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Former Member

The no-confidence motion against the government is nothing more than a political power struggle for the AFC. In light of embarrassment that APNU may not support the motion, the AFC is trying to save face by making the motion a priority in parliament. Tomorrow will pass the no-confidence motion as an unimportant order of business, while Mr. Nagamootoo is pushing for a future date. I expect the same to happen later this month that will lead to more embarrassment and stalemate. APNU maintained that this motion is AFC problem and not theirs. This alone would tell you where this is going. For me, it's a total waste of time to give priority on a no-confidence motion that is destined to fail. I say no more.


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Let me add that Moses is a loose cannon.


He is a political amateur and fails to understand that political decisions are based on consensus and support from the opposition especially a motion of this magnitude.


He displayed a lack of political maturity and experience by assuming that the PNC will support his motion when in fact the PNC initially stabbed him in the back for the position as speaker.


The PNC has no desire for National Elections and understand that the mood of Guyanese is not one of National Elections.


Local Election is the main priority or the PNC at this stage since they want to have a dry run before a National Election.


The AFC will die a slow death. It is not a cohesive party that has an understanding of political consensus.


It is the intense desire of revenge by Moses and Rumjhaat to destroy the PPP that led to the downfall of the AFC.


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