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NIS manager arrested in sting operation

September 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

- allegedly demanded money to assist businessman with compliance


A 44-year-old manager at the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) Port Mourant branch was yesterday afternoon arrested following a sting operation by the police in ‘B’ division.
This was after the Manager had allegedly demanded that a popular Corentyne businessman and Contractor pay him $400,000 to help him get his compliance urgently. The businessman was bidding for a contract and needed his compliance to be sorted out by Monday last, in order to be able to bid for the job which was expected to be closed on Monday.
According to information, the businessman approached the manager last Friday and sought his assistance.
The manager in turn agreed but demanded that in order for him to assist the businessman, the man would have to fork up $400,000. He then lowered the figure to $350,000 which was to be handed over when the compliance was ready. However the manager demanded that the money be paid over before he completed the job.
The manager did not live up to his promise to have the compliance ready on time.  The businessman in turn lost his chance to bid for the job.
The manager however still insisted that the businessman give him the money, before anything is done. Contact was made yesterday between the two and the businessman agreed that he would pay.
The businessman then contacted the police and reported the matter.
A plan was then hatched to snare the manager in a corrupt transaction.
The money was withdrawn from the bank and initialed by the police.  Telephone contacts were made and a prearranged spot was decided for the two to meet to do the transaction.
The police were a distance away when the manager arrived to collect the wad of money. As soon as the police were satisfied that he was in possession of the currency they moved in and nabbed him. He was cautioned and arrested.
Investigations are continuing.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime. If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime.If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

If he is a PPP insider, what chance of a conviction? The corruption goes all the way to the top of our judiciary. Cut the judge in, and the case gets dropped on a technicality.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime. If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

Agreed Bhai. Such BASTARDS must get the FULL Punishment!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime.If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

If he is a PPP insider, what chance of a conviction? The corruption goes all the way to the top of our judiciary. Cut the judge in, and the case gets dropped on a technicality.

T, Not everyone thinks like you. Only fools think alike.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime.If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

If he is a PPP insider, what chance of a conviction? The corruption goes all the way to the top of our judiciary. Cut the judge in, and the case gets dropped on a technicality.

T, Not everyone thinks like you. Only fools think alike.

boy you and yugi have to be the biggest fool

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

Hats off to the businessman to inform the police.


Publish the NIS manager's name. Let the courts handle his crime. If convicted, jail him for a long time. Make him an example.  

you hate your family that much

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

This contradict claims by the opposition that the police belong to the PPP.  the police are doing a fine job. This almost look like a mob buy and bust movie scene. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Hats off to the police!

This contradict claims by the opposition that the police belong to the PPP.  the police are doing a fine job. This almost look like a mob buy and bust movie scene. 

stop shouting like a ass,this is a no brainer,the police is still useless with a home affair minister that is a waste 


NIS manager charged for demanding money with menace

September 12, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The National Insurance Scheme (NIS)  Port Mourant Branch Manager, Miguel Anthony, of Vergenoegen, East Bank

Charged: Miguel Anthony

Charged: Miguel Anthony

Essequibo, and Nigg, Corentyne, Berbice, who was arrested on Tuesday afternoon following a sting operation by the police in ‘B’ division, has been charged for demanding money with menace . The 44-year-old man appeared yesterday before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs Marcus at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court on the charge of demanding money with menace.  He pleaded not guilty and was placed on $75,000 bail. According to Prosecutor Sergeant Godfrey Playter, Anthony is accused of, between September 8 and 9, 2014, at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice, demanding the sum of $350,000 from Peter Lewis, a businessman. Anthony, a married father of five, was initially not required to enter a plea, however Prosecutor Playter asked that the charge be disposed of summarily, which allowed the defendant the opportunity to plead. Anthony was represented by Attorney-at-law Horacio Edmond. The attorney in his plea for bail stated that his client is not a flight risk. He is married, has five children, a permanent address, and has been working with the National Insurance Scheme for the past 20 years. The prosecution had no objection to bail. The matter has been transferred to the Whim Magistrate Court and has been set for continuation on October 22. It was alleged that the manager had demanded that Lewis pay him the sum of money to help him get his compliance urgently. The businessman was bidding for a contract and needed his compliance to be sorted out urgently. The manager was then allegedly nabbed in a police sting operation.


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