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VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:

Suspicion fell on her as the OpEd anti-Trump ghost writer. 

First time i am hearing this...where is this reported?

There was a guy on tv a while back alluding to her but did not name her.   He did some cross checking and narrowed to a “her” in foreign services.  He said disregard denials.  She was one on the pics on the screen and he said she is included in the list.  There were only five or six women.

Remember her and Trump signaled very different tone towards Russia!

VishMahabir posted:
Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

FINALLY...Trump got rid of all dem people of color!  Who left? 

Amazing...America is a country of minorities...but look at the people running this country?

Why did she leave?

no one knows

So why you make the dumb ass statement above.  Seems you already got you boxes ticked awaiting for any event to fill in the flesh, as you prefer to see it!


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