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No confidence motion against Home Affairs Minister, a dangerous move - Teixeira - compromises role of Commission of InquiryPDFPrintE-mail
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Wednesday, 25 July 2012 23:27
PRESIDENTIAL Advisor on Governance and PPP/C’s Chief Whip, Gail Teixeira yesterday slammed the opposition, particularly A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), for reneging on an agreement yet again, with regard to the Linden issue.

Gail Teixeira

Leader of the Opposition, David Granger yesterday moved a No Confidence Motion against Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, which was allowed by the Speaker, Raphael Trotman, notwithstanding the fact that the requisite notice period in bringing the Motion to the House, was not adhered to.
Government stood firm in its view that due to the purport of the content of the Motion coupled with the issue of government having the right to respond, the necessary period of notice should have been heeded.
Moreover, parliamentary conventions and practices dictate that any Motion of No Confidence against a member of Parliament, a minister or the government must have an agreed date on when it will be debated; further, amendments to the said Motion are also permissible.
Teixeira pointed out that since the Standing Orders do not make any reference to Motions of No Confidence, proceeding with this Motion would be eroding normal and accepted parliamentary procedure.
President Donald Ramotar had announced that a full investigation will be launched into the fatal shooting of three Linden protestors.
During his meetings with representatives of APNU, AFC, Regional Chairman of Region 10, Sharma Solomon and the private sector, an agreement was reached to have a Commission of Inquiry investigate the events leading up to the shootings.
Subsequently, APNU member Joseph Harmon and Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon were assigned to complete the drafting of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Commission by August 2.
Government’s Chief Whip called the Motion a “dangerous move” and lamented that, “what the opposition and the APNU in particular, are doing to go to a Motion of No Confidence against Minister Rohee is really damaging and practically throwing out an agreement that was reached to have a Commission of Inquiry.”
She added that moving ahead with it, is an erosion of the parliamentary democracy for which many people have fought hard.
“The Motion of No Confidence assumes guilt of both the police and the minister and this is reprehensible in light of a Commission of Inquiry. It therefore says to this Commission that you either take a pre-judged situation that the minister is guilty and the police are guilty and therefore the role of the Commission is now compromised,” she stated.
The President held another meeting on July 23 with the Regional Chairman, who was accompanied by Aubrey Norton, Vanessa Kissoon, Dr. Rupert Roopnarine and Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes and several other agreements were made.
These include agreements to have a technical team look into all the practical implications with respect to electricity tariffs in Linden and in the interim, to put on hold the July 1 deadline for the increase.
Further, agreements were made to look at economic initiatives that would help to further advance the development of Linden. At the end of the meeting, government committed to draft the language to reflect the discussions that were held. These were submitted to Solomon and all other stakeholders who were involved in the talks since July 18; at the moment, government is still awaiting a response from Solomon.
“So the development in the Parliament is to hype up and to continue to raise the ante instead of finding a way forward,” Teixeira was quoted by the Government Information Agency as saying in her conclusion.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition is pursuing another attempt that will failed to run the country via the back door

they are one half of the ruling equation so they do not have to come through any door but the front door. The PPP will learn to accommodate them or beg for every dime to be allocated.


rohee should take the high ground and just trow in the towel save the ppp some shame,this is a ass and every time he open his mouth he bray like a ass.the ppp is diging a big hole for itself or in this case making a big prison to put themself in


And yet people like baseman really think that this will be dealt with fairly.  Now I would think that the govt will be talking to the CARICOM Sec,UN, OAS and other international agencies about quickly establishing a Commission of Inquiry.  Chosing those entities to remove any taint that bias other from the PPP or the opposition will compromise the findings.


Instead they are still picking fights with the opposition.


the ppp still think they can run roughshoe over anybody,i only hope one day the people and mean every race in guyana shut down that might be a dream but i have to dream for guyana

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition is pursuing another attempt that will failed to run the country via the back door

I see U back on the job.


like Misir made attendance mandatory for your whole sorry-ass crew at the OP skull session yesterday.

Originally Posted by caribny:

And yet people like baseman really think that this will be dealt with fairly.  Now I would think that the govt will be talking to the CARICOM Sec,UN, OAS and other international agencies about quickly establishing a Commission of Inquiry.  Chosing those entities to remove any taint that bias other from the PPP or the opposition will compromise the findings.


Instead they are still picking fights with the opposition.

They should include members of the PNC in the inquiry team.  I don't think it should left to the PPP and police to decide or stack the team.  Include one/two from the PNC/community and let them play an active part in discovery.  However, the mandate should be limited to the shooting, not dragging in other political agendas.

Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee should take the high ground and just trow in the towel save the ppp some shame,this is a ass and every time he open his mouth he bray like a ass.the ppp is diging a big hole for itself or in this case making a big prison to put themself in

No one just caves into bullyism and blackmail.  Due process should be followed and if it's found the minister was remiss in his responsibilities which led to the tragic outcomes, then a resignation is in order.  To succumb to political pressure without due process will create an environment of mayhem and anarchy.


The Govt has nothing to fear as this was a police action by the state police constitutionally charged with maintaining and restoring law and order.  However, the heavy handed approach needs to be examined.

Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee should take the high ground and just trow in the towel save the ppp some shame,this is a ass and every time he open his mouth he bray like a ass.the ppp is diging a big hole for itself or in this case making a big prison to put themself in

What stupidity you going on with? You know very well that it was your own PNC elements that shot the people and you expect Rhoee to be accountable? It defies logic, but then again you folks are playing a game of cat and mouse, putting people's lives at stake when you instigate them to riot and loot.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee should take the high ground and just trow in the towel save the ppp some shame,this is a ass and every time he open his mouth he bray like a ass.the ppp is diging a big hole for itself or in this case making a big prison to put themself in

What stupidity you going on with? You know very well that it was your own PNC elements that shot the people and you expect Rhoee to be accountable? It defies logic, but then again you folks are playing a game of cat and mouse, putting people's lives at stake when you instigate them to riot and loot.

It seems well orchestrated as the only people who seemed caught off-guard was the PPP.  The AFC foot soldiers have now become the PNC foot stools as the PNC have entered into talks with the GoG at the exclusion of any AFC reps.


The callous actions of the AFC will see them left standing a political twig on their own desert island.  They are viewed as former PPP trouble-makers coupled with stealth PNCites.  They have lost their constituency from last election and will gain nothing in return from the other side.  Most view them as a means to and end, the end being a PNC ascension to power.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:

rohee should take the high ground and just trow in the towel save the ppp some shame,this is a ass and every time he open his mouth he bray like a ass.the ppp is diging a big hole for itself or in this case making a big prison to put themself in

What stupidity you going on with? You know very well that it was your own PNC elements that shot the people and you expect Rhoee to be accountable? It defies logic, but then again you folks are playing a game of cat and mouse, putting people's lives at stake when you instigate them to riot and loot.

It seems well orchestrated as the only people who seemed caught off-guard was the PPP.  The AFC foot soldiers have now become the PNC foot stools as the PNC have entered into talks with the GoG at the exclusion of any AFC reps.


The callous actions of the AFC will see them left standing a political twig on their own desert island.  They are viewed as former PPP trouble-makers coupled with stealth PNCites.  They have lost their constituency from last election and will gain nothing in return from the other side.  Most view them as a means to and end, the end being a PNC ascension to power.



The PPP need to worry about its constituency. If other indians sense that the PNC will be back in power as you say by the actions of the AFC, then there will be an exodus of Indians thus eroding the support base of the PPP. Support of PPP from the grass roots has been on the decline.


If the AFC have  lost their constituency from the  last election, then the PPP should call a snap election. 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
It seems well orchestrated as the only people who seemed caught off-guard was the PPP.  The AFC foot soldiers have now become the PNC foot stools as the PNC have entered into talks with the GoG at the exclusion of any AFC reps.


The callous actions of the AFC will see them left standing a political twig on their own desert island.  They are viewed as former PPP trouble-makers coupled with stealth PNCites.  They have lost their constituency from last election and will gain nothing in return from the other side.  Most view them as a means to and end, the end being a PNC ascension to power.



The PPP need to worry about its constituency. If other indians sense that the PNC will be back in power as you say by the actions of the AFC, then there will be an exodus of Indians thus eroding the support base of the PPP. Support of PPP from the grass roots has been on the decline.


If the AFC have  lost their constituency from the  last election, then the PPP should call a snap election. 

Don't worry, you might just get what you ask for.  And furthermore, the PPP cannot just call snap elections, there are trip wires for that and they prefer to work with the PNC to get things done.  The AFC will be left out in the cold, mark my words.


If your objective is to help create an Indian exodus, then you certainly are fighting a "noble" cause and I congratulate you and the rest.  Good luck in your endeavors, I hope it's worth it.



It is time that the PPP stand up to the terrorist elements in the PNC/AFC and defend democracy. The joint opposition failed to bring down the government and is now resorting to any means necessary to bring down the government.


Their actions in using terrorist elements will be exposed during an independent inquiry.


The president must stand firm and the police and army must also defend the country against terrorist elements.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
It seems well orchestrated as the only people who seemed caught off-guard was the PPP.  The AFC foot soldiers have now become the PNC foot stools as the PNC have entered into talks with the GoG at the exclusion of any AFC reps.


The callous actions of the AFC will see them left standing a political twig on their own desert island.  They are viewed as former PPP trouble-makers coupled with stealth PNCites.  They have lost their constituency from last election and will gain nothing in return from the other side.  Most view them as a means to and end, the end being a PNC ascension to power.



The PPP need to worry about its constituency. If other indians sense that the PNC will be back in power as you say by the actions of the AFC, then there will be an exodus of Indians thus eroding the support base of the PPP. Support of PPP from the grass roots has been on the decline.


If the AFC have  lost their constituency from the  last election, then the PPP should call a snap election. 

Don't worry, you might just get what you ask for.  And furthermore, the PPP cannot just call snap elections, there are trip wires for that and they prefer to work with the PNC to get things done.  The AFC will be left out in the cold, mark my words.


If your objective is to help create an Indian exodus, then you certainly are fighting a "noble" cause and I congratulate you and the rest.  Good luck in your endeavors, I hope it's worth it.

All this sums up to PPP=PNC ; two pea in a pod.

The PPP is doing a good job creating the Indian exodus; they certainly do not need help from anyone.


The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

Nandlall tells National Assembly… Only the President can remove Minister Rohee - if commission of inquiry finds him responsiblePDFPrintE-mail
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Thursday, 26 July 2012 22:53
ONLY the President can remove Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee from office. This was the blunt declaration by Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall.
He was at the time making a short but fiery presentation in the National Assembly l

Attorney General, Mr. Anil Nandlall.

ast Wednesday evening, at the commencement of debate on the Opposition’s no-confidence motion against Minister Rohee.
Nandlall, quoting from the Constitution, alluded to Article 183, which clearly states on what grounds such an official can be removed.
The Attorney General said he recognised that what transpired in Linden on July 18 last, when three protestors were shot and killed, is a tragedy that is beyond disputation.
“The President, exercising powers which reside in him under the Commission of Inquiry Act, committed himself to the establishment of a Commission to inquire into this tragedy…only the Commission of Inquiry could determine the Home Affairs Minister responsible,” the Attorney General argued.
He explained that the motion in its entirety is one that “pre-empts, prejudices and undermines” the integrity of a process to which parties would have committed themselves, as the call is being made for Minister Rohee to resign and for the members of the National Assembly to vote that they have no confidence in him.
“The legal truth of the matter is that Mr. Rohee does not hold office due to the confidence of this Assembly…a Minister is appointed under the constitution by the President…he comes here as an elected official…therefore, only the President can remove him,” Minister Nandlall said.
He added that by making such a calling for the Minister of Home Affairs to go, indicates that there is a conclusion that he is responsible. However, that decision is to be made by the Commission of Inquiry.
“We can speak here in this parliament from now till thy kingdom come but, the fact remains that the National Assembly has no power of removal of a minister,” the Attorney General posited.
President Donald Ramotar had announced that a full investigation will be launched into the fatal shooting of three Linden protestors and during a meeting with the opposition, Region 10 Chairman and the private sector, an agreement was reached to have a Commission of Inquiry investigate the July 18 events in the mining town.
“Article 183 of the constitution speaks to Ministers and it says how ministers are to be removed from office - a minister having been appointed by the President cannot be removed by the National Assembly…the National Assembly has no power to remove Minister Rohee…the National Assembly has no power in law or under the constitution to remove Minister Rohee from office,” the Legal Affairs Minister explained.
Further, Article 184 of the Constitution is the only article within it that speaks about the ‘no confidence’ of any official in the National Assembly, and that official is the leader of the opposition.

Relationship with Police
On the issue of the Minister of Home Affairs and his relationship with the Police, Minister Nandlall explained that it is guided by Section 7 of the Police Act.
“…the Commissioner shall, subject to the general orders and direction of the Minister, have the command and superintendence of the Force and he shall be responsible to the minister for the peace and good order through Guyana for the efficient administration and government of the force…and for the proper expenditure of all public monies appropriated for the service there-of…that is the relationship between the Minister and the police commissioner…the minister has an overall supervisory control…he cannot direct the day to day operations of the Force,” Minister Nandlall said.
He urged the National Assembly not to fall prey to carry out such a futile exercise and quoted a paragraph from a Commission of Inquiry Report of the Disciplined Forces Commission which was unanimously accepted by the House years ago.
“Since the statutory powers of the minister relate to an executive function and responsibility, the power to issue general orders and directions to the commissioner is necessarily limited to general orders and direction of an executive nature and, not a power to issue general orders and directions which involve encroachment on the powers of the commissioner to command and superintend the Guyana Police Force,” the Attorney General read.
He questioned that having regard to this statutory relationship therefore, on what basis is the motion seeking to indict the minister.
“The point is that while we remain committed to ensure that those who are responsible for the tragedy at Linden is brought to justice- that is our commitment as a government…we are prepared to embark upon the extended procedures to which we would have committed ourselves…we must await the outcome of that process because it is out of that process we will determine whether anyone or who will be charged and for what offence…everything outside of that is pre-emptive and prejudicial,” Nandlall said.
“I appeal to the National Assembly not to colour our reason and objectivity with passions and emotions. We, as the National Assembly, pass laws for the people of this country to obey; we set up processes to which we expect them to subject themselves in the established institutions to which we assign responsibilities and powers to deal with certain issues - the judiciary - we established to deal with the guilt of persons charged with criminal offences. In this case, we have set up a Commission of Inquiry to determine who is responsible for the Linden tragedy. We cannot, ourselves, undermine it and determine in this parliament who is responsible or who is not. We have to allow that commision to do so. If we do otherwise then we are telling the people of this country to deal with the persons whom they feel are guilty of offences which they feel those persons have committed. If that is our position then we may as well abolish the court system,” Minister Nandlall stated.
Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman allowed the APNU’s no confidence motion, notwithstanding the fact that the requisite notice period in bringing the motion to the House, was not adhered to
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Don't worry, you might just get what you ask for.  And furthermore, the PPP cannot just call snap elections, there are trip wires for that and they prefer to work with the PNC to get things done.  The AFC will be left out in the cold, mark my words.


If your objective is to help create an Indian exodus, then you certainly are fighting a "noble" cause and I congratulate you and the rest.  Good luck in your endeavors, I hope it's worth it.

All this sums up to PPP=PNC ; two pea in a pod.

The PPP is doing a good job creating the Indian exodus; they certainly do not need help from anyone.


The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

Lindeners placed you 3rd, behind the PPP, so stop kidding yourself.  You took the voices of the people of Bbce and turned it as a curse against them.  Did you read the anti-Indo racists comments allowed onto the AFC website?  Banna, the AFC have missed their calling.  No one knows what they stand for or who they represent.


The joke in Guyana is, as long as their is a protest, you can count on the AFC's presence.  It's like a bet on the sun rising.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

After 20 years of suppresion, the people have now found a voice.


Baseman, here is part1.

When you make such statement, then I wonder if you ever lived in Guyana under the PNC.  I can tell you this, 99% of Indians don't share your views, I am one of them.  It's Indians who gave you a voice, and they will take it away, and I fully support them.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Typical sh1t that even Burnham used to cuss about.  Gi we diss, gi we datt.  Dem get cheap power for decades, what they did, burn AC and bright lights and clothes dryers.  They want you give the water and mek them drink.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Typical sh1t that even Burnham used to cuss about.  Gi we diss, gi we datt.  Dem get cheap power for decades, what they did, burn AC and bright lights and clothes dryers.  They want you give the water and mek them drink.

It's obvious you did not watch the video.  Please take off your racist blinkers for a few moments get apprised.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Typical sh1t that even Burnham used to cuss about.  Gi we diss, gi we datt.  Dem get cheap power for decades, what they did, burn AC and bright lights and clothes dryers.  They want you give the water and mek them drink.

It's obvious you did not watch the video.  Please take off your racist blinkers for a few moments get apprised.

I watched it all, typical grumble you always see and hear.  Clearly, you never experienced Guyana.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The AFC gave the people a voice. It's time for your corruptocrats to listen and not push things down the throats of the populace.

The only voice you gave backfired as strep throat.  The people thanks you.


Putrid,Pissy,Patacake party not doin too good to what Iman heard a lil while back and I think it's the type of low mentality as seen here that keeps them back. They're days are coming to a close slow-l-l-l-ly.


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