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vote of no confidence in the British Labour Government of James Callaghan occurred on 28 March 1979. The vote was brought by opposition leader Margaret Thatcher and was lost by the Labour Government by one vote (311 votes to 310), forcing a general election which was won by Thatcher's party. 


The motion moved by Margaret Thatcher MP was "That this House has no confidence in Her Majesty's Government"



Similarly the RT Hon. Moses V. Nagamootoo MP, will also be leading the motion that the 10th Parliament has no confidence in the Government of Guyana.


Then everyone will debate why it should happen or why it should not happen.


Then the speaker call for a division.


Then 33 against vs 32 for and he speaker shall write to the President informing of the situation.


The President is then expected to take action and dissolve Parliament.  If he does not the 33 will vote against the 2015 budget in full and thus deem his government a dead wood government and thus force action.


He shall call elections and them.


The PPP will get 42 percent and win the plurality with 3-4 less seats.


AFC will be the biggest winner with 5 more seat.




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