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Sugar diversification mustn’t cost jobs – Nagamootoo

Posted By Staff Writer On April 13, 2015 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU+AFC’s Prime Ministerial candidate Moses Nagamootoo says while diversification is important to save the sugar industry it must be done in a manner to ensure that workers on the 16,000-strong payroll are not put out of work

He pledged that should the coalition win the May 11 general elections all efforts would be made to ensure the longevity of the industry.

Decrying the years of what he described as political domination and inefficient management much to the detriment of the industry, Nagamootoo said efficiency needs to be improved and all the “frills and the waste” should be cut out.

In an interview with this newspaper on Thursday, Nagamootoo, recommended that some of the industry’s land should be turned over to private investors for them to engage in cane farming and supply to the factories. Value-added products such as molasses, rum and ethanol should be made and markets for these products identified.

One of the arguments being used by the PPP/C is that should the coalition be voted into power the industry would be dead. Fuel is being added to this position by statements Nagamootoo’s presidential running mate, David Granger had made in 2011 saying that he felt that privatizing of the sugar industry was the way to go as it would offer private cane farmers an opportunity to boost production and decrease state focus in an industry which requires people with technical expertise and entrepreneurial skills.

At the time-2011-he was speaking at a luncheon organised by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association.

However, he later clarified to this newspaper that he was not saying; “…let us throw the industry to the wolves and/or for the state to turn its back on sugar, the idea is that people with the necessary expertise in this area, particularly as it relates to sugarcane production, should be allowed to manage the affairs of the industry and not the state or political operatives sitting on a board.”

Nagamootoo said while the industry is in a crisis it is solely because the PPP/C government has been mismanaging its operations.

“There are many aspects to the diversification but the idea is to not kill the sugar industry, and the sugar industry is not being killed by the incompetence of the workers, they are hardworking people…it is not being killed because of the inactivity of the union, it is being killed by the inefficiency and mismanagement of the bureaucracy led by the PPP, led by the Jagdeo/Ramotar clique, that is where they have ripped the heart out of the sugar industry,” Nagamootoo said.

Nagamootoo pointed out that the sugar industry has been facing a bleak future for a very long time where the production cost of sugar is higher than what it is sold for. The problem exists because the government felt it could modernize the sugar industry and took billions in the famous ‘Jagdeo fix’ to modernize the Skeldon factory but what went on was “quackery” and the money went down the drain.

“You have a problem in the industry that is caused by political domination and direction by inefficient management,” Nagamootoo said, adding that individuals are being rewarded for the latter, referring to GuySuCo’s CEO Raj Singh being recently named on the PPP/C’s electoral list.

Minister of Labour, Dr Nanda Gopaul was also the chairman of the corporation’s board and according to Nagamootoo the corporation went into insolvency and near bankruptcy and yet he was made a minister.

He said that President Donald Ramotar was also a member of the board who helped to “rip the heart out of the industry” and that he was part of the trio-which also included Jagdeo and Gopaul-who threatened to derecognize the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) as the workers’ representative in 2010. This move, he said, was to inhibit the workers from fighting for wage increases and bonuses and better working conditions.

Nagamootoo said he was the lone person who stood up to that threat and when he walked out of a meeting on it he was threatened with expulsion because he wrote a letter asking for a candle to be lit for sugar workers.

“That was the occasion on which I left the PPP because there was a conspiracy against the sugar industry and the sugar workers,” he said.

And he said during his 12-year tenure, former President Bharrat Jagdeo bludgeoned the trade union movement. He said the workers and the trade unions need to be empowered.

”But since Jagdeo came in power labour has gone into a pause, the struggle has gone into a pause,” Nagamootoo said.

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Kurt Campbell reports

The APNU+AFC Coalition on Sunday unveiled several policies and offered assurances that it would put in place if it wins the next elections.

The party took its Unity Rally to the Corentyne Village of Whim and brought out thousands of Berbicians and other citizens. Both David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo, the coalition’s Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates respectively promised residents that not only will an APNU+AFC government make the Corentyne safer with special emphasis on piracy but will make the region the “cutting edge” of the economy.

Crime has been one of the major issues affecting the Corentyne region for years.

The coalition also promised a possible 50% reduction in the Berbice Bridge toll and continued support for the sugar and rice industries along with other entrepreneurial initiatives. The coalition made it clear that the sugar industry will not be closed.

Granger paid special attention to security and said the ruling Party has taken Corentyne for granted for way too long, regarding it as a
vote farm while the region continues to suffer at the hands of criminals. He said residents have been migrating in droves to other parts of the country and across the world.

He promised to tackle the high incidents of traffic accidents, eradicate piracy and improve police response time to emergencies and everyday criminal activity.   1902897_923711594347221_6930385682628111107_n

“I have come back to Corentyne with a sense of vision to clean up this mess that the PPP has left,” Granger said as he rolled out his own plan for economic development of the region and the country at large.

Mr. Granger reiterated his plan for improvement of education. He said the APNU+AFC plans to create value added enterprises which is expected to increase employment and generate more revenue. He said Corentyne is an unhappy place for many with the frequent incidents of suicide but noted it is an issue an APNU+AFC government will also seek to address.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nagamootoo who defended his political career as one characterized by honesty and humility told the home crowd that the coalition will formalize a code of conduct for all its ministers and public officials to ensure they serve the will of the Guyanese people with respect.

He promised too that the coalition will set a date for the holding of long overdue local government elections, increasing public servants salary by 10% and increase old age pension within the first 100 days in office.

Nagamootoo also spoke of opening lands in the region for various types of agricultural initiatives. The coalition speakers were adamant that the ruling Party has mismanaged the country and fostered racial hostility but says its national unity government will deliver a better life for all Guyanese.

Filed: 30th March 2015




It's the PPP in charge and is killing sugar.


The Skeldon fiasco and extra contracts for repairs that did not repair anything, packaging plant fiasco, a drunkie in charge of Skeldon, etc.


Luckily, Moses and others know what to do to fix the problem.


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