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No $23B, no help from Govt – Agri Min Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

Rice farmers on their own in payment crisis…


By Devina Samaroo


The series of desperate and vociferous calls by rice farmers for Government’s help seem to have been in vain, since Agriculture Minister Noel Holder made it clear that the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) Administration cannot intervene to bring any relief to the farmers who are owed over $632 million by millers.

Minister Holder became the target of harsh criticisms from many in the rice industry over his prolonged silence amid the ongoing plight of the rice farmers.

Following Finance Minister Winston Jordan’s presentation of the budget, farmers and all other stakeholders in the rice sector were of the belief that $23 billion was allocated for the purpose of direct distribution to the industry.

However, in finally breaking his silence, Minister Holder, during an interview withGuyana Times on Wednesday, explained that Government simply cannot give any monies to farmers.

Rice farmers demand Government release $23 billion

Rice farmers demand Government release $23 billion

“They have to get money from the millers… the Government does not take the farmers’ rice,” he stated.

He alluded to the fact that Government has already released the names of all the millers who owe rice farmers in an effort to put pressure on those millers to quickly settle their debts.

According to the document released on September 3, the millers who were yet to pay off rice farmers are Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540; Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455; Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000; Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000 and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.


Difficult task

Moreover, asked whether the Government would intervene in any way to ensure the rice farmers get some kind of relief, Minister Holder indicated that it would be a difficult task.

“Intervening, I think that there are some laws that allow the Government to take over rice millers, mills and that sort of thing. Intervening is done by law because the Government would have to get this money back from somewhere,” he explained.

Therefore, the Minister indicated that the current crisis is beyond the help of the Government and that the millers and the rice farmers have to work out among themselves the terms of the outstanding payments.


Lax enforcement

But for years, many have complained about rice farmers being squeezed by payment delays, which they have blamed on the lax enforcement of the Rice Factory Act.

The Act stipulates that millers are required by law to complete payment to the farmers for their produce within 42 days of receipt of product. It also states that in the event a rice miller pays half of the monies owed for paddy on receipt of the rice and fails to complete the payment within the required timeframe, then the miller is bound by law to pay farmers an interest rate that is two per cent higher than the going interest rate of the Bank of Guyana.

But the lack of enforcement of the regulations have caused rice farmers to be constantly exploited and now it has evolved into a situation where the farmers are struggling to meet ends meet due to the limited cash flows on their end.

During his Budget 2015 presentation, Finance Minister Noel Holder explicitly announced that $23B was allocated towards the payment of rice farmers. Hearing this news, rice farmers across the country became excited and awaited Government’s release of the monies. After time went by and no monies were released, farmers became aggravated and began a series of protest, calling for Government to honour its obligation.

However, after allowing the rice farmers to believe that the Government would assist, Minister Jordan in an invited comment told this newspaper that the $23 billion was never intended to pay rice farmers but was for a yet unexplained  “rice shipments”. (devinas@guyanatimesgy

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Indo Farmers who allowed the AFC/PNC to fool them got a long PNC stick stuck in their rear.


PNC Part One destroyed the Rice Industry during the Burnham and Hoyte era and PNC Part Two destroyed it in less than a year.


Hope Indos learnt their lesson.


PNC will never change. Crabdawg Moses and Rumjhaat sold them out lot, stock and barrel for a few pieces of gold. Moses KaKaMotoo is indeed a reincarnation of Judas.


This peaceful protest against the racist PNC government will not work. Indo Farmers must bring out their tractors and combines.





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Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The farmers are going to have a hard time protesting against the PNC government. The PNC was last in government in 1992. The country is now ruled by the APNU/AFC coalition.

You know what they say - it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it is a duck. This is what he is trying to get over to U.S.


Yugi should start eating meat so that he can tell the difference between beef and lamb. Maybe then he'll be bale to tell the difference between the parties. Right now he is accusing the afro wing of the PPP of running the country.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This peaceful protest against the racist PNC government will not work. Indo Farmers must bring out their tractors and combines.




The PPP has them dumb ass coolies there protesting for fictive slights. How in the world the government will secure the rice industry by buying the crops? The PetroCarbide fund that the PPP bled dry accounted for 30 percent of rice purchases and that is gone. They PPP were warned by Venezuela that their purchases of rice  would be over prior to the election. They did not tell these poor fools. Were they in office the same situation would prevail. Were they to give the farmers a subsidy then the would have to manufacture the money because the stole it all.


Marketing of rice should never be the governments problem. Farmers are business men. Their profits should not be guarantee by the state. That is pure nonsense. The obligation of the state is to use it s abilities to secure some guarantees in the marketplace but not to cover the industry financial. The banality of this racist agitation is astounding!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

However, in finally breaking his silence, Minister Holder, during an interview withGuyana Times on Wednesday, explained that Government simply cannot give any monies to farmers.

They have to get money from the millers… the Government does not take the farmers’ rice,” he stated.

He alluded to the fact that Government has already released the names of all the millers who owe rice farmers in an effort to put pressure on those millers to quickly settle their debts.

According to the document released on September 3, the millers who were yet to pay off rice farmers are Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540; Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455; Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000; Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000 and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.


Who owes these rice farmers? RICE MILLERS. Who are the millers? INDIANS. Suh now Indians robbing Indians now considered "pnc caught misleading rice farmers again" by ahwe genius brahmin Yugi.


Oh, and now we most esteemed brahmin wants the government to tek all black man, red man, potagee man, amerindian man, chinee man, dougla man, antiman money and give it to the INDIAN RICE FARMERS, while the INDIAN RICE MILLERS walk off scot free! Why? Because the assets of the nation belong to INDIANS and INDIANS only! Right antiman Yugi?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

However, in finally breaking his silence, Minister Holder, during an interview withGuyana Times on Wednesday, explained that Government simply cannot give any monies to farmers.

They have to get money from the millers… the Government does not take the farmers’ rice,” he stated.

He alluded to the fact that Government has already released the names of all the millers who owe rice farmers in an effort to put pressure on those millers to quickly settle their debts.

According to the document released on September 3, the millers who were yet to pay off rice farmers are Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540; Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455; Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000; Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000 and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.


Who owes these rice farmers? RICE MILLERS. Who are the millers? INDIANS. Suh now Indians robbing Indians now considered "pnc caught misleading rice farmers again" by ahwe genius brahmin Yugi.


Oh, and now we most esteemed brahmin wants the government to tek all black man, red man, potagee man, amerindian man, chinee man, dougla man, antiman money and give it to the INDIAN RICE FARMERS, while the INDIAN RICE MILLERS walk off scot free! Why? Because the assets of the nation belong to INDIANS and INDIANS only! Right antiman Yugi?

The thiefing and scamming began with the PPP making rich men of the people transshipping rice and bringing back oil ( among other contraband out bound and in bound). It passed the oil to friends and family enterprises at filling stations ( not to mention a whole lot of these very friends and family had chits for free oil).


After percolating through this treacherous gauntlet of skimmers and hustlers and naked thiefmen in the PPP, some money trickles down to the miller. He of course skims his portion and returns the pittance to the hapless rice farmer.


Note we also heed to pay a portion of the money in cash to the Venezuelans. Again the People are shafted. Rice farmers were pimped with this deal. The irony is they want to be subsidized this time!

Last edited by Former Member

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Well, you would expect dat from a House Slave. Is the FOOLS who believed him I am worried about!!!

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo Farmers who allowed the AFC/PNC to fool them got a long PNC stick stuck in their rear.


PNC Part One destroyed the Rice Industry during the Burnham and Hoyte era and PNC Part Two destroyed it in less than a year.


Hope Indos learnt their lesson.


PNC will never change. Crabdawg Moses and Rumjhaat sold them out lot, stock and barrel for a few pieces of gold. Moses KaKaMotoo is indeed a reincarnation of Judas.

He who beats the drum calls the dance.  Do you want government to effectively nationalized rice, as Burnham did when the GRB took over many aspects.


I do not think so.


So why expect the gov't to intervene in what is going on between the millers and the farmers.  The millers have to pay the farmers what they are owed. 


The farmers should be insisting that the gov't use all measures available to ensure that the millers do as they are supposed to do.  Not bailing out the millers, by relinquishing them of their obligations to the farmers.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

 The country is now ruled by the APNU/AFC coalition.

Of which the PNC is the largest component.  I don't know why some coalition supporters wish to hide that fact.


Today's PNC is that of Hoyte, and not Burnham.  Hoyte snuffed out the Burnhamite totalitarianism, which prevented the Jagans from installing a full fledged Cuba style communist nation.  Guyana was also experiencing growth, and a return of confidence from foreign investors.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
. They PPP were warned by Venezuela that their purchases of rice  would be over prior to the election. They did not tell these poor fools. Were they in office the same situation would prevail. Were they to give the farmers a subsidy then the would have to manufacture the money because the stole it all.


Marketing of rice should never be the governments problem. Farmers are business men. Their profits should not be guarantee by the state. That is pure nonsense. The obligation of the state is to use it s abilities to secure some guarantees in the marketplace but not to cover the industry financial. The banality of this racist agitation is astounding!

This has been said over and over again, but its all part of the "black man a kill ahbe," which the PPP is playing in its quest for Guyana to descend into ful scale ethnic warfare.


One would think that they would be developing solutions, and forcing the coalition gov't to play a role in assisting a PRIVATELY owned industry.  Gov't can offer assistance in finding new markets, in providing tax/duty concessions, in assisting the industry to lower its production costs, and in preventing rice millers (some of whom are large land owners) from trying to squeeze small farmers out of the industry.


But it cannot effectively bail out the millers by paying the farmers.

Originally Posted by Itaname:

Who owes these rice farmers? RICE MILLERS. Who are the millers? INDIANS. Suh now Indians robbing Indians now considered "pnc caught misleading rice farmers again" by ahwe genius brahmin Yugi.



Well "black man a kill ahbe". Until "black man apologize" every thing that happens to poor Indians will be the fault of blacks.


1.  Poor rice farmers stiffed by wealthy millers.  BLACK MAN.


2. Indians murdered/robbed by other Indians.  BLACK MAN.


3.  Indians taking people's daughters into prostitution by offering them fake jobs, and then trafficking the gullible.  BLACK MAN.


Not only don't Indian elites take any tresponsibility for what they did to blacks in the "23 years", but apparently they do not for what they continue to do to Indians.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Again the People are shafted. Rice farmers were pimped with this deal. The irony is they want to be subsidized this time!

Indo elites continue to do this to poor Indians.  They take advantage of their fear of blacks by peddling the black bogey man.  This while they exploit these poor people.


The problems of the ric farmers remain exactly what they were before the elections.  Rice farmers were bawling about not getting paid by the millers.  So what is new. 


The PPP DELIBERATELY hid from these people the fact that the POLITICAL deal that they made with Chavez was being adjusted, with Uruguay becoming the beneficiary of rice for oil deals, and no longer Guyana.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

 Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Given that the rice would have been grown during the PPP era, based on the perceptions that a market existed, why is APNU/AFC to blame, and not the PPP.


We knew BEFORE the election, that there were problems in that industry.


I am not going to defend Moses, as politicians will say anything to get votes, and he with his promise of "11% of the Indian vote", desperately needed their support.  But seriously, the most one can accuse the  coalition gov't of is not being aggressive enough to solve a problem that the PPP left in their lap.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

 The country is now ruled by the APNU/AFC coalition.

Of which the PNC is the largest component.  I don't know why some coalition supporters wish to hide that fact.


Today's PNC is that of Hoyte, and not Burnham.  Hoyte snuffed out the Burnhamite totalitarianism, which prevented the Jagans from installing a full fledged Cuba style communist nation.  Guyana was also experiencing growth, and a return of confidence from foreign investors.

The PNC is not even in it, let alone being the largest component. You just acting like a parasite for the PNC living off the hard work of APNU.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

 Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Given that the rice would have been grown during the PPP era, based on the perceptions that a market existed, why is APNU/AFC to blame, and not the PPP.


We knew BEFORE the election, that there were problems in that industry.


I am not going to defend Moses, as politicians will say anything to get votes, and he with his promise of "11% of the Indian vote", desperately needed their support.  But seriously, the most one can accuse the  coalition gov't of is not being aggressive enough to solve a problem that the PPP left in their lap.

Granger and Greenidge inadvertently closed down the market with Venezuela by their poor negotiations.  The rice was at Fernandes wharf ready to be shipped to Venezuela and never got picked up.  We can say what we want about the PPP, but at least they had good trade relations with Venezuela.  The PPP created that rice market with Venezuela which is now dead and gone.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

 The country is now ruled by the APNU/AFC coalition.

Of which the PNC is the largest component.  I don't know why some coalition supporters wish to hide that fact.


Today's PNC is that of Hoyte, and not Burnham.  Hoyte snuffed out the Burnhamite totalitarianism, which prevented the Jagans from installing a full fledged Cuba style communist nation.  Guyana was also experiencing growth, and a return of confidence from foreign investors.

The PNC is not even in it, let alone being the largest component. You just acting like a parasite for the PNC living off the hard work of APNU.

APNU consists of the PNC, the WPA, and some other smaller parties.


Seriously, pretending that the PNC doesnt exist is silly.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Granger and Greenidge inadvertently closed down the market with Venezuela by their poor negotiations. 

Hmmm.  Here we have a desperate gov't, blaming the whole wporld for its woes, even as it has destroyed Venezuela.  And you think that mortgaging Guyana's economy to those lunatics was a good idea.


Now which brainless person is going to hand Guyana over to a nation which fundamentally remains its enemy?  Did Maduro at any time tell the PPP that he was going to drop his claims?  NO!

Maduro was angry that Guyana didnt agree to hand over 2/3 of its territory and release its marine assets to Venezuela.  He has a serious problem, and now is picking fights with BOTH Colombia and Guyana.  He would with Brazil if he could, but they would just slap him down.


Even when the PPP WAS IN POWER, Maduro issued a warning against Exxon being allowed to explore in what they considered to be Venezuela territory.


In addition Venezuela had already indicated that they were reducing their rice imports from Guyana, even BEFORE this new saga began.


You will not peddle Guyana Times lies on this site and get away with no response.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

 Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Given that the rice would have been grown during the PPP era, based on the perceptions that a market existed, why is APNU/AFC to blame, and not the PPP.


We knew BEFORE the election, that there were problems in that industry.


I am not going to defend Moses, as politicians will say anything to get votes, and he with his promise of "11% of the Indian vote", desperately needed their support.  But seriously, the most one can accuse the  coalition gov't of is not being aggressive enough to solve a problem that the PPP left in their lap.

Granger and Greenidge inadvertently closed down the market with Venezuela by their poor negotiations.  The rice was at Fernandes wharf ready to be shipped to Venezuela and never got picked up.  We can say what we want about the PPP, but at least they had good trade relations with Venezuela.  The PPP created that rice market with Venezuela which is now dead and gone.

You selectively decide to believe that lie. What for? Venezuela advised t he PPP government that they will not renew the deal. The PPP did not advise the nation. They said they are willing to continue until November. That decide to stop then has nothing to do with Granger making sure the US and UN knows Venezuela has began to make threats. Venezuela even increased t heir claim on the continental shelf. The Present location where oil is found was included in this new claim. No amount of rice deal is worth bending the knees to a false claim by a silly man.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo Farmers who allowed the AFC/PNC to fool them got a long PNC stick stuck in their rear.

These are the Indo millers who fooled the Indo farmers and are yet to pay off rice farmers: Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540; Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455; Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000; Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000 and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.


Hope Indos learnt their lesson.

Lesson: Indo farmers must not place blind trust in Indo millers crop after crop.

Rice farmers need to launch a class action lawsuit against the errant millers to get their money.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Indo Farmers who allowed the AFC/PNC to fool them got a long PNC stick stuck in their rear.

These are the Indo millers who fooled the Indo farmers and are yet to pay off rice farmers: Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540; Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455; Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000; Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000 and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.


Hope Indos learnt their lesson.

Lesson: Indo farmers must not place blind trust in Indo millers crop after crop.

Rice farmers need to launch a class action lawsuit against the errant millers to get their money.

They cannot because this will defeat the Indo KKK claim that "black man a kill ahbe".

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

However, in finally breaking his silence, Minister Holder, during an interview withGuyana Times on Wednesday, explained that Government simply cannot give any monies to farmers.

They have to get money from the millers… the Government does not take the farmers’ rice,” he stated.

He alluded to the fact that Government has already released the names of all the millers who owe rice farmers in an effort to put pressure on those millers to quickly settle their debts.

According to the document released on September 3,

the millers who were yet to pay off rice farmers are

Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540;

Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455;

Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000;

Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000

and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.

 5 Rice Millers

Owe the Guyanese Rice Farmers

over $630 Million

Who owes these rice farmers? RICE MILLERS.

Who are the millers? INDIANS.

Suh now Indians robbing Indians now considered "pnc caught misleading rice farmers again" by ahwe genius brahmin Yugi.


Oh, and now we most esteemed brahmin

wants the government to tek

all black man, red man, potagee man, amerindian man, chinee man, dougla man, antiman money

and give it to the INDIAN RICE FARMERS,

while the INDIAN RICE MILLERS walk off scot free!


Because the assets of the nation belong to INDIANS

and INDIANS only!

Right antiman Yugi?


United Nations tell the world

 under Jagdeo &  Ramotar

PPP was the biggest thieves.



Let them PPP Thieves

Go and Picket the UN Now



All of them Visa

get Tek away

 Who was Smuggling Gold

Under PPP Govt....

$42 Million BILLION

Raw Gold From Guyana

4 Months Before Elections...


Who did it?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

No $23B, no help from Govt – Agri Min Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder

During the Last 4 Months...

before the Last Elections

(Jan-April 2015)

$42 Billions

Gold was Smuggled

to the USA Alone.....

More was Smuggled to

Brazil, Suriname & Middle East.

Who did it?

PPP Family & FriendUsed the Petro Caribe

money to Smuggle.....

let them find the money

and pay the Farmers Now....


Why must AFC-APNU Govt pay their Bill?



According to the document released on September 3,

the millers who were yet to pay off rice farmers are

Wazeer Hussein (Dry Shore/KSCL) – $285,360,540;

Ramesh Ramlakhan (Ex-Mouth) – $156,584,455;

Deonarine (Evergreen) – $135,000,000;

Old Mac Guyana Inc – $28,300,000

and La Resource Rice Industry – $27,600,000.

 5 Rice Millers

Owe the Guyanese Rice Farmers

over $630 Million



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

KaKaMotoo proved to be the real Guyanese Judas.


He cannot deliver on his promises. Moses and Ramjattan are becoming the most hated and incompetent ministers in the PNC administration.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

 Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

Given that the rice would have been grown during the PPP era, based on the perceptions that a market existed, why is APNU/AFC to blame, and not the PPP.


We knew BEFORE the election, that there were problems in that industry.


I am not going to defend Moses, as politicians will say anything to get votes, and he with his promise of "11% of the Indian vote", desperately needed their support.  But seriously, the most one can accuse the  coalition gov't of is not being aggressive enough to solve a problem that the PPP left in their lap.

Granger and Greenidge inadvertently closed down the market with Venezuela by their poor negotiations.  The rice was at Fernandes wharf ready to be shipped to Venezuela and never got picked up.  We can say what we want about the PPP, but at least they had good trade relations with Venezuela.  The PPP created that rice market with Venezuela which is now dead and gone.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

KaKaMotoo proved to be the real Guyanese Judas.


He cannot deliver on his promises. Moses and Ramjattan are becoming the most hated and incompetent ministers in the PNC administration.

Have you done a survey to establish the veracity of this statement? Remember, if you want your views to be taken seriously by critical minds, you must shape up.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

KaKaMotoo proved to be the real Guyanese Judas.


He cannot deliver on his promises. Moses and Ramjattan are becoming the most hated and incompetent ministers in the PNC administration.

Have you done a survey to establish the veracity of this statement? Remember, if you want your views to be taken seriously by critical minds, you must shape up.

You can spin as much as you want for the PNC. Keep Spinning.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

KaKaMotoo proved to be the real Guyanese Judas.


He cannot deliver on his promises. Moses and Ramjattan are becoming the most hated and incompetent ministers in the PNC administration.

Have you done a survey to establish the veracity of this statement? Remember, if you want your views to be taken seriously by critical minds, you must shape up.

You can spin as much as you want for the PNC. Keep Spinning.

Spinning is better than slandering.


Since when speaking against a racist and clueless  PNC is slandering ?


Wait, I forgot that the PNC murdered and terrorized it's critics, Moses included.


Political opponents were jailed, Indos ethnically cleansed (happening now at a faster pace), elections rigged for 28 years and Guyanese murdered for protecting their ballot boxes from being stolen by the PNC.


Guyana was bankrupt and people had to line up for food.


Those days are coming back with the PNC already announcing the return of rice flour.


You are in Good company Gil.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Since when speaking against a racist and clueless  PNC is slandering ?


Wait, I forgot that the PNC murdered and terrorized it's critics, Moses included.

The PPP also murdered and terrorized its critics. You forget Nandlallgate and Glen Lall? You forget Courtney Crum-Ewing? You forget Ronald Waddell? Here is more:


Political opponents were jailed,...blablabla.



You are in Good company Gil. Sure, the AFC is the best company for me.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Since when speaking against a racist and clueless  PNC is slandering ?


Wait, I forgot that the PNC murdered and terrorized it's critics, Moses included.

The PPP also murdered and terrorized its critics. You forget Nandlallgate and Glen Lall? You forget Courtney Crum-Ewing? You forget Ronald Waddell? Here is more:


Political opponents were jailed,...blablabla.



You are in Good company Gil. Sure, the AFC is the best company for me.




I am now surprised that you are lying like your PNC friends.


There is NO, NONE proof that the PPP murdered Ewing, many on the other hand swear that the PNC allegedly murdered him.


You are now spinning low and slow.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

During his campaign, Moses told the rice farmers that he would be the Minister of Agriculture and he would ensure that they get $13,000 per bag for rice.  And now they get nothing.  Bags of rice are piled up in the rice mills getting fungus and weevil while the people need their money to pay back the banks and others who they took loans from.  How can he do this to his own people?

They will continue to get nothing except lots of yabba yabba yabba from the individual.

KaKaMotoo proved to be the real Guyanese Judas.


He cannot deliver on his promises. Moses and Ramjattan are becoming the most hated and incompetent ministers in the PNC administration.

Have you done a survey to establish the veracity of this statement? Remember, if you want your views to be taken seriously by critical minds, you must shape up.

You can spin as much as you want for the PNC. Keep Spinning.

Where in the world is that considered spin dummy? He asked a question!!! I suggest you re examine the distortions of the fact you presented as truths to see what may be considered spin. But then again you have your head screwed on backwards you you may be blissfully self deluded into thinking you are in touch with reality.


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