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CGX gets Two Repackaged xploration Licences

Posted By Stabroek editor On February 13, 2013 @ 10:33 am In Local News


CGX today announced that the Government of Guyana has issued two new petroleum prospecting licences, one to CGX Resources Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of CGX and one to ON Energy Inc (“ON Energy&rdquo, a 62% owned subsidiary of CGX.


CGX had announced the likelihood of these two licences on November 29 last year.


The Canadian explorer which has been seeking commercial oil here since 2000 said in a press release that both licences are effective as of February 12, 2013 and renewable after four years for up to ten years.


Two of the wells that CGX had an interest in failed to find oil in commercial quantities last year. Drilling on one had to be prematurely stopped for safety reasons.


CGX said that the new Demerara petroleum agreement (“Demerara PA&rdquo and petroleum prospecting licence (“Demerara PPL&rdquo relates to the former offshore portion of the Annex PPL, covering 3,975 square kilometres, which was a part of the Company’s original Corentyne Petroleum Agreement.  CGX disclosed that under the terms of the new Demerara PA, and during the initial period of four years, CGX is obligated to undertake a 3D seismic survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and to sink one exploration well.


The new Berbice petroleum agreement (“Berbice PA&rdquo and petroleum prospecting license (“Berbice PPL&rdquo pertains to the former Berbice licence comprising 1,566 square kilometres (971 square kilometres net) and the former onshore portion of the Company’s original Corentyne Petroleum Agreement composed of 1,729 square kilometres (1,072 square kilometres net) for total onshore acreage of 3,295 square kilometres. Under the terms of the new Berbice PA and during the initial period of four years, CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated.


Kerry Sully, President and CEO, was quoted in the release as saying, “CGX has identified leads on the Demerara PA that will require 3D seismic to enhance to prospect status. The licence straddles a portion of the current continental shelf and is updip from a 3D seismic program recently shot by Exxon and Shell in the adjoining Stabroek PA. On the Berbice PA, the main exploration targets are stratigraphic traps similar to the Tambaredjo and Calcutta heavy-oil fields onshore Suriname. Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. estimates original oil-in-place of more than a billion barrels in these fields, with remaining proved reserves at the end of 2011 of 77 million barrels after 30 years of production.”


Professor Suresh Narine, Executive Chairman, stated in the release that “The issuance of the new Demerara PPL and Berbice PPL by the Government of Guyana to CGX is a further endorsement of the important role CGX plays in a realization of the petroleum potential of the Guyana Suriname basin.”


CGX is a Canadian-based oil and gas exploration company focused on the exploration of oil in the Guyana-Suriname Basin.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to its onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

no doubt, no doubt . . .


the ON Energy carve out is the local honey pot . . . everbady think they smart

What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

Vish M

What would the oil companies be bidding on? The right to exploratory drilling? Its not like Exon and Shell are knocking on the door. These companies have been plowing millions of dollars in dry wells over the past decade and this is what you two fools came up with?

Originally Posted by Vish M:
What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..

really Vish?


so tell us , who is this phantom claiming that CGX is NOT a publicly traded company, eh? strawman much bai?


alyuh PPP wannabe smartmen always trying some lame ass misdirection when people start peeping behind the curtain

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

What would the oil companies be bidding on? The right to exploratory drilling? Its not like Exon and Shell are knocking on the door. These companies have been plowing millions of dollars in dry wells over the past decade and this is what you two fools came up with?

educate your tiny mind lil before u bray . . . you'll embarrass yourself LESS

Originally Posted by Vish M:
What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

Stick to speaking about what you know of - roti shops on Liberty Avenue.


CGX is a publicly traded company so of course nickel and dime investors like you can buy a few hundred shares online.


However, the bulk of CGX's funding comes through private placement deals where selected investors (the oligarchs in Guyana and their cronies) are the only ones allowed to purchase shares. 


Why do you think that exclusive licences are being granted to CGX for exploration of the areas with the greatest potential for finding oil? So that the oligarchs in charge and their cronies will be the ones cashing in big time while the small timers like you will be happy with a lil two thousand from your "publicly traded company".


Private placement (or non-public offering) is a funding round of securities which are sold not through a public offering, but rather through a private offering, mostly to a small number of chosen investors.[1] "Private placement" usually refers to non-public offering of shares in a public company(since, of course, any offering of shares in a private company is and can only be a private offering).

TORONTO, ONTARIO--CGX Energy Inc. (CGXX.U) is pleased to announce
that the US$3 million private placement announced on November 4,
1999 has been completed.


October 16, 2007 15:11 ET

CGX Energy Inc. Announces US$30 Million Underwritten Private Placement Financing


TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Oct. 16, 2007) -


April 02, 2007 08:16 ET

CGX Energy Inc. Announces a US $8 Million Private Placement

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(CCNMatthews - April 2, 2007) -

COMTEX News Network, Inc., 2011 Oct 20

CGX Energy raises $94.64 million in private placement.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Vish M:
What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

 Where did I say it is not traded? Anyone with access to a potential treasure trove can raise money in conventional ways to exploit it.  Is that not the way it is done? The point I make is the majority share holders are Guyanese. That they are friends of yours means shit to me. It is my country they are about to exploit so I have a right to know if we are on our way to another Equatorial Guinea. That the same people keep  turning up on any cash cow in the society raises eye brows.


To you it is just their business savvy. To me it is another of who you know opening the doors and I want to know how the will manage what is not theirs to begin with but the nations. That they have access to it means how and why of these deals are our right to know.


Again, the PPP daddy did not give them the thousands of square miles the lease out to their friends. I doubt also it is on the bounty of their altruistic spirit. They do not have a track record of fiduciary responsibility to our people. The necessity is to watch them.


Please note, they are already rich on the mere possession of t hese leases. I bet control of these stocks having them sitting cushy and even if they find only mud they would have become rich on the give away of our lands to them by the PPP.


Note again, I never said they are bad people. Good people become crooks when great wealth is at stake. Check the PPP to that end.

Originally Posted by Vish M:
What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

Bhai, First you have to have a Brain. These two Pea Braind can only talk Shit daily.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Vish M:
What uninformed trash!
It is a publicly traded company.
You can still buys share CGXEF via your US brokerage House and online.
Yes Online!
REDUX and Stormborn should engage the Brain rather than the An..
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by redux:

 . . . CGX said that ON Energy is required to conduct an airborne survey over a minimum of 1,000 square kilometres and either conduct a 2D seismic survey comprising a minimum of 100 square kilometres or drill one exploration well.


The original announcement in November had said that two wells were mandated . . .

On Energy can hold on to their onshore "licence" without having to drill a single well . . . freakin unbelievable!


Guyanese need to wake up

 It is a Canadian company in name. It is almost wholly owned by Guyanese. A member of this group is on the berbice river bridge and I am sure will be part of the Marriott.

Bhai, First you have to have a Brain. These two Pea Braind can only talk Shit daily.

One may ask if amyloid plaque has replaced what you had for a brain or if the promise of free pork cutters and cheap vodka keeps it from functioning well.


Redux, there is nothing in the press release and the local newspapers' reportage that lend credence to the title of this thread.


Everything that's reported is transparent and have nothing to do with what the title of this thread suggests.


Now let's hear something that's helpful (favorable or unfavorable) in any discussion regarding investments and infrastructure works by exploration companies, including CGX. Such rantings and declarative titles are useless.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Redux, there is nothing in the press release and the local newspapers' reportage that lend credence to the title of this thread.


Everything that's reported is transparent and have nothing to do with what the title of this thread suggests.


Now let's hear something that's helpful (favorable or unfavorable) in any discussion regarding investments and infrastructure works by exploration companies, including CGX. Such rantings and declarative titles are useless.

YUh mek deh DUNCE run away now!!!!!

it seems you "know" Kari.
You are definitely do not know Kari.
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I don't like that stinker mouth Kari but I sorry for both him and CGX they can't find the oil.

Vish M
Originally Posted by Vish M:
it seems you "know" Kari.
You are definitely do not know Kari.
Originally Posted by Prashad:

I don't like that stinker mouth Kari but I sorry for both him and CGX they can't find the oil.

That Kari got a stinker mouth just like God. Both can curse more than a mad man who just run away from the Berbice mad house. 

Originally Posted by Kari:

Redux, there is nothing in the press release and the local newspapers' reportage that lend credence to the title of this thread.


Everything that's reported is transparent and have nothing to do with what the title of this thread suggests.


Now let's hear something that's helpful (favorable or unfavorable) in any discussion regarding investments and infrastructure works by exploration companies, including CGX. Such rantings and declarative titles are useless.

Really Kari?  Let's cut the bullshit . . . this business about local "reportage" and a "press release" is the kind of imbecilic red herring i expect from the likes of conscience and Nehru


EXACTLY what is it that you find NOT factual in my title:


NO BIDDING! CGX/ON Energy handed "repackaged" Licences . . .




and . . . your 3rd paragraph is facile mumbo jumbo. Please elaborate lil on these "investments and infrastructure works by exploration companies," and their relevance to the topic @ hand


my "rantings" and "declarative titles [??]" must be penetrating deep enough SOMEWHERE to trigger this weak, flighty 'rebuttal' from you . . . who, frankly, should know better

Originally Posted by Kari:

You've now moved from useless ranting to closed. I won't waste my time with you. Go hold hands with Prasad and whistle in the dark

is naa you 'open the case' like wan starbai?


now u got nothing . . . it's fitting that you hustle now and "close" it


ignominy much?

Originally Posted by Vish M:

go buy CGXEF whilst you can and enjoy the ride

Vish, Vish, Vish: that's the same thing Maddoff told his investors. And so did Stamford. So your ponzie scam is not unique in nature.


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