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No Election can be rigged in Guyana – Former House Speaker

September 7, 2014 12:08 pmCategory: PoliticsA+ / A-


By Fareeza Haniff

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran

Former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran




Former Speaker of the National Assembly and one time Executive Member of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), Ralph Ramkarran is of the view that no election in Guyana can be rigged.

During his appearance on the popular radio show ‘Hard Talk’ on 90.1 FM today, Sunday, September 07, Ramkarran told the host of the program, Chris Chapwanya that he sat on the Elections Commission for three elections [1992, 1997 and 2001].

“…and no elections can be rigged in this country. No Preliminary List of Electors [PLE] can be padded,” Ramkarran said.

The ruling PPP/C has already stated that the current PLE is padded, more so in areas heavily supported by the main opposition – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

However, Ramkarran believes that the Opposition has already succeeded in registering a large number of people, something which the PPP has a problem with.

“The PPP knows very well that the Opposition has been working very hard on the ground quietly to have supporters registered. That’s not a secret in PPP circles. So they have made a break through there and the next step is to get their supporters out,” the Former House Speaker said.

He believes that the PPP has a “real problem” with the middle class in this election.

“My sense, and I have no evidence…the Indian middle class came out and support the PPP and I try to show that the middle class vote that the ethic power is not as strong as it is in other groups. The African middle class in 2006 didn’t like Corbin and they clearly, all the evidence suggest that they went with the AFC when Raphael Trotman was the Leader…When Granger came, they migrated to the APNU.”

He further noted, “The middle class in my view will be less affected by the ethnic cleavage…and therefore the Indian middle class can easily this time, leave the PPP and migrate to APNU.”

There is no serious discussion within PPP

Meanwhile, when questioned about these issues being discussed within the PPP, Ramkarran made it clear that such discussions are not encouraged at the Party level.

“These issues can’t be raised within the PPP, they are not discussed there. No serious issues of this nature take place, no serious strategic issues, no serious matters….some of them do…but the frankness and the critical criticism and all this stuff, you don’t get that quality of discussion. That went out with Cheddi Jagan. Under Cheddi’s time you can say anything, you can criticize even him but since he left, the situation has changed,” the Former Executive PPP member said.

His advice to voters at the next general election is to confront their leaders and demand answers on what they will do to end the stalemate in the National Assembly.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The Corrupt PPP/C is definately running scared, the other Parties has been doing their homework whils't this PPP/C is warming their chairs thinking that people will go out and vote for them.........well they have a rude awakening awaiting them.


Ralph Ramkarran is on the ball. It's good to hear him say, as a former Elections Commission member, that GECOM's Preliminary List of Electors cannot be padded.

It's reassuring to hear him observe that the opposition parties have been doing serious legwork to register Guyanese citizens.

And, most of all, it's gratifying to hear him expose the PPP leadership for not allowing free and frank discussions at Freedom House.

Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

If indeed he made an appearance before President Donald Ramotar, his ramblings on GNI do demonstrate his unacceptable abilities.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am curious why Ralph thinks the Indian middle class might migrate to APNU instead of AFC. Is that how bad the AFC?

I heard the same thing. However, some of these people are still hesitant to give APNU their vote. They said that they might still support the PPP if they see some change. 


We can look at the elections results as defeat of the PPP based on the one seat advantage of the opposition. We can look at the results as a failure of the opposition to remove the gov't. from office since the PNC failed to obtain a plural majority. The next general election will be a difficult one for the opposition to win. They have to pull alot more votes to deny the PPP/C of a plural majority. The PPP working tirelessly to get out the votes nationwide. Ralph talk about the opposition working hard and the PPP is not is nonsense.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am curious why Ralph thinks the Indian middle class might migrate to APNU instead of AFC. Is that how bad the AFC?

I heard the same thing. However, some of these people are still hesitant to give APNU their vote. They said that they might still support the PPP if they see some change. 

There are indeed individuals in Guyana who vote for different parties based on the issues and prevailing conditions.


The insurmountable challenge for the PNC is that its past from 1964 to 1992 plus their current leaders and main forces are all basically from the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's; despite all the rhetoric of change, new party/policy directions, etc.


Of course, the PPP/C do have members from that era, but important to mote is that most current members are much younger that those in the PNC.


While all political organizations do indeed have issues to resolve, PPP/C is in the best position to win an election under free and fair conditions -- whether by proportional representation or should a change be made to the first-pass-the-post system.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Your fantasy takes over your brains, not that you have any, but if it pleases you, you can fantasize  as long and as much as you want, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

Go suck Kwambe dick you shit head.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am curious why Ralph thinks the Indian middle class might migrate to APNU instead of AFC. Is that how bad the AFC?

I heard the same thing. However, some of these people are still hesitant to give APNU their vote. They said that they might still support the PPP if they see some change. 

Again you are hallucinating, it is like seeing a mirage front of you, one time it is there and the next it has you guessing.  

Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent! What you lack in intelligence, you make up for more in stupidity.


Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Your fantasy takes over your brains, not that you have any, but if it pleases you, you can fantasize  as long and as much as you want, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

Go suck Kwambe dick you shit head.

You were in Ramotar's office. Did you meet Kwame?
You depend on Kwame to deflect your lack of any intelligence. You only learn from pictures that is why you cannot write a proper sentence.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Your fantasy takes over your brains, not that you have any, but if it pleases you, you can fantasize  as long and as much as you want, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

Go suck Kwambe dick you shit head.

You were in Ramotar's office. Did you meet Kwame?
You depend on Kwame to deflect your lack of any intelligence. You only learn from pictures that is why you cannot write a proper sentence.


Dickhead, only a dummy like you, will need a Ph.D. to come up with something as meaningless as you normally do.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Your fantasy takes over your brains, not that you have any, but if it pleases you, you can fantasize  as long and as much as you want, calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people.

Go suck Kwambe dick you shit head.

You were in Ramotar's office. Did you meet Kwame?
You depend on Kwame to deflect your lack of any intelligence. You only learn from pictures that is why you cannot write a proper sentence.


Dickhead, only a dummy like you, will need a Ph.D. to come up with something as meaningless as you normally do.



Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Skelly you are just a skonthole that sucks dick, the other day, you were too dumb and stupid to understand what I was telling you in hindi. You jumb up like a monkey but had to come down quietly when I had to give you a lesson or two.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Skelly you are just a skonthole that sucks dick, the other day, you were too dumb and stupid to understand what I was telling you in hindi. You jumb up like a monkey but had to come down quietly when I had to give you a lesson or two.

Shows your level of maturity. We do write english on this board and it's obvious you cannot write english either.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Skelly you are just a skonthole that sucks dick, the other day, you were too dumb and stupid to understand what I was telling you in hindi. You jumb up like a monkey but had to come down quietly when I had to give you a lesson or two.

Shows your level of maturity. We do write english on this board and it's obvious you cannot write english either.

You were an ass whole then as you are an ass whole now, so quit the bull shit.

Keep on sucking Kwambe.

Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Skelly you are just a skonthole that sucks dick, the other day, you were too dumb and stupid to understand what I was telling you in hindi. You jumb up like a monkey but had to come down quietly when I had to give you a lesson or two.

Shows your level of maturity. We do write english on this board and it's obvious you cannot write english either.

You were an ass whole then as you are an ass whole now, so quit the bull shit.

Keep on sucking Kwambe.

What's Ramotar's shoe size?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

I do not agree with Ramkarran, but it is good to make the Corrupt PPP/C sweat it out.

You ah taak sheer skoant. No wanda Ramotar run you skoant out ah ee affice. He shuud ah tek he foot an kick you ass out.

Like you were in the office?

Kshan etc.,

The man admitted a meeting wirh Ramotar. He also admitted that it was not a friendly encounter.

Skelly you are just a skonthole that sucks dick, the other day, you were too dumb and stupid to understand what I was telling you in hindi. You jumb up like a monkey but had to come down quietly when I had to give you a lesson or two.

Shows your level of maturity. We do write english on this board and it's obvious you cannot write english either.

You were an ass whole then as you are an ass whole now, so quit the bull shit.

Keep on sucking Kwambe.

What's Ramotar's shoe size?

What is Kwambe Dick size? fits so comfortable in your stink mouth


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