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Prince posted:

Why the PPP is NOT on the forefront of the news as I would expect from a party that is hoping to take control of Guyana in four months? 

Why we focus all out attention on APNU/AFC? Meh Mumma seh its easy to talk bad about your neighbor's house, but you can't speak one good about your own. How many of you were brought up with mommy's wisdom?

Why worry about the PPP? You are a PNC supporter and you should be posting glowing reviews and articles of the PNC. You, Mumma should have hit you on the head a couple more times so you would not mind other people's business.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

I was told the truth hurts and my opponents would become defensive to throw anything at you, but reluctant to address the issues. 

Don't worry. Your opponents are not defensive; they are just smarter than you.

Your issues are just idle prattling.

... prattling with loud flatulence here, there and everywhere.

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

I was told the truth hurts and my opponents would become defensive to throw anything at you, but reluctant to address the issues. 

Izz wuh yuh want we seh?

Ray said if he could vote he would not vote for the PPP.  If you support the PPP, what would you advise the unconvinced voters about the PPP? You would want to help, don't you?

Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

I was told the truth hurts and my opponents would become defensive to throw anything at you, but reluctant to address the issues. 

Izz wuh yuh want we seh?

Ray said if he could vote he would not vote for the PPP.  If you support the PPP, what would you advise the unconvinced voters about the PPP? You would want to help, don't you?

If anyone says “never”, don’t waste time, effort or money.  Do what Trump did, dem nevva nevva states NY  Ca, etc he leff dem to do their thing and focused on the maybe’s.  And the rest is history!

Reasonable people never say never.  No one side is ever everything or nothing.  Prudent people listen to both sides, do a SWOT and arrive at a grounded decision!

Baseman is 60/40, sometimes closer to 50/50. It’s only one thing about the PNC which irks me and that is exactly what they are doing now.  And this is due to their institutional power which they exploit for political purposes!

Ray posted:

PPP=Dead Party

I don't think the PPP supporters will believe that even if they see the PPP in a coffin. But to be fair, these PPP supporters do more harm than good to the party. They never question anything wrong about the party or care to be informed or chose to shape the party to serve the general good of the nation. We deh pun tap is all I I'm hearing. How do you think that will convinced the swing voters?

Prince posted:
Ray posted:

PPP=Dead Party

I don't think the PPP supporters will believe that even if they see the PPP in a coffin. But to be fair, these PPP supporters do more harm than good to the party.

They never question anything wrong about the party or care to be informed or chose to shape the party to serve the general good of the nation.

We deh pun tap is all I I'm hearing. How do you think that will convinced the swing voters?

Most don't know what ideology the party is founded on , all they are concerned with East Indian should be in power. The ones who may not support the ideology are supporting blindly.

Damn i was one at one time until find out for my self ,no more a blind follower.

The new Dr. in the house said he was nominated by a Democratic process , what is Democratic ? a system based on Communist ideals.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Prince posted:
Ray posted:

PPP=Dead Party

I don't think the PPP supporters will believe that even if they see the PPP in a coffin. But to be fair, these PPP supporters do more harm than good to the party.

They never question anything wrong about the party or care to be informed or chose to shape the party to serve the general good of the nation.

We deh pun tap is all I I'm hearing. How do you think that will convinced the swing voters?

Most don't know what ideology the party is founded on , all they are concerned with East Indian should be in power. The ones who may not support the ideology are supporting blindly.

Damn i was one at one time until find out for my self ,no more a blind follower.

The new Dr. in the house said he was nominated by a Democratic process , what is Democratic ? a system based on Communist ideals.

It is unfortunate that these so-called PPP supporters are making a national party into a Mickey mouse party. 

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

I was told the truth hurts and my opponents would become defensive to throw anything at you, but reluctant to address the issues. 

Izz wuh yuh want we seh?

Ray said if he could vote he would not vote for the PPP.  If you support the PPP, what would you advise the unconvinced voters about the PPP? You would want to help, don't you?

If anyone says “never”, don’t waste time, effort or money.  Do what Trump did, dem nevva nevva states NY  Ca, etc he leff dem to do their thing and focused on the maybe’s.  And the rest is history!

Reasonable people never say never.  No one side is ever everything or nothing.  Prudent people listen to both sides, do a SWOT and arrive at a grounded decision!

Baseman is 60/40, sometimes closer to 50/50. It’s only one thing about the PNC which irks me and that is exactly what they are doing now.  And this is due to their institutional power which they exploit for political purposes!

An ounce of substance is better than a barrel of peanuts. Come on Baseman, I expect better than that. Lol

Prince posted:
Ray posted:

PPP=Dead Party

I don't think the PPP supporters will believe that even if they see the PPP in a coffin. But to be fair, these PPP supporters do more harm than good to the party. They never question anything wrong about the party or care to be informed or chose to shape the party to serve the general good of the nation. We deh pun tap is all I I'm hearing. How do you think that will convinced the swing voters?

You do really have your head way up in your kakahole to write this shit. You believe you are a political analyst. You might an analyst but it's two words: anal and yst. the 's' should be substituted for an 'e'. So to make it simple you are anal yes.

cain posted:
Nehru posted:
Ray posted:

I have had dealings with PPP and PNC people. I find PPP supporters are more racist than PNC supporters

Stop hanging with illiterates , unless you are with you type

ie: He reading too many of your posts



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