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No more importation of sweet peppers, as farmers up production



Within the last year, the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) has not issued any import permit for sweet peppers. That’s because the Institute has successfully encouraged farmers through the transfer of relevant technologies to produce the high valued crop locally.
Dr. Oudho Homenauth, Chief Executive Officer of NAREI emphasized farmers’ growing confidence in producing the crop.
He said that during the second quarter of 2017, some 266.7 acreages were prepared for sweet peppers. This figure has increased to 346.65 acreages for the period in 2018.
“Previously, millions of dollars were spent on importing this crop…This has since changed with our local farmers benefiting financially…We produce sweet peppers in all the colours (red, yellow, purple) that people talk about…I know there may be some persons who believe that sweet peppers may be imported owing to the quality but that is definitely not the case.” Dr. Homenauth said.
Guyana being self-sufficient in the production of sweet peppers was made possible through years of research and careful transfer of technologies to the farming community. Even with successful in-house and on-farm trials with varieties such as Marconi, Goliath and the King Arthur, the Institute is still examining ways to improve production. In fact, the Institute is currently conducting a research to determine nutrient mixtures to increase yield.
According to Rameshwer Ragunauth, Research Assistant, the Fruits, Vegetables and Other Crops/ Seed Technology Department commenced a project aimed at reducing inorganic nutrients for the crop whilst increasing production. The project examined growing the Aristotle variety of the Bell Sweet Pepper using four mixtures: vermin compost and chicken manure (organic); NPK fertilizer (1217:2) (inorganic); chicken manure and NPK fertilizer (Organic and inorganic); and vermin-compost + NPK fertilizer (Organic + inorganic).
“The project started in April and by May, the crop started bearing…It was found that the vermin compost and NPK fertilizer mixture produces about four pounds of peppers per plant…That is the highest among the others…We are currently harvesting once weekly,” Ragunauth said.
The adaption of the technologies by farmers is used to measure the success of the studies done by the Institute.
“In fact, for the past two to three years we have been transferring technologies using demonstration farms…For example, we have had shade house construction, highlighting the value of this technology…And, sweet pepper is one of those crops that grow well under shaded conditions,” Dr. Homenauth emphasized.
Of the 80 demonstrations farms earmarked for this year, the Den Amstel Fellowship Progressive Group benefited. Thanks to NAREI, the group secured shade plastic free of cost to construct the 25ft x 18ft shade house. Additionally, planting materials were provided for them to grow Bell Sweet Peppers.
President of the group, Lloyd Harvey, said the body comprising 25 members, was established based on advice offered by NAREI. This has proven helpful since the group constantly receives technical support from Extension Officers.
“We knew that we have good soil and so we wanted to plant crops that are high value…We are thankful that NAREI chose us for a demonstration farm…For the past four and half months, we have been harvesting from the shade house…The group is now encouraged to build a nursery having seen the success of this project,” Harvey said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I grow four trees in containers and I reaped enough to last me for a year plus I have given away so much to family, neighbors and close friends. 

Add  tums to the soil to prevent  black spots and rotting at the heads; Same for roma tomatoes.

kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Lil got a green thumb.Wonders never cease.

He forget to mention that he does dig he Bambsy and rub the pepper to kill bugs.

Hope you realize you are speaking to 99% Jackass and 1% man. 

Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Lil got a green thumb.Wonders never cease.

He forget to mention that he does dig he Bambsy and rub the pepper to kill bugs.

Hope you realize you are speaking to 99% Jackass and 1% man. 

Since Spring, every vegetable mentioned you plant, you must be a farmer, hope you are not a Ganja Farmer and Cain is the Sadar.

kp posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:
Drugb posted:

Lil got a green thumb.Wonders never cease.

He forget to mention that he does dig he Bambsy and rub the pepper to kill bugs.

Hope you realize you are speaking to 99% Jackass and 1% man. 

Since Spring, every vegetable mentioned you plant, you must be a farmer, hope you are not a Ganja Farmer and Cain is the Sadar.

Oct 17th bhaiji is fast approaching.  


This is great.  We allowed the importation of cheap food driving our own farmers into poverty.   

The pnc should not revert to wholesale banning of key foods but apply duties where there are local alternatives.  They should target all that cheap potatoes 🥔 being dumped into Guyana.  Ring fence the money collected and subsidies local farmers.   Trump is doing it here.  


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