycle unless we have major developments like floods etc.” Apparently, they do know that natural disasters affect Guyana’s economy, particularly, the agricultural sector which contributes more than 30% to GDP, consequently reducing growth and income for the country. So what change do they actually want for Guyana other than what they PPP/C has struggled for over many years?

The Guyanese people can probably forgive the AFC for their immaturity and naivety, since they are the ‘new kid on the block’ and that they have weak political and governmental experience. To avoid an embryonic party to take Guyana from good to bad, we will have to vote progress. Till now, I am sure some Guyanese are still trying to figure out what change they are talking about. Is it comprehensive change? Is it incremental change? If it is comprehensive change, the AFC cannot accomplish this if it gets into office within the first year or even in a five-year period. If it is incremental change, building on the PPP/C’s great achievements since 1992, it may probably have been more realistic.

But, publicly, they appear to dislike the PPP/C which built a sustainable foundation for Guyana to progress. This may be because they want competition and power, and to show the Guyanese people that they are better than the PPP/C, to get votes. Since, the AFC and APNU offer no competition to the PPP/C, then this election will be a landslide win for the PPP/C.

Since, the AFC and APNU offer no competition to the PPP/C, then this election will be a landslide win for the PPP/C.

APNU is worst off than the last Election, no finance for Election Campaign, their supporters unwilling to now support a lame duck.

The AFC has been like "The Night of the Living Dead" at their Political Meetings, a look at their meetings picture will confirm this statement.

The AFC has been abusive to women even of recent, and especially when those women are not there to defend themselves......

And so the AFC/APNU Show:-


continues.......with dwindling attendances.

Originally posted by asj:
Since, the AFC and APNU offer no competition to the PPP/C, then this election will be a landslide win for the PPP/C.

APNU is worst off than the last Election, no finance for Election Campaign, their supporters unwilling to now support a lame duck.

The AFC has been like "The Night of the Living Dead" at their Political Meetings, a look at their meetings picture will confirm this statement.

The AFC has been abusive to women even of recent, and especially when those women are not there to defend themselves......

And so the AFC/APNU Show:-

continues.......with dwindling attendances.

Yes the AFC has been abusive to women based on some anonymous person uttering a cuss word on an obscure BBS! Yet The President can lie to the nation that he had a wife, verbally, physically and psychologically abuse her and the PPP are still the Guardian of Guyanese womanhood! Dare I say in response to this Gail, Priya, and the Late Desere Fox had the audacity to say it is a "personal and private matter"! In any other country his ass would have been given the boot!
Originally posted by Tola:
With all the money the PPP is stealing, you would think they will be able to get better than cell cameras. So we can better see all the Indians who DONT live at Linden.

It seems to me that you are stunned at the reception the PPP received at LINDEN. banna, It's Sam Hinds town. He controls the city.

APNU/AFC are so much worried when the see crowd like the recent Novar Mahaicony Meetings just a few days ago

President Bharrat Jagdeo addressing the crowd at the PPPC meeting at Novar, Mahaicony

PPPC Presidential Candidate Donald Ramotar addresses a large gathering at Novar, Mahaicony

The large crowd at the PPPC meeting at Novar, Mahaicony

This is not a rally, just a regular PPP/C Meeting, one can see the very large attendence.

Attendences like these makes the AFC/APNU gatherings look like something from the NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD: People are just scared to attend to thier meeting.

Looks well orchestrated, down to the fitting T-shirts and all. From the look of it, seems the people, even females, came top-less prepared for the free T-shirt. I guess they hand them out on the busses en-route.

Funny till it ain't funny, just plain stupid. You know, as they say, "monkey mek e' pickney till e' spoil am". dunno
Originally posted by baseman:
Looks well orchestrated, down to the fitting T-shirts and all. From the look of it, seems the people, even females, came top-less prepared for the free T-shirt. I guess they hand them out on the busses en-route.

Funny till it ain't funny, just plain stupid. You know, as they say, "monkey mek e' pickney till e' spoil am". dunno

You want a free T-Shirt, just say it man..
Originally posted by asj:

After 50 years he has decided to become a Zombie. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD:

Janet and Cheddi is sarcasticaly laughing at this clown.

asj,as a senior person, you are as shameless as jagdeo.
What would have said if Moses had decided to stay and build an empire with the jagdeo PPP ?
History has taught us, corrupt empires eventually comes tumbling down.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by asj:

After 50 years he has decided to become a Zombie. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD:

Janet and Cheddi is sarcasticaly laughing at this clown.

asj,as a senior person, you are as shameless as jagdeo.
What would have said if Moses had decided to stay and build an empire with the jagdeo PPP ?
History has taught us, corrupt empires eventually comes tumbling down.

Interview about a year ago:

Mark McGowan: If you are not chosen, will you join with some other party?

Moses Nagamootoo: It's a non-issue. I am a PPP man, and that's all the party I have known in my life, and some people say that I am predictable, that is, because of my being and loyalty. I have located my being in the PPP. The source of all values I imbibed in life could be traced to the PPP, particularly to Cheddi Jagan. I find it a most daunting prospect in my life to think that I could go up against myself in that sense.

So far I have exercised my independence within the PPP. I've been controversial; I've been contentious; I've been cantankerous; I've been confrontational; and maybe, I've been different. But I did so all within the PPP. And I am very hopeful that we don't allow opportunism or individualism to get ahead of us, and that we could think collectively, and act together for the good of the country.

Well another living dead within the AFC: good riddance.

Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses said that he will not join another party. But he did. So much for political truths.

The man is simply an oldtime lier, no wonder that Cheddi and Janet could not have stand him and took away the Ministry of Information Portfolio from him. There is some rumours that he was taking news to the CIA, and when Cheddi and Janet get to find is said that they relief him of the position of Information Minister, wanted to dump him from the PPP/C but at the time he had to find some excuse and the excuse was that he wanted to continue his studies.

Moses seems to be yet another Harrylall.

Originally posted by asj:
Originally posted by Alexander:
Moses said that he will not join another party. But he did. So much for political truths.

The man is simply an oldtime lier, no wonder that Cheddi and Janet could not have stand him and took away the Ministry of Information Portfolio from him. There is some rumours that he was taking news to the CIA, and when Cheddi and Janet get to find is said that they relief him of the position of Information Minister, wanted to dump him from the PPP/C but at the time he had to find some excuse and the excuse was that he wanted to continue his studies.

Moses seems to be yet another Harrylall.

What do you know of character having said the Taliban are moral resistance fighters to an invading foreign force? The CIA does not need Moses to tell them about the PPP. They simply have to threaten opportunists like Misir and Maniram with visa revocation and they will sing like little birdies. Further, they do listen in to every cell phone conversation. That much could be counted on. After all, the PPP have a residual hate for the US and they have been consistently trying to play the two sides of the same coin as Cheddi did. You cannot have it both ways. You have to make a moral stance.

In any event, you are a low life terrorist loving scumbag making false claims against a good man. Every other person in the the PPP were rushing to the embassy with their own story but nowhere do you see Moses currying favors like Gail, Luncheon, Jagdeo et al
What do you know of character having said the Taliban are moral resistance fighters to an invading foreign force?

The above has nothing to do with the conversation, trust the The Resident Welfare Bum to shift to his usual garbage peddling, sometimes I think that if you keep talking, yes talk anything, you will eventually say something intelligent.

dummy 2
In any event, you are a low life terrorist loving scumbag making false claims against a good man.

Remember when you report me to the US Officials, they told you to go find a life, you low lieing scumbag, even all your family detest the same time I told these officials to check you out for animal abuse/ watch it, they might very well visit you one day. The thing that I find with you is that you are not so obnoxious like so many people, you are obnoxious in a different and worse way.

Now you can go suck a gander egg.


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