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No leniency for corrupt officials says Ramjattan

March 2, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 




In recognition of the fact that the Office of the Auditor General has yet again identified a gamut of financial discrepancies and instances of unaccountability that contravene financial management practices, the Alliance for Change (AFC) is urging its colleagues in Parliament to seize the opportunity to advance good governance and stamp out corruption.
According to the party’s Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan, in its analysis of the AG’s Report, the AFC has observed that the revelations are not dissimilar from many previous Reports. “…even though these infractions continue to be identified, many government ministries and agencies fail to take corrective measures. It seems that these ministries and agencies have no regard for the Auditor General’s recommendations and are determined, year after year, to continue with their bad practices,” Ramjattan noted. This development, he noted, is not only an insult to the work of the Auditor General’s Office but also contemptuous of taxpayers, whose money it is, that is not being properly accounted for and therefore it must not be allowed to continue.
The AFC has already indicated its zero tolerance on corruption and now reiterates its position, Ramjattan said, even as he asserted that the party is not prepared to be lenient with those who practice corruption. “Let this be a message to those corrupt officials who continue to engage in shady transactions and who fail to enact proper accounting measures, the AFC will not be lenient with you. The people of this country are expecting their leaders in the Parliament to tackle corruption head-on by providing iron-clad legislation and using its power to call officials to account and more!” As a result, Ramjattan noted that the National Assembly, and moreso the Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly, have critical roles to play in ensuring taxpayers money is not siphoned off into deep pockets.
He further pointed out that the people, through their votes, have given the National Assembly the strength it needs to fight financial corruption and the Tenth Parliament would be failing in its duty to the people if it allows the discrepancies identified by the Auditor General to go uncorrected.  He added that the AFC sees it as the Party’s solemn duty to the people to act against corrupt officials, stressing that such actions are in fact the duty of all the members of the National Assembly. “If new conventions have to be written and new precedents set, then so be it. The people voted for a new dispensation, one that gives them confidence in the system. The people are the masters, MPs the servants. As servants of the people we must deliver what our masters have mandated us to do.”

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For the police force to restore its good image and public trust, corrupt ranks need to be rooted out, President Donald Ramotar said yesterday, while also urging more quality investigations to reduce failed prosecutions.

“Corruption must be dealt with condignly. You cannot deny that there are a few members of the force who have been tarnishing the good image of the organisation by their involvement in corrupt activities. All forms of corruption in the force must be rooted out,” Ramotar said, during the feature address at the opening Leroy Brumellof the Annual Police Officers’ Conference at Eve Leary. He called on all those gathered to work towards the organisation becoming “an example of cleanliness and transparency.”

President Donald Ramotar addressing the police conference yesterday (GINA photo)

“The police force is just a part of the overall system of justice in Guyana and we must be assured that there are improvements in other areas of the justice administration,” he, however, added, while noting that he had seen some appalling figures on the conclusion of court cases. This situation, he said, needs to be addressed and ways need to be found where the judiciary can complement the police force in the crime fight.

Leroy Brumell

Ramotar further said that police investigations must be thorough and charges must be laid on justifiable grounds, noting that too many cases are thrown out of court and too many criminals walk free “because very often the police does not prepare the case in a proper way.”

Ramotar, in his inaugural address to the Guyana Police Force since assuming the presidency, also touched on his government’s efforts so far to improve the force and future plans but opposition leader David Granger later poured cold water on the presentation, saying it was merely a ‘pep’ talk and failed to address critical issues.



Excerpts from the Stabroeknews


What did Donald do to George Vyphius who, in full view, saw a policeman beat up a civlian for no reason at all. This man happened to be a Journalist. The Police then took him to the Police Station and said that the civilian assaulted the Police. How many tmes have we not heard about these kinds of things happening? When the Police need spare money, they go out on the road, stop cars, make up phony traffic violations and take bribe money, and tell the drivers to have a nice day.  What has the Gov't done? You guess.. Zilch.


There is reason to believe the G.P.F have shortcoming....and rooms for improvement...he President said "the Force should have ”no sacred cows”, and that the law should take its course against transgressors.
President Ramotar made the remarks, while delivering the feature address at the Police Officers’ Mess Annexe, Eve Leary, during the opening of the Annual Police Officers’ Annual Conference."....those  deficiencies are expected to be discontinued


Donald should not only talk the talk but walk the talk. By tomorrow, Donald will forget what he said and the GPF will carry on like before. Mark my words, nothing will change. The PPP government loves to make speeches, but when s*it hits the fan, they become speechless.


That bai is a thief himself, what you people think he was doing all them years when he was in the fold of the PPP and had all kinds of top positions? The man's law practice is ripoff of the poor and down trodden as he holds them ransom when they have legal difficulties. 


These attacks on Ramjattan are most shameful and uncalled for.  Ramjattan was leading the fight against corruption from within, and was outspoken on so many other issues.  This is why Bharrat was so eager to expel him, and did so when the first opportunity arose.


To want to hold Ramjattan accountable for the ills of the PPP when he was but one in the Central Committee, and the only one speaking out to boot, is simply hateful and dishonest.


Don't mek joke hey bai. Dat bai rumjuttan is a first rate crook, he has a laundry list of questionable clients who include smugglers and drug lords. He claims that it is his right to defend these shady characters due to him being a lawyer.  He does demand top off from clients before concluding their cases even though he already collect fees in full. He is a crook. He introduced Ramotar to Ed Ahmad. 


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