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To date, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has NOT declared elections results. The process is far from over. There are three additional stages to be undertaken, in addition to an investigation into fraudulent ballots.

Just like they did immediately after the elections, the PPP and their allies in their ethnic media are claiming victory. No elections results have been announced by GECOM. Please stop with the pandering.

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This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results having yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Rochelle posted:

This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results have yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 

Oh laard. Dem shame suh till. Count those boxes how much you want it’s the same results you will get. Congratulations to President elect, Irfaan Ali.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
@Rochelle posted:

This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results have yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 

Ask PNC when deh gon release their SOPs!

Guh mek lil cook up. 

@Rochelle posted:

This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results having yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 


Yuh fugget dem!

@Rochelle posted:

This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results having yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 

Do you have short memory, remember Granger and Harmon were celebrating with the PNC crowd in Linden before the official declaration. The NUMBERS speaks loud and clear ,the PPP WON!

Look suh, go mek the Cook up rice for the celebration.  All the delay is Drama.

@Rochelle posted:

To date, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has NOT declared elections results. The process is far from over. There are three additional stages to be undertaken, in addition to an investigation into fraudulent ballots.

Just like they did immediately after the elections, the PPP and their allies in their ethnic media are claiming victory. No elections results have been announced by GECOM. Please stop with the pandering.

It is true that  Gecon is yet to make a final declaration, and yes, PPP supporters are in a euphoric mood with the belief that their party won. Do u believe that once Gecom give the final word that it may change and favor the APNU instead? 

@Rochelle posted:

To date, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has NOT declared elections results. The process is far from over. There are three additional stages to be undertaken, in addition to an investigation into fraudulent ballots.

Just like they did immediately after the elections, the PPP and their allies in their ethnic media are claiming victory. No elections results have been announced by GECOM. Please stop with the pandering.

We all know the the PPP  won the 2020 March 02 Elections.  Granger knows that. What do you think that by delaying the announcement would change. The PPP is not defeated and cannot be cheated. Yet the antiPPP on this GNI is hoping for a miracle.  The election have been finished on March 02, and the Parties received the results which clearly shows that the PPP won.   So why the delay.   GECOM cannot investigate themselves. They tried to rig the elections and were caught red handed. 

Guyanese would never learn.

@Former Member posted:

Bai Sheik, you wutliss like rass.

No. Poster Rochelle appears to have an issue with PPP supporters celebrating prematurely without an official result from Gecom. Poster Rochelle seems to forget that when the first count was in its final stage, APNU supporters were dancing in the streets beating the bongo drums, ketching fits and were ready to swear in Granger even tho the counting of the ballots were not complete.
I don't see Jagdeo herding his prize bull to the high court.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

@Rochelle posted:

This goes for all the below members who contribute to the pandering despite the UNOFFICIAL results having yet to be verified and declared by GECOM:

@Former Member @Former Member @Nehru @Former Member @Ramakant-P @Former Member @Former Member @Former Member @Abu Jihad @seignet @Bibi Haniffa @sachin_05

Please feel free to add others that I have missed. 

- PSA from APNU+AFC Management 

Please don't promote a recount of the recount. You people are good at fooling yourselves and ignore reality.


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