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Nikki Halley, Priti Patel, Bill Cosby and the race myth

Your skin is overtaken with goose bumps when you read the history of Nikki Halley, the US Ambassador to the UN and Priti Patel, disgraced former British Minister of International Aid.  The politics of both women is surreal but the study of philosophy prepares you for anything unbelievable that humans do.

Here is the strange case of two East Indian women whose mentality simply baffles the rational mind . Two ruling parties in two powerful countries have unashamed anti-immigrant ideologies – the Republican Party in the US and the Conservative Party in the UK. President Trump is a racist. It is infradig to descend to the level of debate with anyone who wants to dispute that. If Mr. Trump had his way, immigration of non-white people into the US would stop immediately.

The Republican Party is inherently a racist outfit. All the subterranean racist venom the Republican Party nurtured for decades and decades came to the surface with the rise of a Black American president. From hereon, the Republicans vowed that it would make American white again.  It has been unthinkable for over centuries in the US for Blacks and non-white to seek membership in the Republican Party. Their natural home since then has been the Democratic Party.

Now brace yourself for some crazy things about human beings. One of the rising stars in the Republican Party is a woman whose parents were immigrants from India. And guess which state they settled in – racist South Carolina. Google the history of South Carolina and you will see that some publications have it as the most racist state in the US federal system.

Nikki Halley was born in South Carolina where her father taught at a predominantly black college. Is Halley telling us she and her parents never experienced racism in South Carolina. I studied in one of the most liberal cities in the world, Toronto and I saw racism with my own two eyes. I have countless friends who live in the most liberal state in the US, New York, and they have endured racist encounters.

Nikki Halley is one hell of a fanatical supporter of Trump. You have to look hard in the US to find someone whose praise of Trump is more emotional than Halley’s. Now do the logical thinking. If the US had a president like Trump when Halley’s parents went to the US, then Halley’s life would have turned out the opposite from what it is today. She may never have seen the soil of another land muchless to become a Cabinet minister in the most powerful country in the world. This same lady supports a president that is anti-immigrant.

The same logic applies to Priti Patel. Ms. Patel is the daughter of Indian immigrants to the UK. She became a star in the Conservative Party and got a ministerial job under, Prime Minister Theresa May. It was May as Home Secretary that drafted the most comprehensive anti-immigrant programme that is enforced today, May’s blueprint resulted in the Windrush scandal which was directly related to May’s time as Home Secretary. More that twelve dozen legal residents and citizens of the UK were picked up and deported to CARICOM countries. Now do the logical thinking. If May was Home Secretary when Patel’s parents went to the UK her life may have been different. She may have had to remain in India and would never dreamt of becoming a  British Minister offering zealous support to the Israeli army.

Do you know the current Canadian immigration minister came to Canada as a child refugee from Somalia? He is not in favour of giving asylum to three families who helped Edward Snowden when he was in Hong Kong. Their lives are in danger if they are deported back to their home countries.

We come now to Bill Cosby. I have heard people in Guyana and I have read in the American press where Black folks say Cosby has been framed and the US wants to pull down a Black achiever. Have you ever heard more nonsensical trash than this? Just to remind you; sixty women have come forward to accuse Cosby. The list includes women from different ethnic backgrounds . Because a man is a celebrated Black American, he is incapable of doing bad things. So bad things have to do with genes; certain genetic species do not commit inhuman acts. Which science is that? Has to be jumbie science. By the same logic one can say a non-white American who has immigrant parents cannot support Trump. But Halley loves Trump.  Humans are capable of all types of nasty things no matter which race or ethnic/cultural background they are from.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Prashad posted:

A black guy from Africa told me that Bill Cosby is innocent. Even though Cosby pulled out his King Kong and showed it to 60 different sleeping women.

Pulling out King Kong is not wrong, as long as “she” grant permission.  He was judged in a court of law.  So he rass guilty.


Freddie Kisson must know that White Americans were loosing their earning potentials. Proof of that was the massive unemployment they experienced. And America was crumbling because the people who paid taxes were not paying taxes.

Trump had to come. People of his sort always shows up in history.

Colored Immigrants, many, milk the welfare system and live lives that do not contribute to the State. However a great many immigrants do add valve to the State. The question is, who knows who is going to useless in the the White Society, so Trump is there to predict their usefullness in making America great.

Punjabi Sikhs and Hindus are white as Nikki Haley and Gujaraties as Priti Patel moves in the white circles. They are Whites in acts and deeds.

Freddie Kissoon doan know skont, he helped to up Guyana and he gat the gall to call Trump a racist. Guyana has a well known racist governing Guyana-leh he tell it in Guyana.

Trump is a good man.



One report stated that Haley left to secure higher paying initiatives.  There is speculation also that she was not happy with Kavanaugh ordeal.

Kissoon should stick to Guyana politics... just saying. 😀

seignet posted:

Freddie Kisson must know that White Americans were loosing their earning potentials. Proof of that was the massive unemployment they experienced. And America was crumbling because the people who paid taxes were not paying taxes.

Trump had to come. People of his sort always shows up in history.

Colored Immigrants, many, milk the welfare system and live lives that do not contribute to the State. However a great many immigrants do add valve to the State. The question is, who knows who is going to useless in the the White Society, so Trump is there to predict their usefullness in making America great.

Punjabi Sikhs and Hindus are white as Nikki Haley and Gujarati's as Priti Patel moves in the white circles. They are Whites in acts and deeds.

Freddie Kissoon doan know skont, he helped to up Guyana and he gat the gall to call Trump a racist. Guyana has a well known racist governing Guyana-leh he tell it in Guyana.

Trump is a good man.


Dump is a racist and Nikki is as brown as most of us. I do now know what makes her white.....And as for Gujratis; they are not any more  light complected  than many Guyanese. My mother is Amerindian pale as hell should she call herself white? My sister is mistaken for Italian should she also call herself white? Alyhu need to get over this color fixation.

BTW immigrants are least likely to be on welfare and white folks consume most of the welfare dollars. Further, welfare is pittance compared to give aways to corporations. 

Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

D2 forgot one thing. He is from the swamps of the Amazon and Nikki Haley is classified by Anthropology as a Caucasian.

What makes her white?


Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
Prashad posted:

D2 forgot one thing. He is from the swamps of the Amazon and Nikki Haley is classified by Anthropology as a Caucasian.

What makes her white?


In Asia, the skin-lightening cosmetic market is astronomical. In North America, the injection costs upwards of $1000.00 .



What makes Freddie think he can offer opinions on racism in America?  He doesn't even know what's going on in his own country.  Strange mix of arrogance and ignorance.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Prashad posted:

D2 forgot one thing. He is from the swamps of the Amazon and Nikki Haley is classified by Anthropology as a Caucasian.

You forgot you are from the low IQ group our you would know there is no biology involved in the term "Caucasian" It's origin is in racist anthropology based on shading and other dubious factors. Modern taxonomy goes to genes and abandoned these farcical claims. Whether I was born in the swamp or the mountains ( actually born in the latter) my genes are like hers.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What makes Freddie think he can offer opinions on racism in America?  He doesn't even know what's going on in his own country.  Strange mix of arrogance and ignorance.

As a thinking person he can speak of anything he took the time to study. Knowledge do not have geographical barriers. From my perspective, he has a unique perspective of his country and possibly knows its intimate social and cultural expressions better than all of us. You are transparently ignorant.


what makes some of you think Freddie cannot have an opinion on anything outside of Guyana?

Don't let that "brain drain" get to your head, not everyone who left Guyana got brains as can be seen here on a daily basis

D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What makes Freddie think he can offer opinions on racism in America?  He doesn't even know what's going on in his own country.  Strange mix of arrogance and ignorance.

As a thinking person he can speak of anything he took the time to study. Knowledge do not have geographical barriers. From my perspective, he has a unique perspective of his country and possibly knows its intimate social and cultural expressions better than all of us. You are transparently ignorant.

Me agree, look at how Fishy Vishy learn nuff nuff 'bout Guyana from "The Academy of Higher Learning of Google", and he formed strang strang opinions of everything.  He just needed lil top-up classes on GNI on relevant matters like "Punani", Mithai, Simatoo, etc!

Ray posted:

what makes some of you think Freddie cannot have an opinion on anything outside of Guyana?

Don't let that "brain drain" get to your head, not everyone who left Guyana got brains as can be seen here on a daily basis

I have to agree with you there on the latter.  But then again is Freddie we talking about.  Clearly, this article was written on one of his slow news days.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What makes Freddie think he can offer opinions on racism in America?  He doesn't even know what's going on in his own country.  Strange mix of arrogance and ignorance.

As a thinking person he can speak of anything he took the time to study. Knowledge do not have geographical barriers. From my perspective, he has a unique perspective of his country and possibly knows its intimate social and cultural expressions better than all of us. You are transparently ignorant.

Me agree, look at how Fishy Vishy learn nuff nuff 'bout Guyana from "The Academy of Higher Learning of Google", and he formed strang strang opinions of everything.  He just needed lil top-up classes on GNI on relevant matters like "Punani", Mithai, Simatoo, etc!

Google is an index of the intellectual repository for all sorts of things and as useful a tool as any source of instruction. One can get a course in quantum physics at home from the best professors in the world so I will not kick it.

There is hardly a subject, book, movie, old vid, audio that one cannot find from ones chair. There is hardly a course of instruction one cannot discover similarly. All the great universities have their course on line. I commend the gentleman if that is his medium for knowledge about us.

 As I said, I commend the gentleman if in his pursuit of information he use Google as his tool. It is the primary source the world rely on for everything from our daily navigation to monitoring our health or to securing our homes. Most of us here are more cognizant on what is going on in Guyana than most Guyanese. We document what that here and it is immediately absorbed into the blood stream of google.


Every East Indian woman who looks like Nikki Haley has either a white, Chinese or mulatto man as a spouse.  They will never be seen with a brown East Indian man much less marry him.  That is one good thing I  must say about the white skin Arab women.  Regardless of the color of the Arab man, she would take him as a husband as long as he has some Arab ancestry in him.  That is why you will see a white skin Arab woman with a dark Somali Arab man or a North Sudanese brown skin Arab man.  You will never see a white skin Arab woman with a brown skin East Indian or Paki man as her husband.

Last edited by Prashad
Ray posted:

what makes some of you think Freddie cannot have an opinion on anything outside of Guyana?

Don't let that "brain drain" get to your head, not everyone who left Guyana got brains as can be seen here on a daily basis

In the world we live in, achievements in making life better lived, takes place in the White Societies. Freddie Kissoon is a gossiper, pusser pusser is the realm of his journalism. He doan know nothing about the two women he wrote about-all he has is hearsay.

  1. Prashad posted:

    One thing we know for sure. These two women did not choose FK as their husband.  These chose two white men.

    Nikki is a plain unshapely woman and doan look like any East Indian ladies in that continent. Boobs are tiny, indian women have some good size mammories. No hips on that lady, indian women have some nice booty. She must be mixed.  

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

What makes Freddie think he can offer opinions on racism in America? 

He lived here and experienced it.

And he was too weak to mek it in North America. Cut and ran.  He can vent whatever he wants about America. But don't dare one ex pat venture any opinions about the lil shithole country he helped create. Nor dare any ex pat venture to get a job in the shithole Freddie guards, or open a business there. All he wants is the remittances flowing in. Lecturer of "social sciences". Another bucket of shit coming up. Gets paid fuh de same thing all ahwe doing pon GNI daily.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
  1. Prashad posted:

    One thing we know for sure. These two women did not choose FK as their husband.  These chose two white men.

    Nikki is a plain unshapely woman and doan look like any East Indian ladies in that continent. Boobs are tiny, indian women have some good size mammories. No hips on that lady, indian women have some nice booty. She must be mixed.  

Chuch man Seignet like nice booty. Suh he going to Nigerian chuch fuh check out big batty black women. Den he come hay a few hours later and cuss black man out of envy cuz he kyant get none. LMAO

Prashad posted:

One thing we know for sure. These two women did not choose FK as their husband.  They chose two white men.

I understand that you were not chosen by Indian women to be their husband.

D2 posted:
Prashad posted:

D2 forgot one thing. He is from the swamps of the Amazon and Nikki Haley is classified by Anthropology as a Caucasian.

You forgot you are from the low IQ group our you would know there is no biology involved in the term "Caucasian" It's origin is in racist anthropology based on shading and other dubious factors. Modern taxonomy goes to genes and abandoned these farcical claims. Whether I was born in the swamp or the mountains ( actually born in the latter) my genes are like hers.

D2 don't take the swamps of the Amazon personal. Prashad is just verbally hitting back.

So Prashad posted:

Every East Indian woman who looks like Nikki Haley has either a white, Chinese or mulatto man as a spouse.  They will never be seen with a brown East Indian man much less marry him.  That is one good thing I  must say about the white skin Arab women.  Regardless of the color of the Arab man, she would take him as a husband as long as he has some Arab ancestry in him.  That is why you will see a white skin Arab woman with a dark Somali Arab man or a North Sudanese brown skin Arab man.  You will never see a white skin Arab woman with a brown skin East Indian or Paki man as her husband.

so is that why you married a non Indian?  You wanted a light skinned Indian but they won't have you.


You have to marry women who love you.  Not women who will use you and is just waiting to run off with the first white skin man that smile at her. My advice to young Guyanese East Indian men is to get a strong rural woman from Africa who will stand by you in times of need instead of a bollywood brainwashed "white is all right" East Indian woman who is just waiting to kick you down.

Last edited by Prashad

Hey hey hey...No pub Kissoon who fool peopkle foh dankey years dat he was Dactah Kissoon doan wan Guyanaese who barn in GY to tek dem Guyanese wuk. De man seh how if yuh live in diaspora yuh can come back but muss start fram battam. This mediocre sk&^%t now is telling dem dis two coolie wite lady what to do wid immigration in two kuntry that is far more generous dan dem badminded sk*&^t like no pub Kissoon. Hey hey hey...


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