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Consultations for the 2014 budget is ongoing between various stakeholders and the Ministry of Finance. This is according to General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee.

However, while this is the case, there have been no consultations with the main opposition party – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

The APNU at its last press conference noted that the Party has not been invited to any consultations by Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh. When asked about this, Rohee said that he cannot say definitively if the APNU was invited to these consultations.

The APNU has also threatened to slash the budget. When questioned, Rohee said, “We will never have a budget to the satisfaction of the opposition. The budget usually by convention is a responsibility of the government of the day. The Court is likely to rule soon on budget cuts and from a judicial, legal standpoint, I would say let us hold our breath until the ruling is made on this subject and that would provide guidance to all the parties in the future.”

APNU Leader, David Granger recently noted that if there is no change within the agencies of the National Communications Network (NCN) and the Government Information Agency (GINA), then the Party will slash their budget allocations again.




excerpts from Inews

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One of the main reasons why the joint opposition "Cuts" the National Budget is to cheap political points, the AFC/APNU is hell bent on derailing the progress of Guyanese, they are often greeted with cold shoulders from a wide cross section of the Guyanese populace.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

One of the main reasons why the joint opposition "Cuts" the National Budget is to cheap political points, the AFC/APNU is hell bent on derailing the progress of Guyanese, they are often greeted with cold shoulders from a wide cross section of the Guyanese populace.

The national budget over the past 20 years was a pork fest for the gluttonous gorging of the PPP friends and family clan. It give us Clico, the Berbice river bridge, Pradovilles I and II, the skeldon white elephant, Supernam stelling, Charity stelling, Bobby and his benefaction at the state's till, Buddy and his leeching no less...poor assed PPPites becoming fat cats on Mickeydee salaries...yes cutting the pork from the budget is a national service.


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