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No guarantee” PPP will regain power; better to fight for constitutional reform, executive power sharing- Bisram

granger parl

FLASH BACK: Thousands of APNU+AFC supporters thronged Parliament Building to hear and see David Granger being sworn in as President of Guyana following the May 11, 2015.

A New York-based  Guyanese teacher and political commentator, who has constantly predicted a People’s Progressive Party (PPP) victory, on Saturday said the incumbent David Granger-led coalition would be in power for the foreseeable future.

“There is no guarantee they would return to government. It is my analysis that those in government would remain in office for decades to come,” Bisram was quoted as saying in a letter in the privately-owned Stabroek News newspaper. Minister of State, Joseph Harmon earlier this week expressed confidence that the APNU+AFC coalition would be in power well beyond 2020. “Based on how we see things and the way in which the population is now responding, we will be here beyond 2020,” said Harmon, regarded in some quarters as Guyana’s de facto Prime Minister.

Against that background, Bisram called on the PPP to launch a campaign for the scrapping of the 1980 Constitution- which was promulgated out of a rigged referendum and revised in 2000- and pass one that provides for limited presidential powers and power sharing.

“They should therefore oppose the constitution and call for its immediate replacement with a constitution that restricts powers of the executive and that share the government with all elected parties in proportion to the percentage of votes obtained in a free and fair election,” Bisram said.

It is unclear whether his forecast about the PPP remaining out of office for several years to come was linked to the polls that he said he has been conducting over the years or other reasons.

If the opinion poll he says he conducted is anything to go by, then Bisram might be suggesting that the People’s National Congress Reform-dominated government would rig the next elections. That poll, he said, finds that 63% feel the next general election will be rigged to keep the incumbent in office.

Bisram’s says his poll shows the the PPP winning the 2020 general elections if it is free and fair. “The latest poll finds that if a free and fair election were to be held now and Jagdeo decides to contest, he will win the Presidency with majority support defeating the incumbent David Granger as the candidate of the APNU+AFC combine,”  Bisram said earlier this month.  If the general elections are free and fair, he said the poll shows that 53% of the PPP will win, 40% said the coalition and the others are unsure.

Bisram  also used the opportunity to state that PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, his executive committee members Anil Nandlall and Frank Anthony, among others, knew nothing about the struggle against the 1980 Guyana Constitution in the 1970s when PPP activists were “physically abused at rallies and protests.”

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Headquarers- Freedom House.

“Those who enjoyed exercising

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This is my view long before this, and I am reiteratng my position that the PPP will have to do one or two of the above, or decide to share power with APNU. There is no shame what the AFC had done, If you care about the people of Guyana. Swallow your pride and break away from the pro-Indian party. This will give the country a chance to unite itself.

Last edited by Former Member

I realize we have some traitors coming back to the PPP during the burial procession. But, the people of Guyana cannot wait another 20 years for the PPP to come back as a racist party. Them old heads are obsolete in today's politics.

Cobra posted:

This is my view long before this, and I am reiteratng my position that the PPP will have to do one or two of the above, or decide to share power with APNU. There is no shame what the AFC had done, If you care about the people of Guyana. Swallow your pride and break away from the pro-Indian party. This will give the country a chance to unite itself.

A minute late and a dalla shart. The PPP indicated no interest in any of this during their 23 years, why now you resurrect jagan’s mantra?  The PPP had much more cards pre-1992 than they will have going forward. Why would the PNC care?  With oil on the horizon, the PNC could care less. 

The PPP made zilch overtures to the PNC, so they (PNC) feel no moral obligation to reciprocate.  BJ gon grow old and frustrated as opposition.  But you never know in politics. Maybe the only hope is through Nagamootoo and with those PPP outside the BJ cabal!

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

No guarantee” PPP will regain power; better to fight for constitutional reform, executive power sharing- Bisram

granger parl


Bisram’s says his poll shows the the PPP winning the 2020 general elections if it is free and fair. “The latest poll finds that if a free and fair election were to be held now and Jagdeo decides to contest, he will win the Presidency with majority support defeating the incumbent David Granger as the candidate of the APNU+AFC combine,”  Bisram said earlier this month.  If the general elections are free and fair, he said the poll shows that 53% of the PPP will win, 40% said the coalition and the others are unsure.

Bisram  also used the opportunity to state that PPP General Secretary, Bharrat Jagdeo, his executive committee members Anil Nandlall and Frank Anthony, among others, knew nothing about the struggle against the 1980 Guyana Constitution in the 1970s when PPP activists were “physically abused at rallies and protests.”

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Headquarers- Freedom House.

“Those who enjoyed exercising

I would not hang my hat on the disappointment expressed in these polling.  Clearly the PNC has disappointed some, and they will register it at these polls.  Voting time is different.

The PNC is aware of public sentiment and will likely take action in the run up to 2020. I have close contacts with the PNC leadership and they don’t want to do things too early as people’s memory are short. They want to wait for the run up to the election!  Don’t think the PNC are naive, they are shrewd and have a balance of tactics and strategy!


The only workable solution is the creation of an independent sovereign country for East Indians of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.

Prashad posted:

The only workable solution is the creation of an independent sovereign country for East Indians of Guyana, Douglas who love their East Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.

Bai Peash, there is nothing workable about your suggested solution. Yuh suggested solution will look like the West Bank and Gaza. 

Cobra posted:

This is my view long before this, and I am reiteratng my position that the PPP will have to do one or two of the above, or decide to share power with APNU. There is no shame what the AFC had done, If you care about the people of Guyana. Swallow your pride and break away from the pro-Indian party. This will give the country a chance to unite itself.

The APNU will treat the PPP with similar contempt (all because of Shahabuddeen) because they neglected to rip up that horrible document that allowed guyana to be governed by elected ethnic actualized dictators. The APNU already plan b our elections by implanting a man who will do his best to suppress indian vote.  Just as the PPP were intoxicated with the excesses of power afforded them by our constitution so is the APNU. It is the reason they will not concede to any form of power sharing. Guyana is doomed to cycles of despotic rule all because of Shahabuddeen's constitution.


All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Ow budday dem PNC bais like mcAllister, Lowe, Corbin, Alexander and more of dem was ready to vote foh change am to share powah. What PPP do when dem was willing? Is when PPP seh NO the war bruk out until Rajah Khan get involve. 

Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Ow budday dem PNC bais like mcAllister, Lowe, Corbin, Alexander and more of dem was ready to vote foh change am to share powah. What PPP do when dem was willing? Is when PPP seh NO the war bruk out until Rajah Khan get involve. 

Labba bhai, I don't know how good your memory is or if you take the time to think rationally before giving your take on serious topics of political interests. The PPP government offered to work with the PNC on dealing the ethnic problems of Guyana. Desmond Hoyte who the leader of the PNC at the offer was made rejected it immediately stating that there was no need for such a body in Guyana.  The PNC never wanted to share governance with the PPP under a fair and equitable arrangement. Their history is one of lies and deceits. LFS Burnham promised that whoever won the 1961 elections will lead the country to independence and he will give his full support.  LFS reneged on this promise. The 1966 court of jurors proposed to diversify the security forces of Guyana. LFS agreed and then reneged again. What makes you think these people were well-meaning that Dr. Jagan could have worked with them?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

No one is speaking of rigging alone. One is speaking of the framework of our primary social contract that allows for dictatorial power. Granger selected the GECOM head because he has no checks to his authority.

How do you know one does not take a breather from this site? I hardly generated a 100 posts this past year but that is irrelevant to what I stated above.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Ow budday dem PNC bais like mcAllister, Lowe, Corbin, Alexander and more of dem was ready to vote foh change am to share powah. What PPP do when dem was willing? Is when PPP seh NO the war bruk out until Rajah Khan get involve. 

Labba bhai, I don't know how good your memory is or if you take the time to think rationally before giving your take on serious topics of political interests. The PPP government offered to work with the PNC on dealing the ethnic problems of Guyana. Desmond Hoyte who the leader of the PNC at the offer was made rejected it immediately stating that there was no need for such a body in Guyana.  The PNC never wanted to share governance with the PPP under a fair and equitable arrangement. Their history is one of lies and deceits. LFS Burnham promised that whoever won the 1961 elections will lead the country to independence and he will give his full support.  LFS reneged on this promise. The 1966 court of jurors proposed to diversify the security forces of Guyana. LFS agreed and then reneged again. What makes you think these people were well-meaning that Dr. Jagan could have worked with them?

Bhai me never hear PPP seh that publicly. 


Shahabuddeen's constitution is one thing. Maybe at the time he was playing up to Forbes Islamic ovetures to the Middle-East. It is a well know fact that men of such religious persuasion do not consider infidels in their desire to honour their beliefs. At that period in the Middle-East, DICTATORS were abound. Shahabuddeen gave Forbes a constitution that is equal in terror as the Middle-East dictators. 

Strangely, Guyana is a democracy but yet the leaders of the country lack the initiatives to see good by being good in values. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Ow budday dem PNC bais like mcAllister, Lowe, Corbin, Alexander and more of dem was ready to vote foh change am to share powah. What PPP do when dem was willing? Is when PPP seh NO the war bruk out until Rajah Khan get involve. 

Labba bhai, I don't know how good your memory is or if you take the time to think rationally before giving your take on serious topics of political interests. The PPP government offered to work with the PNC on dealing the ethnic problems of Guyana. Desmond Hoyte who the leader of the PNC at the offer was made rejected it immediately stating that there was no need for such a body in Guyana.  The PNC never wanted to share governance with the PPP under a fair and equitable arrangement. Their history is one of lies and deceits. LFS Burnham promised that whoever won the 1961 elections will lead the country to independence and he will give his full support.  LFS reneged on this promise. The 1966 court of jurors proposed to diversify the security forces of Guyana. LFS agreed and then reneged again. What makes you think these people were well-meaning that Dr. Jagan could have worked with them?

The PPP said this constitution was a fraud. They boycotted the 78 referendum where rigging allowed this dictatorial document to be foisted on the Guyanese people. They said they cannot accept it as legitimate.

As leaders of the guyanese people for 23 years they did remedial patchwork on this document as it suited them and not not once did they revert to their past position of insisting that this document was a  fraud should get its necessary do over.

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

All of you talking crap! How can a proper constitution prevent rigging when rigging was done way before the Shaha constitution was drafted?  How can you fight for constitutional reforms when  the PNC will guarantee that you have a minority in the parliament? It takes 2/3 votes in the parliament to amend the constitution. Have you questioned whether the international community will ignore dictatorship in the Guyana as they did during the cold war years?  The cold war ended with the collapse of many dictatorships including apartheid. What is there that PNC safeguards that would force the Western world to support dictatorship in Guyana again? 

You people ought to take a break from GNI and breathe some fresh air into your craniums so that your oxygen-starved brained can fire up and allow you to the see things for what they are.

Ow budday dem PNC bais like mcAllister, Lowe, Corbin, Alexander and more of dem was ready to vote foh change am to share powah. What PPP do when dem was willing? Is when PPP seh NO the war bruk out until Rajah Khan get involve. 

Labba bhai, I don't know how good your memory is or if you take the time to think rationally before giving your take on serious topics of political interests. The PPP government offered to work with the PNC on dealing the ethnic problems of Guyana. Desmond Hoyte who the leader of the PNC at the offer was made rejected it immediately stating that there was no need for such a body in Guyana.  The PNC never wanted to share governance with the PPP under a fair and equitable arrangement. Their history is one of lies and deceits. LFS Burnham promised that whoever won the 1961 elections will lead the country to independence and he will give his full support.  LFS reneged on this promise. The 1966 court of jurors proposed to diversify the security forces of Guyana. LFS agreed and then reneged again. What makes you think these people were well-meaning that Dr. Jagan could have worked with them?

The PPP said this constitution was a fraud. They boycotted the 78 referendum where rigging allowed this dictatorial document to be foisted on the Guyanese people. They said they cannot accept it as legitimate.

As leaders of the guyanese people for 23 years they did remedial patchwork on this document as it suited them and not not once did they revert to their past position of insisting that this document was a  fraud should get its necessary do over.

Don't you think the people of Guyana should put pressure on the ruling coalition to reform the constitution? Isn't constitutional reforms the business of every Guyanese?  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Don't you think the people of Guyana should put pressure on the ruling coalition to reform the constitution? Isn't constitutional reforms the business of every Guyanese?  

I hope the people will pressure the government but it is clear they presently exist as loyal sheep to their party because of ethnicity rather than good sense. I do not depend on what I think the people should do to speak my piece. I do it as an autonomous individual thinking for myself with love of country and justice my only motivation.


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