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March 19 ,2021


Nine companies have been shortlisted and will be invited within the coming weeks to submit proposals for the building of the New Demerara River Crossing, Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill yesterday confirmed.

“I can confirm that nine companies have been shortlisted. We met with the reps [representatives] who had been invited to a meeting held Monday; an information-sharing meeting,” Edghill told Stabroek News yesterday when contacted.

“Within a number of weeks the bid document will be launched and they would be required to put in their proposals. And in three months, we expect to have a bidder for contract signing scheduled for the third quarter of this year, with the bridge to be built within two years after signing of that contract,” he added.

Edghill was quick to point out that he could not give the names of the companies, as this country’s Procurement Act stipulates that all bidders must be informed regardless of whether or not they were selected for a contract, and that this process was not yet completed by his ministry.

However, Stabroek News understands that the nine companies selected are: Ballast Nedam Infrastructure Suriname BV, Odebrecht Engenharia e Construcao SA, Boskalis Guyana & Effiage Genie Civil Company Ltd (Netherlands), and Rizzani de Eccher Construction (Italy).

The other five are Chinese-owned China State Construction Engineering Corp, China Gezhouba Group Company Limited,  JV China Railway International Group, China Road and Bridge Company (joint venture with Spanish Company), and  China Railway Construction Corporation Ltd.

In late September the government had advertised for Expressions of Interest (EoIs) for the prequalification process to design-build the new Demerara Harbour Bridge with available financing options. The notice for the EoI explained that the Ministry of Public Works wished to embark on the construction of a new four-lane, high-span fixed bridge in the vicinity of the current location and which terminates at Nandy Park on the East Bank of Demerara. “The new design of the Demerara Harbour Bridge will not require opening or retraction to allow for maritime traffic and will be built with a life span of at least 50 years,” it specified.

Previously, President Irfaan Ali had said that the new bridge would be a very high one standing at minimum 50 meters high or as high as or higher than the Marriott Hotel to facilitate the clearance for vessels.

The choice of Nandy Park to the east and Meer Zorgen/La Grange to the west for the new proposed Demerara River Bridge was done based on long-term infrastructural and economic development plans for residents on both sides of the Demerara River, Edghill had explained.

It was also one of the locations recommended by a feasibility study done by the previous APNU+AFC government.

Some 20 companies were found to have submitted EoIs when tenders were opened last month at the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB).

Minister Ashni Singh, who has responsibility for the Finance Ministry, which in turn has oversight of NPTAB, had told those present at the tender opening that the day was a historic one as they had witnessed an unprecedented level of interest in the major infrastructural project.

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@Ramakant-P posted:

No Guyanese firm is experienced to build that bridge.

It was also one of the locations recommended by a feasibility study done by the previous APNU+AFC government.

You forget to mention about the bus sheds built by the PPP.

@Ramakant-P posted:

No Guyanese firm is experienced to build that bridge.

It was also one of the locations recommended by a feasibility study done by the previous APNU+AFC government.

Correct Ramakant ...

The basic design was done by Capt. John Patrick Coghlan and the British Government provided construction assistance for the existing project.

While in 2017 there were plans to construct a new bridge near the existing one, further actions did not take place due to breaches in the procurement process.

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

You forget to mention about the bus sheds built by the PPP.

...and the same people who built those bus sheds that fell down will be building tens of thousands of house lots.  With little to no oversight. This is the bush league shit found in Guyana and called "progress".

@Former Member posted:

...and the same people who built those bus sheds that fell down will be building tens of thousands of house lots.  With little to no oversight. This is the bush league shit found in Guyana and called "progress".

Yes! You are jealous that the PNC is not the Government. They had 5 years to do something about the country but they choose not to because they believe that they would fail. Instead, they created over 50 positions for their cronies and pay them an unreasonable high salary for doing nothing.

The Infrastructure set the stage for better things to come in all aspect of the economy.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Yes! You are jealous that the PNC is not the Government. They had 5 years to do something about the country but they choose not to because they believe that they would fail. Instead, they created over 50 positions for their cronies and pay them an unreasonable high salary for doing nothing.

The Infrastructure set the stage for better things to come in all aspect of the economy.

What infrastructure? Where are the roads, water and electricity for the houselots that are being issued? You are a real jack ass.

@Mitwah posted:

What infrastructure? Where are the roads, water and electricity for the houselots that are being issued? You are a real jack ass.

Why are you so stupid? Do you think that they can build roads, supply water and electricity in a week? How long ago since they signed over 200 contracts to build the Infrastructure. You are an intelligent person so why don't you act like one? People who called other people derogatory names to make a [pointare not smart.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Why are you so stupid? Do you think that they can build roads, supply water and electricity in a week? How long ago since they signed over 200 contracts to build the Infrastructure. You are an intelligent person so why don't you act like one? People who called other people derogatory names to make a [pointare not smart.

I am not going to dignify your asinine questions. You are an ass. You know nothing about urban development. Stick to your watchman job at the circuit board mfg in Brampton.

@Mitwah posted:

What infrastructure? Where are the roads, water and electricity for the houselots that are being issued? You are a real jack ass.

which is what "infrastructure" refers to. I highly doubt the sewer systems, water systems, drainage, power grid etc. supports the building of all these new houses. This is going to be one catastrophic mess, because there is no central planning. Everything hastily thrown together and called "progress".

But shit can be overflowing in these housing areas and the likes of Rama, the drunk from Liberty Ave. etc will still be screaming Rat man's name in ectsasy. This is how grossly stupid these people are!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

which is what "infrastructure" refers to. I highly doubt the sewer systems, water systems, drainage, power grid etc. supports the building of all these new houses. This is going to be one catastrophic mess, because there is no central planning. Everything hastily thrown together and called "progress".

But shit can be overflowing in these housing areas and the likes of Rama, the drunk from Liberty Ave. etc will still be screaming Rat man's name in ectsasy. This is how grossly stupid these people are!

The PPP always has a plan to rebuild the infrastructure. You show a lack of experience, wisdom or judgement to think that hey did not have a plan.

Buildings, roads, power supplies, land development, all needed for the operation of rebuilding the infrastructure. including water, drainage, and sewerage.

The mere fact that you mentioned Liberty Ave, which is home to over 300,000 Indians, tell me what kind of a person you are.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PPP always has a plan to rebuild the infrastructure.

Produce the plan or STFU you useless sack of feces. I suspect you think that intentions to rebuild infrastructure constitute plans. They do not. What does a former bigan salesman like you know about running anything? Idiot.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

which is what "infrastructure" refers to. I highly doubt the sewer systems, water systems, drainage, power grid etc. supports the building of all these new houses. This is going to be one catastrophic mess, because there is no central planning. Everything hastily thrown together and called "progress".

But shit can be overflowing in these housing areas and the likes of Rama, the drunk from Liberty Ave. etc will still be screaming Rat man's name in ectsasy. This is how grossly stupid these people are!

A woman reported in one of the Dailies, that she was given a house lot. She bought some materials to start building her house. Because of no roads, the truck could not reach where her plot was located but drop the materials off a few hundred yards away. Next morning her stuff was all gone.  Rama is an idiot. He knows nothing about Urban Development. All he does best is to post his crap all day.

Related article:

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

A woman reported in one of the Dailies, that she was given a house lot. She bought some materials to start building her house. Because of no roads, the truck could not reach where her plot was located but drop the materials off a few hundred yards away. Next morning her stuff was all gone.  Rama is an idiot. He knows nothing about Urban Development. All he does best is to post his crap all day.

Related article:

You lie!

@Former Member posted:

Produce the plan or STFU you useless sack of feces. I suspect you think that intentions to rebuild infrastructure constitute plans. They do not. What does a former bigan salesman like you know about running anything? Idiot.

I don't have to produce anything.  Just look at the development of the country.  See what is going on, but you are all blind.  Try to visit your country and you will see what I am talking about.

@Mitwah posted:

I am not going to dignify your asinine questions. You are an ass. You know nothing about urban development. Stick to your watchman job at the circuit board mfg in Brampton.

You just prove how stupid you are.


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